Well-Rounded Week


“Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in good judgment.”

Proverbs 9:10

Wisdom isn’t doing what’s best for me. No longer do I worry about what “looks, feels, or imitates” what the world desires, but willfully desire only that which pleases the Lord.

My amazing principal, Pat, questioned my graduate degree major. “Why not go into leadership?” she asked. Teaching kids to read was my love, why would I change that? Being the center of attention or the “face” of a place is not what I wanted. Unwanted attention might seem fine when you feel unnoticed. But it can lead to unwise choices. Who has your attention? In what ways does wisdom guide you? Do you gain wisdom from following the law? Wise people will fail, just as the unwise. Then what. How do you create fellowship with your Heavenly Father? Wisdom warrants that you turn away from and close the door on anything that wraps you so tight in worldliness, that you can’t breathe the Spirit and be who God desires you to be. Run to what matters most!


“We are all a little weird and life’s a little weird, and when we find someone, whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.”

Dr. Seuss

What makes you weird? Or are you trying to wedge in the cracks of the world, so you don’t stand out? Why do I watch documentaries and dream of traveling the world? Why do I desire the comfort of watching Little House, The Waltons, and westerns? Why do I crave the smell of honeysuckle, coffee, bacon, cinnamon rolls, and an old church or schoolhouse? Why do I yearn for the great outdoors? Why do I count things? Why is it important that I begin each day by reading the WORD, books of the wise, and talking to my Heavenly Papa? If your weirdness helps you love God and others, stay WEIRD. I love being a weirdo.

“Be weird. Be random. Because you never know who would love the person you hide.”

C.S. Lewis

Stay weird (unless it’s against the law) 😉.


Yesterday it was 80 degrees. This morning, it felt like an icy rag slapped my face with a 10-degree windchill! Wacky weather everywhere!

It’s just a thought, I know it’s wacky! But I heard if you eat less and move more, you might lose weight. I’ve learned that if I save more and spend less, I can be more generous! Even wackier is the fact smiling might make someone else smile! Checking on a neighbor or calling a friend might even lift your spirits. Showing kindness might even produce a great return…, it’s wacky and weird how it all works.


“Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

Abraham Lincoln

Springfield, MO was listed 80th on a list of the happiest cities in America (in the Community and Environment category). It ranked 165th in the Emotional and Well-Being category. You might like the article and survey below! Weird.

What makes life wonderful for you? Pets? Money? Kids? Job? Being able to show generosity, pay bills, and have food on my table does help my emotional well-being. In a more, more, more society, would having MORE money make me happier? I doubt it. Weird.

The interpreter worked her magic as the kids TRIED to sit still. Excitedly, they each wanted to share–and of course, pet Finley! The room is quiet to most of them. To half, it’s complete silence. Hands and hearts of love lead and teach them. My heart was full and happy. It was a WONDERFUL visit.

Two adorable self-tattooed boys asked to pet Finley. Their mom laughed and shared about their artistic talents. I giggled. Two young gals commented on my “Faith Can Move Mountains” shirt. Derek, Pat (I’m mentioning 2 Pats in a post!), and Kailyn from Ozark made my day as we visited about old names, similar names, the Finley River, life, and cancer. Brelyn walked by, wearing a beautiful smile, clasping her Bible. “What did you learn today?” I asked. She shared the wisdom in Ephesians, about being from St. Louis, and that she’s a junior at Missouri State University (my alma mater!). I shared Paul’s letter to the Galatians (where I’m at in my whole WORD study). We shared smiles and a hug. A precious man in a wheelchair struggled when asking questions about Finley. To some, these encounters might seem weird. My walk was MORE than wonderful.

My problems are first world. Today I have air in my lungs, a roof over my head (with heat), and food in my refrigerator. My body might ache, and I might wish for different circumstances. Worry? It’s a waste. I need wisdom, weird, wacky, and wonderful for the WIN!

In a world looking down, I want to look up. It’s weird. Are you willing to be weird?

May wisdom, the weird and wacky, and the wonderful create a wonderful Wednesday-and week!💕

Have you heard of NET, yet? 🦓

At times, my mind is boggled with new learning. Due to its uniqueness, NET cancer is multilayered (symptoms, primary tumor site, treatment options, etc…we are all zebras). We have six new members in our Wednesday support group. Without this group, I would not be where I am today. Recently, I participated in a case study with other NET patients regarding the P.R.R.T. radiation treatment for neuroendocrine cancer. Tomorrow I’ll receive a different treatment and a new bone injection. But first, a blood draw and a visit with my oncologist. Bridging the communication gaps between caregivers and doctors is challenging. Daily tasks and responsibilities take more time than usual. To resume writing, I’m creating office hours and a new schedule. Two days writing and editing, a day with my support group and outreach. One day reading and doing home responsibilities, and my favorite, a day in nature and/or connecting with friends. Each day I’m dedicating time to writing in my journal and movement (and “snapping” my “kids” and grandkids!). Future appointments and a trip to Maryland are in the books. All things take time. I’m so grateful to God for TIME.

Thank you to my family for being a constant source of support. Thank you, friends, for your understanding, prayers, and encouragement. 💛

Do you have wins in the books? What’s wise, weird, wacky, and wonderful to you?

Have faith💚 YOU ARE LOVED.

Andy’s Custard for the WIN for FINN! For me, it tasted good going down…but…lol

I love you all to the moon and back!

Pics (with permissions granted)-K.L. Hale

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