Food for Thought Friday

Food has never stuffed my mind this much. My mantra has always been, “Eat to live, not live to eat.” An early diagnosis of IBS-C, pre-diabetes, and diabetes made me conscientious of my food choices. With time, I created a healthy and balanced diet (with a few fries now and then). A salad and an apple a day would keep the doctor away, or so I thought. Exercise and daily movement provided motivation for a once-a-week sweet treat! I’ve always known the power of food choices. “We are what we eat” like “We are what we think”. The healthier the better. Nothing explained the pain though. Assuming the “culprits” wreaking havoc on my well-being were mutations, blood issues, and past injuries, primary doctors monitored me with blood tests and clinic visits. Little did we know of a rare cancer. After years of perfecting my eating habits, my digestion despises some of my diet decisions.

It’s a whole new way of eating. It’s a whole new life.

It’s a lot to digest.

Neuroendocrine cancer is diagnosed in 7 out of 100,000 individuals (LACNETS, 2024). It’s rare and can occur anywhere you have endocrine glands. Typically misdiagnosed, it can go undetected for YEARS. 🦓

The massive tumors that caused pain and wreaked havoc on my systems are out for the time being (bones, be nice, I need you!). What can and will I digest now? If you battle any disease or cancer of the “gut” you’re probably nodding your head right now (I’m sorry if you suffer from cancer, Crohn’s,’ IBS, Celiac, fatty liver, gallbladder issues, etc…).

Rather than eating a huge plate of information at a time, I’m taking small bites. It’s better for my digestion. ALL of this is hard to stomach.

Photo by Pixabay on

My plate is full.

In the last two weeks, I’ve devoted many hours to researching and learning about nutrition and the NET diet. It’s a good thing I love learning! Just as we’re all zebras, so are our diets and “trigger” foods. All of our calorie needs are different based on the stages of our lives (treatment times, post-surgery, exercise, illness, etc…).Dietician Sina Teskey, M.S., R.D., C.D., shared with our LACNETS group on Wednesday, “Before worrying about what we shouldn’t eat, worry about what we SHOULD eat.” Dairy and meat should only be one-third of my plate (a SMALL plate). “Think of a plate from 1980, not today’s huge plate,” Sina said. We all need several servings of fruits and vegetables per day. My small meal plate (or full small bowl) now includes fiber, protein, greens, and whole grains. For years meat was part of my diet. Several years ago I began meatless days. Since my surgery, I’ve eaten grass-fed beef a handful of times. My protein source is mainly plant-based. My go-to sources include chicken, seafood, Greek yogurt, smoothies, and homemade protein shakes (which are ridiculously priced like most groceries if bought). There is no magic diet that fits everyone. I’m adding foods a few at a time to discover what is digestible and good for me. As my dietician Lydia said yesterday, “The foods that fuel what I love to do.”

Energy bites- Pic by K.L. Hale

“Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is.” – Irish Proverb

Can I avoid processed foods? Let me process that. When I’m receiving treatments, I’m going to need calories—and sometimes pronto! I’ll not open up a new can writing about the COSTS of food; particularly the healthy choices. But for many who can’t grow their own, or afford to buy healthy foods, processed foods are quick and easy. Sometimes we have to pick the best of the worst if calories are needed. I’m trying to be SMART. Why can’t I eat nuts now? Which bread should I buy? Should I EVEN eat bread? How many pancreatic enzymes do I take with each meal? Sugar? What a sweet topic! Of course, the more natural, the better, BUT like it was shared, “If you’re at a party and there’s cake…well, eat the cake if you want!” Don’t deprive yourself of life, but don’t be a glutton. Isn’t it all a balance? It’s a lot to digest.

Sometimes you can do everything right and still get cancer.

From the outside, with my rooted hair, makeup, and a smile, I’m a picture of health. Today has been challenging (a trip to the store to buy needed items that were out of stock, a virus, fatigue, mouth and throat sores) YET, kindness was kindled in a line at the store. The heat from combustible compassion around me gave me hope. The clouds in my mind lifted as I drove home exhausted and desiring to sit and finish this piece.

Does anyone else spend most of their day in their kitchen, deciding what to eat and when, preparing, cleaning, or even worse, in their bathroom most of the day? Do you pray that ANY event is scheduled during your “good” hours (no stomach issues, belly isn’t aching, no pain, no fatigue)? Do you avoid social gatherings due to illness? Or possible pain episodes? How’s your digestion?

I’ll keep digesting decisions with discernment and due diligence, chewing change carefully, and swallowing sweetness that won’t make me sweaty and swollen!

It’s a lot to digest. So, if I feast, it’ll be on faith.💚

A huge THANK YOU to the LACNETS organization for their podcast and special ZOOM session with Dietician Sina Teskey, M.S., R.D., C.D.,. To my dietician, Lydia Martinez (MS, RD, LD), thank you for our amazing visit yesterday. Without the support of my Heavenly Father, family, doctors, friends like you reading this, my support group, and amazing organization, I’d be malnourished!

