Side Effects

After working for several hours on part II of “My Missouri” series, I felt a tug by the Spirit to write the words that were brimming over my soul. I’ll return to My Missouri series after Easter. Thank you for stopping by to support me!

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42

This week is spiritually significant to me. Holy Week moves me. The Savior I serve walked the Earth, fully man, fully God. Showing love, compassion, kindness, and an opportunity to accept the source of complete life and peace, he surprised folks with his “upside down” ways. Turn the other cheek? Forgive those who hate you? Love your enemies? Give to the poor and the widows? Show humility and meekness? A love-giving, sin-forgiving, hope-providing, disease-healing, outcast-gathering, lowly-lifting, disciple-teaching, grace-abiding, donkey-riding KING… took MY PLACE, YOUR PLACE as an atonement for our alienation. “Shattering the shame and dying for the doubters, Jesus was brutally crucified. “It is Finished.”

“When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, ‘It is finished,’ and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30

 There were side effects.

A soldier surrendered his skepticism. A mother wept and mourned, then rejoiced. A doubter became a believer. Disciples’ determination drove them to dream, deliver, debate, and defend to their death! For ALL OF US, if we believe, there is hope harnessed to a promise.

We all suffer. We will all experience side effects—good and bad. Have life events produced a side effect of shame? Has life handed you a dose of doubt? Do you feel hopeless? We can try and tuck these side effects tight in a tomb, sealed by a stone. The stone CAN roll. Your tomb can be emptied.

“Arriving at the tomb they discovered that the huge stone covering the entrance had been rolled aside so they went in to look. But the tomb was empty The body of Jesus was gone! Luke 24: 2-3


The post office was packed. Most people in line looked down at their phones. Two kind ladies acknowledged me with a smile. An older gentleman at the counter told a funny story (I giggled). Unsure of the box size I needed, I stepped to the counter with my items ready to mail. The pleasant worker provided the right size box and a mailer sticker. “Fill this out at the counter and come back to me for checkout.” One woman was very upset. “It’s not fair that she gets to return because she’s unprepared. There should be a line for those of us who are prepared.” That’s a great idea, I thought to myself. It would be helpful.

Popular prescriptions might produce side effects of cynicism, criticism, jealousy, greed, hate, or comparison.

She continued talking about my unpreparedness and added, “I’m in a hurry because I work with cancer patients.” Loud enough for a few to hear I said, “I’m so thankful for God’s grace,” (and that I wasn’t burning up by that fiery stare–although tears were forming to douse it). One of the kind ladies said, “Isn’t God’s grace wonderful?” Another kind gal gave me a heart symbol with her hands. My heart melted! Smiling, with tears, I thought about humanity, how judgy we can be, and what a gosh darn hurry we’re in all the time. We are not patient creatures. The sweet lady who gave me her “heart” said, “I have lupus. I’m 51. I don’t look sick and it’s a struggle.” Wow. Was she reading my mind? The other lady shared about a friend who has cancer. “I understand,” I shared. “I’m living with it.” The 3 of us formed a circle of compassion. I begged them to give me their two cards to mail so they could leave. They refused! I left there feeling hopeful. But also, a good lesson that I need to be more prepared–I grabbed flat rate boxes on my way out! My heart went out to the lady who had a crusty shell. I’ve been there. She was experiencing side effects.

There are times when we’re not prepared. The unexpected happens. Everybody’s going through something. The loss of a child, sickness, job, or home. Or even happy and joyful times. We all suffer–side effects will surface.

As I strive to manage symptoms and thrive with side effects, I’m reminded that God speaks to us in diverse ways. At times it’s direct and clear (like with Abraham, “Yes, God, I’m here”). Other times he guides us quickly. Sometimes, he grows us silently (Joseph was 17 when he had his first dream—by 30, he went from the pit to the palace, was an interpreter, and showed amazing grace to his brothers).

So many years ago, as he hosted his Last Supper, Jesus KNEW the suffering he’d endure. The horrific side effects of betrayal and a bloody beating led to an excruciating death. The “side effects” of this humanity wouldn’t be worth it to me…but for my Savior. I can’t help but share the side effects of salvation—love, compassion, grace, and hope.

In the 35,000 decisions you might make in a day, which ones will produce positive side effects? For those suffering, I’m so sorry. My prayer is your side effects are eternity-fulfilling, hope-granting, love-giving, soul-soothing, and grace-accepting. You are loved.

Thank you, God, for your miracles. May the side effects of your love and grace spread like a good seed, germinate, …and grow.

Have faith 💚

I love the side effects of nature! Pics by me–Springfield Nature Center

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