Was it All Just a Dream?

Was it all just a dream?
It’s been two years since that day.
Faith, hope, and love are my themes.

Years leading up to checking bloodstream,
Questions unanswered, and pain unknown.
Was it all just a dream?

Times of laughter, floating downstream,
my mind drifts to precious memories.
Faith, hope, and love are my themes.

Giggles, growth, and pain extremes,
Unfamiliar places, people, and experiences.
Was it all just a dream?

Kids, grandkids, trips, and dreams,
A life filled with adventures.
Faith, hope, and love are my themes.

Scans, visits, and medical teams.
A move, surgery, and a miracle.
Was it all just a dream?
Faith, hope, and love are my themes.
K.L. Hale

Two years ago, ten years in the making–decisions, dreams, and a diagnosis. Treatments, scans, blood draws, and tests. The school of life is forever in session. Life-changing anniversaries continue to make impacts. Every experience an education.

Cancer. It’s like having a rock I can’t remove in my hiking boot. But I cling to the Rock that counts.

THE school day of May 11th, 2022.

Has a diagnosis or disease duped your determination? Does pain prevent you from progressing?

I don’t know why I’m here. But I know God has a plan. You may not believe it. ME? I have to believe. Every difficulty is for my development. It’s in sunrises, sunsets, the birds, and the trees, my kids and grandkids, everything that I see. It would be easy to be cynical, angry, or mad. There’s enough of that—-why not just be glad? I have air in my lungs, a roof over my head, and precious family and friends, what should I dread? I’ll laugh and giggle through the ups and downs, sometimes I’ll cry and might get down. It doesn’t last long because God’s always near. He holds me tight, I have nothing to fear.

I want to thank my family for their steadfast support and love during this cancer journey; my sons, daughters-in-love, my grandkids, parents, my twin, sister, niece, nephew, brother-in-law, and hosts of aunts, uncles, cousins, and loved ones. To all of you who continue to pray (I’ve been on the prayer list long enough!)-my WP family and community of friends. My school family and friends–those who have invested in me. To those who sat by the fires at the campground, the sister who drove me to appointments, and the friends who laughed, cried, and put up with me–thank you. Here’s to many years of giving back. When I’m weak, my shoulders are still strong enough to hold your thoughts, burdens, and tears.

I’m here to listen and support you as you do me.

We are not promised tomorrow. How do you wish to live? May my blog be a book. A book that reminds you that you can be strong in the face of uncertainty and have faith when facing fear.

You are loved more than you’ll ever know! ❣️

Have faith 💚

A note about my poem. It’s called a Villanelle.
When you’ve got an obsession or another intense fixation, write about it in a villanelle. It seemed fitting, at my 2 year “C” Day anniversary, to write a new form. The villanelle is a poetic form that originated in France, initially as a variation of pastoral poetry. Villanelles are specifically about obsessions and follow a strict form:
• 19 lines
• Five tercets (five lines)
• One quatrain
• ABA, ABA, ABA, ABA, ABA, ABAA rhyme scheme
• Line 1 repeats in lines 6, 12, and 18
• Line 3 repeats in lines 9, 15, and 19

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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