 We all have a full plate and much to digest! Take small bites of bountiful blessings and avoid choking on the challenges!

Have faith 💚

For your palate pleasure, here are a few recipes I’ve made and digested well! Thank you to LACNETS for the smoothie and energy bite recipe!

Bibliography: LACNETS. (2024, January 25). Newly Diagnosed. Retrieved from LACNETS:

©2020-2024 Flannel with Faith. All rights reserved.

115 thoughts on “Food for Thought Friday

    1. Oh, Rachel, I can imagine. My prayers for you. I appreciate your blessings on this new journey. You understand! I tried to comment on your bathroom remodel this morning. I will try again on my iPad or this phone (oh my). What a beautiful job!

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    1. Thank you, MAK. It’s so good to see you. ♥️I started this writing yesterday. I was determined to get it “out of my mind” this afternoon and I had your cards next to me writing. Some afternoon news, coupled with weather, dampened my spirits and appetite~but I fed my body and spirit with things that are helping. After learning my vitamins were out of stock at the nature store (and the website), I visited with a gal who hikes (her boots gave jt away 🙂 and she had overcome a health scare. We shared of hiking in Colorado (imagine that! She shared of a town named Glenway? I think it was…) and about how health can be managed on the trail. It definitely interferes. Windows of time become smaller~yet, with the right attitude and supplies (yikes!) I hope to navigate it well. I’m sad about things I know realistically I can’t do~especially alone. By the find I got home today, I was glad I didn’t go far. I’m listening. My friend Kim shared a cute pun I meant to include here~”Yesterday I tried to catch some fog. I mist.” It gave me a boost today. I pray you 3 are having the best day ever. Finn and I love you 3. ❤️💚🐾🐾💙 🏔️ 🥾


      1. Glenwood maybe? That’s a great pun! Teddy and I had a nice walk this morning. I’m posting about it tomorrow.

        OH there’s a lady who lives a block away who has a Finn dog. I used to see her a lot when I walked in the hood. Today I saw her. The little guy isn’t walking any more. She still had him out, holding in in her arms. A few years back (2018?) Bear met him. They were incredibly cute together. After I had my surgery and was taking walks with my walker, she and the little dog came out and walked with me once. I was very sorry she was too far away for a chat. 🐾🐩❤️❤️🏔️ 🥾

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      2. Yes! Glenwood! That was it. I told her how I love the small “non-touristy” towns and how I wanted to visit Monte Vista and a lady and her dogs, but it does get crowded during Crane season/festival 🥰🏔️
        Aww, the neighbor and her Finn dog. How precious. Poor guy. You’ll have to take a pic of him for me. I’m so glad you had a walk with them~and wish for more and chats, too.
        Finn and I would love walking with you 3. 🐾💕😭
        There are times Finn gives out and I hold her. If only she could do that for me (I say, “Make a difference , Finn!” and she just cocks her head at me. She is. 🥰).

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      3. Good! ♥️🥰A cousin who had her hip replaced has had difficulties and I always wonder if weather plays a role (like all things) Yes! I won’t worry 🤔🥰♥️ lol (snowshoe, no phone, it’s THAT time of the year….but wait, you don’t have snow). You’re another hero at this table so I’m checking in on everyone before dinner concludes. 🥰💕☺️🥾🏔️🤭🥰💙❤️♥️💕🥾🥾🥾🏔️🏔️🏔️🐕🐩

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      4. It’s psychological, too. When something hurts that bad it’s like your body has a memory of it. It’s pretty weird. A metal hip doesn’t work quite like the factory equipment, but I love both of mine because I can walk. I truly do LOVE them. ❤️

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  1. Ginger Salvatore

    Omigosh! This isn’t food for thought, it’s more like a healthy Thanksgiving dinner! I think it’s wonderful that you are sharing your research with everyone. It allows a lot of people to consider some choices they may not have previously known about…. After, of course, checking with their doctor or dietitian.

    I have Crohn’s disease. I spent most of my life in the bathroom not knowing what was wrong. It wasn’t until 1997 when a doctor sent me for my first colonoscopy and it revealed Crohn’s. I’m also lactose intolerant. In 2020 I was treated to surgery for colon cancer, but not before the tumor burst and invaded places it was never meant to go. Yeah, I was a red hot mess! 🤗Doctors did not expect me to survive. Guess I showed them! Lol!

    So I know how difficult it is to find a suitable diet for what ails you. And it’s more difficult when you have several health issues working against your best efforts. I have a limited choice of food to eat. That’s partly because there are some things I will not eat and an even bigger list of what I call my Roto Rooter Food!

