Skimming the Surface

You won’t know it by looking at me. I won’t know it looking at you. The REAL ME. The REAL YOU. What do you see?

It started as a “surface” conversation. We were both shopping for hand soap. Immediately I admired her long tunic with the entire world printed on it. “The world is beautiful on you!” Smiling, she shared her love for travel. Judging, I guessed her to be my Mom’s age. Her surface didn’t matter to me. Within 10 minutes a connection between writing and faith was made. A genuine prayer and smile. Shared kindness. It felt like the “community call” I sought last week.

The layers of the soul below the surface of the skin are invisible to the human eye, yet transparent to those who see from their soul. I’ll name them Soul-seekers (I’ll put a positive spin lest it doesn’t sound like an evil villain lurking for the next victim).

Surface seekers? You SEE them looking at you and wondering. Or, there might even be evidence via social media-you “fit” a desired or needed profile. Skin deep is all that’s seen.

What do YOU view? Burdens or beauty? Shame or the shoes? Mood or the makeup? Hurt or the hairstyle? Care or the car they drive? Optimism or the occupation? Surface or the soul?

We all judge. What eventually surfaces from the soul will determine the degree of your relationships. It’s so peaceful to be at a point in life, in my personal and/or career, where I no longer have to worry about being “compared” to someone or judged based on surface issues. Gossip, drama, neverending politics, …pointless positioning, or being sucked into controversy. Let’s “face” it–you’re either on the side of love or losing. Life is nothing but lessons. Skimming the surface might suffice for some. If so, do you! As for me? Skin-deep won’t last; I want nothing to do with it. Ah, it feels good to know true love. 💛Given time, the soul will surface. A genuine heart will heal, not harden. True kindness won’t be kidnapped by conditions. Loyal love will lift the heavy weight of wrongs. Mature mercy will melt the madness. Faith can fix the fake.

Smiling, I will gaze upon the eyes of my Maker. Laughing, I’ll let go of the lingering litter of “labels” (they don’t matter!). Lovingly, I’ll let go of that which is only surface-deep.

Featured image–Spokane, WA (image by Jay Snook)

Community Call Recall–LOGO VOTE!

Thank you, my sweet friends (community!), for voting on my logo! It was SO MUCH FUN FOR ME! Including emails and texts, here are the results: Logo 1–15 votes, Logo 2-9 votes, and Logo 3-4 votes.

Logo #1 was the winner!💚

Collaboratively, I created a 4th logo based on suggestions from you and my MOM (if a MOM suggests it, it MUST be used :-)). May I ask one more time for a vote? Which one do you like the best? This will be the final vote!

Have you heard of NET, yet?🦓

Today, I’m off for my weekly “hike” to the blood lab. 🙂 After a full day’s stall due to ongoing symptoms on Tuesday, I feel positive that my counts are still going up, up, and up. Hope has been handed. I’m taking it with pleasure. Yesterday’s ZOOM with my NET cancer friends across the country was heart-touching–mixed with tears, celebrations, and facts. Finding them has truly shifted my game plan. This morning I was watching the sweet man that mows my yard. Checking on him, in case he needed water, he said, “Anyone as tough as you will beat this thing!” God, my family, and my friends say the same! There’s something about hearing it from the man who mows my lawn. He’s only “skimmed the surface” of my yard, but yet,…I grinned. A call to a friend, whose children are facing a life-limiting disease, prompted me to share hope. Her first words to me were, “I have hope!” You might find hope just skimming the surface of some great things or even in the “soul” of the simplicity that brings you joy…or even in this community! However it’s found, hope is a good thing.

There aren’t enough thank you’s to measure my gratitude for each of you. 💕

Have faith 💚

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Flannel with Faith-Embracing Imperfection with Faith, Flannel, & Fresh Air

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