Fall Forecast

Faith, family, fall…and Finley, of course! My favorite season will begin soon. Each season brings its own challenges–and miracles! Why not live expecting them? When asked what I’d do in the fall of 2019 I replied with this:

I think I’ll do this again each fall I’m given.

Have faith 💛

My patio gave me love💚

To what greater inspiration and counsel can we turn than to the imperishable truth to be found in this treasure house, the Bible?

Queen Elizabeth II

Have you heard of NET, Yet?https://www.thehealingnet.org/

Radiation begins this Thursday (bones only-internal radiation, P.R.R.T., will be given at the end of the month). I appreciate your thoughts and prayers as my excellent team of doctors and caregivers move forward with new treatments. I’ve provided links on my website for anyone interested in this rare cancer. I’m happy to report I have a new friend on WP that is also a NET patient. There are about 40 others across the country that are part of a message board I’m on. For any illness or disease support is crucial. Let’s look past the “looks” and know that we all have struggles. If it’s hurting your rally or resolve, upsetting your day, or causing any issues in your life then it’s a challenge–big or small. No matter the “size” of the condition, know this: you are loved and YOU MATTER!

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