    I am feeling much better today than I did for all those years, and I’m 84 now, so don’t give up your quest for a diet you can tolerate. Slow and easy Karla. You didn’t get to where you are overnight, you won’t get to where you want to be overnight either. It’s a continuing process of elimination…..ummmm, no pun intended! 😳

    But if I know an hour or two in advance that my expiration date has arrived, I swear I’m going to eat a hot dog, French fries and ice cream! And CHOCOLATE!

    Love to you and sweet Miss Finley. You are in my thoughts and prayers always. Bon Apetite!


    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 2 people

      1. Ginger Salvatore

        Thanks Mark. Missing you. I don’t know about healing, but my chocolate covered teeth should cause quite a stir, don’cha think?

        Hope you are feeling fit as a fiddle, but not shaped like one. Enjoy your weekend.


        Sent from my iPad


        Liked by 2 people

      2. Oh Ginger, we miss him don’t we?
        I think chocolate covered teeth are the best. 🤭
        You absolutely have me in stitches~and you should know, this morning I spilled a HOT cup of coffee over my incision and laughing in stitches causes more groaning. But guess what? Every time I groan, I grow stronger I think 🤔. lol 💕
        You bring laughter, love, and wisdom to our gatherings here at my “table” . Love it! Pass the chocolate, Mark. 🍫💕

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      3. Mark! Here here! 🤭💕❤️I KNEW chocolate would get you from the Down Under to us!! All it takes is chocolate 🍫, Ginger. We got him! Dark chocolate especially is healing. ❤️‍🩹 today I bought dark chocolate and raspberry mix~my yummy all time favorite!💕🍫

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      4. Mark, what an excellent article! Thank you! I love how kindness gives those hits of dopamine, exercise and sunlight, and acts of love~and our foods~can help with the 4 happy hormones. I think you’d find research on the cancer I gave very interesting, my friend. It’s hormone based! Many have high serotonin levels. Another indicator is 5HIAA levels. And I’m with you on chocolate on the teeth if you feel good! Tee hee. Love has definitely lifted me and kept me here, too. So I’ll take the happy in huge helpings! ❤️💕♥️🙏🏻

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    1. You showed them all right! And you’re showing all of us!♥️
      Ginger, you already know, but I’m going to say it louder for the people in the back of the room, “You’re our hero!” You’re mine.🙌🏻🙏🏻💕
      I knew you had survived so much~I knew your age~and now I know even more why you have grit, determination, positive attitude, and humor that you do!
      We can “eliminate” the negative! Lol
      I’m so proud of you. Just look at you! Oh, Ginger, I want to make it to 84! But if I don’t, let me tell you, I’ve lived 84 years of life in my life! And I’ll take 30 more if God wills it of course.
      You go ahead and eat that chocolate and ice cream. lol 😂 but don’t tell the dr I said it.
      I’m no Dr or expert, but I know we all have to find our ways to good health!
      Slow and easy…love it. My dietician said to add a food and then wait several days in between before adding another one. Makes perfect sense. I’m finding what “triggers” me. I didn’t think I’d have to worry about blood sugar at all. Then, the treatment, and it went the opposite way. Oy vey!
      Now, here I am, one week out from another one. And I’m not someone who dreads~but I kinda do this. We will try another one that might make it go the other way again. I’m being kept on my toes so I can keep my eyes and head up!
      You understand so well.
      I really don’t mind a simple diet. I don’t mind a limited choice either! Once I know what it is~and I’m getting there. Slow and steady again.

      Ginger, I’m sorry you have to live with Crohn’s and for all the suffering you’ve (and still do) endured!
      When you think it’s time for your hot dog, French fries, and ice cream, I’m going to eat a cheeseburger (or steak), fries, homemade mac and cheese, fried okra, brown beans, dove dark chocolate, and a piece of red velvet cake with you. Oh my. Can we get bathrooms side by side after our dinners? I bet we’d be giggling still…no matter what.
      Golly, we love you so much! We cheer you on like you do for us! Right, Finn? “Woof!” ♥️❤️💕🙏🏻🐾

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      1. Ginger Salvatore

        Karla, you’re cracking me up! If we eat that food we listed, we’ll not only need side by side stalls, we’ll never leave the bathroom! But we will laugh ourselves silly, and therein lies another problem we’ll have! 😂😂😂

        Hope you and sweet Miss Finley have a well-deserved weekend.


