Full Circle

Feeling over the moon I packed my bags again. Two weekend getaways in a row? How dare I think they’d only happen once in a blue moon. Shooting for the moon is a stellar goal! Two years ago I didn’t think I’d be howling at any moon, anytime soon.

Many moons ago a man walked our Earth his Father created. He was totally man, totally God. He hung the moon.

Saying “I love you to the moon and back” to family makes me think of the “over the moon” love that God has for US.

Once in a blue moon, I get disheartened. Then, love and logic lasso my heart and brain. To those who can no longer dream, promise, howl, or even love to the moon and back—I pray for you. You’re in my heart. I speak the name of the moon hanger over you.

Imagine Jesus saying, “I love you to the moon and back!” He means it! What he offers is more than the moon 🌙 What does he want? For us to love him to the moon and back with all our heart! Oh, and love others, too!

And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.

1 John 4:16

An antique desk invited me to…WRITE! Thank you Keith and Melinda for making me feel at “home”.

Tears flooded my face as we parked. Finn gave me a look—she KNEW. It was a full circle moment. Stone county was home for 15 years and this community, 11 years. This cottage will forever be home in my heart.

Karla’s Cottage, owned by my dear friends/former neighbors, is the perfect place to enjoy before another treatment. Peace and tranquility, combined with exceptionally unique decor, create a flawless faith-filled environment. Even with an achy back, low reserve, and other physical things you can’t “see”, I’m STILL on cloud nine. Dinner with friends, an upcoming good ol’ Ozarks’ shindig with bluegrass, gospel, comedy and more…laughter, love, friendship, music, …my heart is as full as the moon (without any fear of a total eclipse—let’s wait until April for that ;-).

I’ve come full circle. The road ahead will be bumpy at times. This cancer doesn’t “go away”. The bones are responding to treatment (some being stubborn) and a few pesky lymph nodes will need attention. I’m winning! A few days ago I walked my trail thinking of full circles, full moon, and the circular scan I’d soon experience for the upteenth time. “God, you not only created the planets, stars, light, darkness, oceans, animals, and us silly humans, you’ve offered us the moon. I want to lasso it for others.Thank you for bringing me full circle.” As Earth spins, some spin out of their own orbits. The miracles and magic of our world may not be felt or seen because of health, losses (loved ones, health, or finances), anxiety, depression, disease, or even imprisonment in an unbroken circle of criticism or crankiness. I’m blessed beyond the moon. I don’t know why I’m here still while others lose battles. My pain won’t be wasted. Not one second will be taken for granted. For no one is guaranteed another hour, day, or full moon.

Let’s shoot for the moon!

If you were told you only had one full moon left, what would bring you full circle? Do you know you are loved to the moon and back?

Have faith 💚

Do you see the craters?

“As I take man’s last step from the surface, back home for some time to come — but we believe not too long into the future — I’d like to just say what I believe history will record: that America’s challenge of today has forged man’s destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus–Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind.”  

Eugene Cernan-Apollo 17 commander
My peek through the limbs!
Pics by K.L. Hale-dedicated to Gary Fulz, fellow photographer and lover of nature, his JOY-filled daughter who never wastes her pain, and his precious wife and family.
One of MANY amazing notes! If you visit the Branson, MO area, check out Karla’s Cottage—Keith and Melinda will take great care of you! 💛

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