A Spooky Spin

There’s a chill in the air. The leaves blanket the ground-the scenes are hauntingly beautiful. There’s a spooky spin with the twist of the wind. I’ve always enjoyed hearing spooky stories, especially around a bonfire with s’mores, blankets, and dramatic storytellers.

K.L. Hale

Photo by Spencer Selover on Pexels.com

In Southwest Missouri there are plenty of tales involving apparitions, orbs, ghostly figures, and other strange sightings and superstition (I’m not TOO superstitious ;-).

In Springfield, the Pythian Castle, originally built as an orphanage and retirement home for the members of the Knights of Pythias (later owned by the military and served as a prisoner of war camp), has been featured on a number of TV shows, including “Ghost Adventures” on the Travel Channel. My youngest son and I did a ghost tour one year there. It’s a beautiful castle that is also a venue for gatherings and special events.

The Springfield Little Theater (also known as Landers) was built in 1909 and rumored to have several ghosts (one of whom was a janitor that died there in a fire in 1920). Fun fact-my twin sister and I performed there, with their Youth Troupe, in one musical in the mid 80’s.

Pic courtesy-https://www.springfieldmo.org/blog/post/youve-got-to-visit-these-haunted-places-around-springfield/ A special thank you to Susan Wade, Public Relations Director, Springfield CVB, for her kindness and photo permission.

Just a little over an hour south of me, in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, is the enchanting Crescent Hotel and Spa. Have you ever stayed there? I enjoyed my stay and visits there. It’s said to be one of the most haunted hotels in America. The history and architecture are stunningly stately!

When I was told about the Spook Light as a child I was ready to take the drive. This dancing and spinning ball of fire has been seen for over one hundred years. The orb travels a four-mile-long gravel road in Oklahoma. It travels east to west and is “attached” to the tiny hamlet of Hornet, Missouri, and larger, better-known town of Joplin. (www.joplinmo.org)

The Battle of Wilson’s Creek marked the beginning of the Civil War in Missouri. Over 2,500 casualties (Union and Confederate) occurred; Bloody Hill is one area that has been reported with hauntings—apparitions, noises of war, and the sounds of talking soldiers.

Pic courtesy-K.L. Hale (2021)

I’m more fascinated than fearful.  Yet feel ambivalent at times with the ambiance. Old castles, buildings, places…they all involve storytelling. They’re shared generation to generation-details and new experiences added. Look for folklore and fun in the future here…but until then, I warn you, you better BEWARE!

Ozarks’ Halloween

The wind will howl
its voice is heard,
the tales of old
it whirls the words. 

We bid thee well 
o' fallen leaves,
do you look and see,
do you believe?

A light is viewed
on a dusty road.
It glows and flickers
we’ve all been told

The regal castle,
with rich history,
served many beings,
what a mystery.

In the field they fought,
and thousands died,
and to this day
can you hear them cry?

The tales are shared
of folks and scenes,
the unexplained,
the in between.

Do you believe?
Do you even dare? 
Believe the truth.
Say your prayer. 

If the spooky is too spectacularly spellbinding, don’t fall or fizzle, or lose faith. Don’t let the ghosts of your past haunt your habits. Let faith be more than a figment. There’s a Holy Spirit hovering and nudging waiting for us to be aware of his presence. The power, if you so accept, provides strength, joy, and peace. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”-2 Timothy 1  

Have faith 💚

Header image–Lakeside Wilderness Forest-K.L. Hale
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