        Sent from my iPad


        Liked by 2 people

      2. Right?! 😂
        If I’m gonna be stuck in a bathroom I wanna hear you uh,…giggling….beside me. And I know that God is giggling because Jesus laughs with me all the time ( or at me?).
        Thank you again for always being here. YOU have a well-deserved weekend too dear Ginger. 💕🐾🙏🏻

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  2. Karla, I know about the postponing of activities. My MIL was staying close to the bathroom so wasn’t up for visitors. She had pancreatic cancer and they did a Whipple Procedure – took her pancreas, part of her stomach, about 1/3 of her small intestine, and gall bladder. She can’t have dairy and has to take digestive enzymes. I suspect she ate one of the forbidden temptations (ice cream, cheese, yogurt, and real coffee creamer)! About every 3 months she decides to “just have a little taste” and ends up paying for her decision! We always worry because at 91 she can get quickly dehydrated…. I’m glad your dietary journey is one of adventure and exploration! The Energy Bites sound delicious! Much LOVE to you (and to Finley) 😘💜💚💛

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    1. Oh, Val. Please give your MIL hugs and blessings from me (and my Mom would too). My Dad had a Whipple with his first cancer 8 years ago. What an ordeal. After mine, I have often stared at him, like I always do, and understand where I get my grit. It changes everything. I’m so happy your MIL has you all.
      I’ve never written about this part of my journey (the PERSONAL personal icky bathroom talk) but it’s impacted (no pun intended, but true lol) my life since age 26. But I keep hiking lol. I can look back now, many years, and it all makes sense NOW~but yet, it makes no sense either. lol. 😂
      Dehydration is a scary thing. Especially for our precious elders.
      I’m surrounded by so many heroes. Wow. I’m so motivated!
      Let’s tell MAK my boots are laced already for this adventure I’m on. 🥾♥️ the energy bites are very good. I had one just a few minutes ago, I keep them in the refrigerator consistently. My Ninja finally broke. I had been using it for a long time making smoothies. I have to budget for another one in the next week as I refuse to pay the price for the premade ones any more.
      I understand about “paying the price”. Bless her sweet soul! ♥️🙏🏻💙💕


  3. You never cease to amaze Karla! Brilliantly fueling your faith, body and soul and then sharing your findings with us all! I love how you openly offer up your pain and suffering to God and pray for the right source of energy when you need it most. Your recipes are fabulous, I’m secretly thrilled that peanut butter is one of your core ingredients because it’s my favorite. Well I certainly enjoyed a serving of faith today from one of my favorite people, I’m cheering you on from the sidelines of this life and praying for a full recovery. Let’s add of few miraculous drops into those energy bites! Right? And get on with this amazing life. Much love and hugs, C

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    1. C, I hear the cheering and your amazing supporting “voice”! 💕Thank you thank you for pulling up a chair and dining with me tonight.
      I love this family table here. You would love it at my Momma’s too, C.
      But since we’re here, look around at all of us. Each of us here have such an amazing story and gift to give one another.
      It blows my mind and heart! I’m so humbled to know you appreciate my transparency about my cancer. Sometimes I have doubt about publishing; and then I think about how I processed all I learned by writing about it. And then thought, “Maybe someone else, just even ONE, might understand or feel connected because of a similar situation.”
      Blogging is almost like a diary to me at times. And I’d only share it with those who’d want to pull up a chair. And then I want to hear about YOU so then it becomes a huge family gathering of exchanging support, love, laughter, and wisdom.
      And peanut butter! Yes, yummy peanut butter.
      I bet my life on the promises of my Creator, C. HE has never failed me in my life~even when I fail him. It moves me to tears how gracious and blessed I am. Even at my lowest. My worst. And my best.
      And with my face covered in shame or peanut butter~
      I learned the hard way~and the best way, is to step out of his way, then move and lead when he tells me. So I’m thrilled you love that I surrender it all to him and use the right resources, and the Holy Spirit, to keep on keepin’ on. I’m so happy you enjoyed the recipes.
      I love recipes. Although I live alone, I still enjoy cooking. But there are days I need quick and easy. C, will you pass me another huge ladle of love and sprinkle more faith over that peanut butter? 🤭❤️ I love you! Big hugs!

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  4. Wow! That was a lot to digest in one reading! I will have to chew on it for a while. Nonetheless, it was all in good taste; none of it was hard to swallow. I thought for a while, trying to come with a witty reply, the writing of which I could sink my teeth into, but alas! I was bitten by no good ideas. That failure really gnawed at me, for to miss such an opportunity really sticks in one’s craw.

    I will keep trying to come up with something.

    God bless you and the Finley dog, too!

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    1. Tim! I can’t stop giggling!

      Your response was the perfect spice for my dinner!

      It’s settling perfectly because it was so easy to digest~even as I laughed my way through every bite of it!

      Don’t put down your fork yet. I know you can chow down some more chuckles! 🤭

      This is the best family dinner I’ve had on WP.

      All my dearest friends gathered around~don’t you feel the Spirit and the fun?

      Gosh, my belly, heart, and soul needed this! God bless you and your bigger dog, too, my friend.


    1. Hello Dora, I’m so happy to see you. I’m sorry you have RA. Bless you,…you understand well how diet impacts everything! You’ve been a constant champion in prayer ~thank you,my friend. Keep the faith, as I know you do!💕🙏🏻♥️

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  5. Karla, you are amazing and I just love your faith! It is inspiring to see you sharing your journey, it is a ministry that will help others and one being myself.

    I love you sweet friend ❤️🙏🏻🤗🎶🥰

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    1. Pam, my heart is happy to see you. Thank you so much for your beautiful and sincere words, prayers, and love.
      Pull up a chair. I’m going to imagine you did all the decorating and it looks like the Cottage. I’m so happy we’re here and we can encourage one another. I love you, Pam. 🎶🩷❤️♥️💕

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  6. Now, besides the chocolate laughter, my journey with its allergic response to preservatives wiped out 95% of any food outlet, be it a grocery store or takeaway 🤣

    But, and as you have said, it is a time honored one thing at a time until a balance is found. Admittedly my response to anything that had preservatives in it was very violent ie. not coming back up but the body was just ‘wrong’, you actually felt like you were dying until it digested and cleared out of your body (initially 6 hrs but it drained you so badly that the next 48hrs you felt like a truck had backed over you 🤣). And all these well meaning friends would suggest this or that but you reached a place where you were just sick of being sick. So I drank water (hesitantly) 🤣, and ate water (even slower) 😂

    But slowly you find a range of things, then find what was missing in your body because of that reduced range and try to top it up. And then when you dare to go beyond those and find something that most would take for granted ie chocolate whoohoo…you really appreciate those little things in life.

    And then the pièce de résistance was when I found and dared a choc chip ice cream…I almost ate the whole 2 litres in a weekend to just have something beautifully different…fattening, slovenly, pigged out disgustingly…but oh what a find 🤣

    So dear lady, just take your time, find those things that speak to your body nicely and just occasionally lash out with something ‘nice’, just so those hormones I spoke of get twigged and heal you all the more 😂

    Take care Karla, enjoy the love in it all and enjoy thoughts of jogging up those trails again and truly appreciate them all the more from this journey. Big hugs to you and Finn too 😀❤️🙏

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    1. Mark, I’m so sorry for the preservative experiences (and in general, all the health and life upsets)!
      And through them, you use humor and wisdom to always empathize and empower! Wow! That “dying” until digested….oh my. It feels like a knife has been jabbed into my gut. It’s excruciating. Much like a sugar drop or “high” you feel flattened for so long! You understand!! And drinking and eating water ~lol ha! Yep!
      In my old life I stayed away from too many carbs (although bread and I have had the longest relationship in my life~like Jesus!). Now, each morning, warm oatmeal is my comfort and sustenance.
      The choco chip ice cream story made me laugh until I felt better! Last week I watched the movie, “Chocolat” and I forget what a great one it is! Immediately my mind went there.
      💙🙏🏻💛 isn’t it wonderful we don’t have to solve the problems of this world since we have a God who does? To think of what I need to eat is small beans in the scheme of things~I want to be happy and live on little and a lot on love and wish for everyone in our world to have food in their cupboards and feel loved. It seems like it should be easy. 😭🙏🏻❤️💕

      Thank you for being in our world. 🌎 so many of us treasure you!
      Keep taking care as you serve out huge loads of love and kindness! Many hugs from Finn and I too!

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      1. Haha, of course. Does the day give me another reason to seek such treasures? 🤣

        Ah my friend, He gave me a journey and asked that I share its beauty. Even though it touched such painful depths, it is there that it spoke the loudest and most profound. How could I not share the love I found in it all. It brings tears within so much because I can see. And I try to share its beauty as best I can, I can guide but I can also see that others must come to it in their own time, their own path. He gave me a gift, a very incredible gift…in understanding His love. And is something that is there for us all ❤️🙏

        Have a beautiful day you and Finn, may that love all around flower that delight within you kind lady 😀❤️🙏

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      2. And my friend, …you give that love away in bucket loads!!! It’s never-ending and I can FEEL it across the large pond between us! You’re a gift! And yes, you have many reasons to seek treasures, always! This day is beautiful. I pray yours is too dear friend! Much love! 💛🎶💕

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  7. kriddy70

    My Karlie, you are the Chef’s kiss!!! I say each time: “This is my favorite piece ever!” — and I am not wrong. Each one of them touches me so deeply ❤️ I have gotten a big ole’ kick out of the responses from the blog family above. You all are a hoot and a half!!! Dare I say all the toilet talk brings people closer? But honestly, your strength is one God given super power. Your journey IS one to share and you do it so beautifully. I read every word and hear your voice. I want all of this in your book!!!! I so admire your Faith leading attitude in this battle.❤️🙏❤️

    You are learning so much on this nutrition journey, as well. I will try those energy bites!!! And indulge with some Andy’s custard wiff you, too… 

    Have I told you how much I love you??? You are my everything!!!👭

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    1. Everyone, this is my wombmate. You should know her. She’s a hoot! With the biggest heart and so full of joy and fun. She’s made me “funner”.
      Kristy, your words and support mean so much. God worked miracles. You were there. I can’t take credit for anything but accepting and acknowledging the power~and getting up when he told me too! Obedience! He knows our hard days~YOU know my hard days. 😢 I have every bites in the refrigerator, grab me a kayak and head on over (tee hee), and yes, I’m “due” an Andy’s custard. Lol (remember the piece I was creating, “Calculating Risks?” Lol).
      I love you to infinity and beyond. Gist, gista. ❤️💕♥️💚💙💛🩷 did you know I celebrated 4 years with the blog? I’m still a blog “baby” to many~or in toddler phase. Thank you for supporting me, always. ❤️


  8. Oh Karla! Bless you, dear friend!! I literally was just saying to myself how I need to eat healthier and then I read your post!
    I thought I had it hard with celiac, but so much tougher for you!!! Cheering you on. I will load up on more fruit and veggies. (If only they made veggies as good as chocolate!)
    Love you! Singing and praying you through ❤️❤️❤️

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    1. “Keeping you forever and for always!”🎶❤️ you’re a ray of sunshine and sounds of music in my life, Joy.
      I’m so sorry you have Celiac’s. My friend, that is a struggle!
      Thank you for cheering me on (I still see us at the train station in Maryland~choo choo) and I’ll keep cheering you on, too.
      I’m so happy that apples are my friend again~even eating them unpeeled (small). Tiny clementines are quick to grab, but they don’t always like me anymore. I really avoid processed, but I bought organic lightly salted rice cakes. They’re a go to salty snack~and they don’t taste like a styrofoam cup to me! I enjoy them. For a quick “sweet” snack I found a dark chocolate chip with no allergens (Bake Believe)-I’ll have two or 3..or 4. 😉 I never had a sweet tooth before. Mainly salty. I buy frozen berries for smoothies and oatmeal because of cost point. But I love fresh when they’re in season and my wallet warrants it.
      A lot of veggies I used to eat, I can no longer enjoy. Yet. Peas and green beans are my friends!
      Fermented foods can also trigger symptoms. Hmm.
      I’ve enjoyed making chicken fried rice and also, black beans and rice (beans SLOWLY added).
      I make brown rice sautéed in garlic and olive oil, black beans, add chicken broth (4 cups) boil, simmer for 20 minutes, and this time, I’ll add cilantro and see how I do with that. I eat 5-6 small meals and avoid large meals. I’m better to eat every 2 hours something small to aid my digestion ~it forces me to think what I’m going to have.
      Cheese~used to be my favorite. I’ve hardly had any cheese. My dietician encouraged me to try adding it back in…
      I’m not a dietician, but I’ve tweaked my diet a lot over the years. I’m not qualified to give advice! Lol. We all must do what we must for our health. I’ll have an injection this week that will throw off my diet again for several days so I best hold on for the ride! Lol
      With what you battle, you know well! I can imagine the shifts!
      I love you, Joy, and am singing and praying with you. 🎶💛🙏🏻 thank you for being here.


  9. It is always so good to hear from you. You’re a breath of fresh air, even when circumstances must feel suffocating. Thank you for your apple dip recipe. I can’t wait to try it. And I had to chuckle- I have energy bites in the fridge right now- and my recipe is the same as what you shared! Blessings to you as you experiment with what settles well and learn which foods to avoid. It really is as individual as our fingerprints, and nobody can really work it out for anyone but themselves. I’m learning that too. I love you, my sweet friend- our friendship is naturally sweetened, of course. 😉. (And spiritually!).

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    1. Good morning, my sweet friend. Your sweet words and friendship always lift my spirit! My heart is smiling! That’s wonderful we can have our bites of energy today and think we’re sharing a snack together! I’m so happy we’re journeying together. You’ve added so much to my life~and spiritually, you’ve helped my strength grow!
      I “see” you in my window daily and am reminding of so much goodness. Thank you! I love you and pray you have a blessed and beautiful weekend! 💛💛🙏🏻

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  10. You certainly do have a lot to digest. I don’t think anyone can fully understand unless they have experienced what you have. I can sympathize but I cannot fully understand because I have not experienced it.  I know how strong you are and how determined you are and that will pull you through.

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    1. Pam, you have been such a support through these years~even before I knew what it was I truly battled. Your kind words and friendship have helped so much! Just as your daily quips and wisdom! Thank you so much! ❤️💛🙏🏻

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  11. Wow! Normally my mind and spirit are the only things fed by your posts. But today, I get “the whole ball of wax,” as my father used to say. Body, mind, spirit, and shopping list! Thanks for those good tips. I am so glad this regimen is working for you and giving you the needed energy to keep on keeping on!

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    1. Thank you, Russell! I appreciate your support and encouragement so much! And also, your enthusiasm! It lifts my spirits so much! Yesterday afternoon, on a sweet outing with some family members, I tried something new. I wore out, “paid” for a bit for the
      “new”; yet, I smile for the memory and the new learning. 🙂 I’ll keep on keeping on! I hope you are all doing well, too!


  12. Thanks for this information! I think one of the biggest surprises we had after my husband’s battle with cancer was that fact that he would have ongoing digestive issues (no doctor mentioned this fact at all) and that he would have so much trouble trying to gain his weight back. Now he’s seeing a dietician, and we’ll hope that helps. Thanks again for sharing! Even struggling with all your health issues, you still take the time to reach out and help others. Talk about “living your faith”……you do it daily!


  13. good for you and thanks for the information, Karla. The net diet is tough but you’re smart to do it! I love the chart for the energy bars., I have all of the ingredients to make them with the promise that I will but alas… I needed this push, Thanks my friend and sending Love and healing❣️❤️

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    1. Aw, Cindy! You always motivate me! Your enthusiasm is “combustible”. Just like your love and compassion. Discipline is a good thing in my life—it’s kept me grounded, humble (eating humble pie is tasty :-)!), and now, with a disciplined diet, hopefully, physically healthier! Much love to you, too. I appreciate you so much! ❤️ 🩵

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      1. Oh I’m so glad to hear from you and your words that always inspire and bring light no matter what hell you face on Gods Grace! Thank you my friend. Humble pie it is!! Yes to getting healthier!!! Awww thanks and love you more!!💕❤️💕

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  14. IBS hit and stress free eating went. The real pain is that one day you think you have cracked it and then the next it stops working. The one thing for certain is more and more foods become problematic. I am trying to learn to really appreciate any food when it’s not causing problems. Must say plant based protein shakes are such a blessing especially as they are getting way better tasting. We just keep walking these paths knowing that as tough as it gets, we are not walking alone ❤️❤️

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    1. I’m so sorry for the challenges you’ve endured, dear friend. You’re winning and I’m so glad we’re on this journey together. IBS is terrible, isn’t it? Sadly, this cancer is often “masked” by IBS, diabetes, and many other “issues”. To look at me, one would never know there’s anything wrong! It’s crazy! But isn’t that true with all of us? From the outside, we never know what’s going on inside. Like you, I’m learning to appreciate things that don’t cause issues. I’m adjusting because I enjoy living. There are hours and days that I’m not this positive. I’m adjusting that the best I can, too. You said it all with this,…”we are not walking alone.” You’re a gift to me, my friend. Often when I think of my issues, which are small in comparison to others, I think of you and others who endure. I’m so glad we’re in this together! Sending love and hugs,…and cheers to the food and friends that fuel our faith and bodies! ❤️❤️


  15. Susan Gillen

    Your honest sharing is inspiring! Your recipes look great and they’re going in my recipe book!!!! Love & peace, Sue

    God’s Blessings, * *Sue Gillen, Music Teacher St. Paul

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    1. I love you, Sue. Thank you thank you! I appreciate you so much. By the way~Go Chiefs! Today Rita came to watch the game~she had on layers of Reeds Spring shirts for me to see~it was cute and precious. So many wonderful memories. Many blessings and love. And peace~we all need it. This world needs it! ❤️💕💛🙏🏻


    1. Dear sister, Dawn, I sure love you! Each day I “see” you (my blue crochet in my closet) and feel your love and prayers. Thank you, sister, for your support and prayers. I pray you are all well and I can only imagine how precious those grands are (and growing!). 💛🩵💚

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  16. Your post is incredibly rich in information. Thank you, Karla! I’ve been doing a veggie/fruit/vegan protein powder smoothie for breakfast for several months now. It is a great start to the day. Coincidentally, I just posted some photos from Ireland with an Irish Proverb as well. 💞

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    1. Thank you, sweet friend! I dream of seeing Ireland (heritage) and the Proverbs are always so beautiful. I’ll have to visit through YOUR eyes. I’m happy to hear the goodness in your diet choices too! It sure does make a difference! Much love and hugs! 💛💕

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      1. Aww, Michele. That is a treasure to my heart ❤️ 😭 that touches me so much! The power of words and love~it’s so amazing! I need to have a working printer~we’d share the pleasure of affirmations! Love and hugs to you. Thank you, sweet friend. You’re beautiful in and out. 💕🙏🏻

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    1. Thank you, Tangie! I appreciate you so much. I’m winning.💕 it’s an hour by hour. I’m increasing activity. I wear out of course. There is some pain due to fluid buildup. I listen. I’m giving myself grace. Tomorrow I’ll have another treatment and praying a new one has been approved that won’t create havoc with blood sugar. I’m sorry you’re battling diabetes. You understand very well!! I pray YOU are well. You have been an encouragement and inspiration!❤️🙏🏻

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      1. Karla, thank you for sharing your story with us to pray for you, your family and medical team. You are our encourager, and many appreciate your presence. Looking forward to getting better and strong for our zoom meeting.

        For me, I am in excruciating pain in left hand moving upward towards shoulder, same hand I had CTS surgery in September 2023. I have tendonitis now and received an injection today. My hand is in a brace and will be posting in advance to rest hand and prevent another surgery, I was instructed to do.

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      2. Tangie, my heart is sad reading about your pain! I just hate that for you! And to be a writer …and work…our hands and shoulders are needed! My friend, I’m going to pray specifically for that. Yes, please rest your hand!
        I’ve moved my trip to Maryland to March for follow up which is why I’m going more frequently here to check liver enzymes and continue treatment.
        Your words are so kind and thoughtful. Thank you to my family here~it lifts my spirit and strengthens my communion with Christ~and us! 💛🙏🏻♥️ much love and prayers

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    1. Thank you, Richard! I’m thrilled you like it. You understand it well~I’m sorry for your challenges! It’s a work in progress, indeed! I feel it’s progressing in a good way for me. Many prayers and blessings to you!

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      1. You’re so welcome! And thank you, too! God is so good and I’m so grateful for the miracles and continued healing! Many blessings and prayers for you and your family, too!


  17. Such a lot to digest, Karla. I see your Winter Wake Up tea, and I just made myself a cup. If only I could join you for a kitchen chat, I would happily take the apple dip or hulk smoothie duty. Meanwhile, I feast on faith from afar, praying for your stomach issues, pain, fatigue, and always, ALWAYS for miracles!

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    1. Dear C, isn’t that tea the best? Thank you for being here and supporting me. You encourage me in many ways! Yes, tea would be wonderful—and a healthy snack and chat about so much goodness. And our journeys together. I hope you know how your cancer journey has inspired me, my friend. Things are getting better—I’m keeping a positive attitude and as you know well, there are setbacks and challenges (we all have them!), but I’m so grateful for the miracles that have happened! And I pray that for you, too! Much love, C. ❤️🙏


      1. I’m drinking lots of tea these days, and the Winter Wake Up is joy in a cup. I also love my butterfly pea flower tea. It’s blue and magical.

        When I think back to a year ago, I was in such a low place mentally. That’s why you amaze and inspire me, beautiful friend. Of course, I’m so very thankful for my health, but my mindset shift is the biggest miracle. I owe the glory to God and many thanks to the people who prayed for me when I couldn’t pray for myself. I love you, Karla. There’s such power in staying positive…and believing…and praying for others and self…and sending good vibes into the world. ❤️

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      2. I love you too, C. I understand, my friend. My heart truly goes out to you because of that empathy and sympathy. When you feel at your lowest, and through prayer, positive thinking, and partners in persistence, you’re able to rise above it, it’s a miracle. Your words touch my heart and soul deeply. I don’t want you, or anyone I love, to have to deal with disease. Over and over I’m being reminded that my suffering has allowed space for my Creator to be in communion with me–HE was there the whole time. And now, I fully surrender to it–heart, soul, and mind. It’s beyond explanation–but I know you “get” it. I can imagine your beautiful tea cup. It reminds me of how I would enjoy a walk at a nearby “Relics” store to find the perfect antique tea cup. Sip sip hooray, sister! ❤️🙏💛🤗

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  18. I love this blog post from top to bottom! This excerpt, in particular, hit me hard: “Today has been challenging (a trip to the store to buy needed items that were out of stock, a virus, fatigue, mouth and throat sores) YET, kindness was kindled in a line at the store. The heat from combustible compassion around me gave me hope. The clouds in my mind lifted as I drove home exhausted and desiring to sit and finish this piece.” You are an incredible inspiration, Karla. Incredible! And yes, “Sometimes you can do everything right and still get cancer.” I always like to say, “You can do it all right, and it can end up all wrong.” I’m just grateful I have you, and others like you, to muscle through it! My faith muscle! 🤍🤍

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    1. My dear friend, Stacy. Your words hit straight to the heart. To think that I could inspire you thrills my soul. I think of all you’ve been through; there’s never a day I don’t think of what others are battling. I have found, when I push through and heed the call to “go”, that a blessing is waiting in SOME FORM. It happened again today. For every hour I “hurt” there’s more time I “hope”. For every minute there’s pain, I’m creating moments of peace, too. I guess I’m learning to manage, Stacy? Some days the rug is pulled out from under me. And then, the next day I’m “cutting up” on the rug. This diagnosis, this life…it’s all a huge lesson in love. And I think you are an excellent and inspiring example of loving when everything is wrong. Thank you for being a part of my journey. Thank you for saying you’re grateful for me—I’m grateful for you too, my friend. I’ll keep building my faith muscles along with you! I love you, friend. 💛💕🙏

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  19. Pingback: Food for Thought Monday – BIGREE DIGITAL EXPERT

  20. Pingback: Food for Thought Friday – BIGREE DIGITAL EXPERT

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