Spring Spending

My mind and body tried to adjust. My heart, full of joy, kept a perfect beat. The 8-hour car ride (time with my son and friends) was the perfect medicine. New sights. New roads. All led to family. Growing little bodies, small busy hands, and the cutest voices still echo. Reading, the zoo, nap times, and just being together were the cures I desired. In ways, time halted. In other ways, it went too fast. Memories for a lifetime were made. “Grammy K, can I go to Missouri with you?” “Of course!” I thought. Tee hee! We’ll nab little sis, pick up your cousin in Warrensburg, and have a grand ol’ time! Oh, for wishful thinking! Fast forward to spring. I’m already spent.😁

A Dollar A Day

Adjusting from a trip is harder now. Yikes, more adjustments! I reckon that’s what keeps me on my toes! My toes work but they, along with my feet and calves, are a bit swollen. There’s a glitch in my hitch (ugh) and my blood counts are low. I’m spent and spring just started! A sweet Momma from a school I just visited shared about another fellow “sufferer” that “spends” her money quickly. I’m a spender, too.  Here’s my energy budget for the day:

                *My morning time is priceless. Time with my Heavenly Father, coffee, meditation, and stretching keeps me well within my “bodily budget” *

  • $.05-getting ready
  • $.05-taking medication and eating
  • $.35-answering texts, checking emails, responding to others, reading, and paperwork
  • $.25-eating lunch, hydrating, recharging, unexpected tasks, rest
  • $.20-household tasks, Finley (she’s low maintenance but deserves attention 😊), resting, unexpected tasks, or shopping
  • $.10-eat, clean, text family, end my day
  • Broke by bedtime

Total-$1.00 (feel free to add zeros-100’s, 1000s, or however many you desire 😉

As you can see, the least spent is getting ready, eating, and taking medicine. 75% of my energy is consumed by the end of lunchtime!  That last dime is gone by 7 pm.  One year ago, I had double this money in energy. Triple this two years ago! I was canny with currency and outdoor activities! Indeed I can create currency by counting my blessings.

Many days I’m “broke” before I can visit you. Thank you for hanging in here with me. Some of you reading have sent emails, cards, and well wishes. Do you know how that has beefed up my budget? Do you know how thankful I am for each of you? I’ve missed you, my friends! May your currency stay consistent, your hope high, and your faith firm. You are so loved.💚

Have you heard of NET, yet? 🦓

Seeing the zebra hit my heart differently this time. 💕🦓

This Tuesday’s treatment has been canceled. I was bummed hearing this today. My platelets need to rise! Prayers for platelets 😊!My legs and feet are swollen, my back is out, my joints hurt, and I’m weak. The good news? By golly, NOTHING is going to take my joy. Did I tell you how much fun I had visiting family? My goal is to see my other son and family soon. I’ll never stop dreaming! Will you join me in staying positive, hopeful, and optimistic?

Thankful Thursday Shout-Outs 📣

First and foremost, my family. 💕This journey, although unique to me, is not mine alone. It has impacted everyone. Where would I be without you? To my parents: your unwavering love and support carry me. Thank you to my sons and daughters-in-law (Jarrod, Brooke, Jay, and Cierra) for loving me at my worst and best. Your sacrifices and families are the legacies of your commitments. I honor that and love you to infinity and beyond. The grands, soon to be ages 2,3, and 4, light up my life! My twin lives knowing that a possible gene mutation is shared. She “shares” this cancer with me. She and my older sister “carry” this with them. I love them so much. My nephew and niece provide smiles and love-I offer it back always. My cousins (Steph, your morning calls), aunts, and uncles-your prayers and love mean everything.

I want to give a special shout-out to my friends, Charles, Kim, Trish, and Stacy for loading me up and meeting Jarrod 1/2 way on the trip to Texas. This tribe has my “back” always (and Mary, too!). My “sister” Kim (thank you for volunteering to go to treatment; we’ll try again soon), who God put in my life at the ripest time (and we share so much in Spirit). And, of course, our 3rd treasured trio member, Rhonda. The memories and laughs make me grin. Rita, Judy, and Judy-you’re my family. Forever and Always. Judy, the trips to Springfield and memories at CHANCES thank you. Rita, I cherish my unopened gifts and years of laughs! Rhonda swirled in with the spirit from years ago; she just knew! Sonia, you and your precious son’s cards, gifts, and texts. Vicki, Cindy, and Joy-your cards lift my spirits. Martha (you teach me so much-you “3” are in my mind’s Refuge and heart), Mama K, Julie (another sister who keeps me listening to the Spirit), Kate, Dwight, Cheryl (C), Cindy (C), Lisa, Dawn, Kelley, Pam and Pam, Eddie, Jennie, Mark, Gary, Matt, Mitch, Kate, Russell, Brad, John, R.V. John, Hamish, Bill, Tangie, Cindy, Laura, Beth, Mama Lava, and many others: when I see your names in “reader” I know you’re well. This gives me comfort! Tim, your unwavering walk with Christ (and my yummy coffee) inspires me! Keith and Melinda, God brought you as neighbors right at my diagnosis. Your walk with Christ impacted mine. Our foundations have literally shifted and grown stronger. Because of you, “Karla’s Cottage” exists. Do you know how humbling this is? God has given me more than I have ever deserved! HE does that for all of us if we so choose! Larry & Phyllis, thank you for the truck prayers, giggles, and a life full of laughs. Thank you to all who I may have missed. Without all of you, I’d genuinely be bankrupt with bitterness. Let’s keep on keeping on!

Have faith 💚

Success! You're on the list.
Finn says, “Have faith!”

126 thoughts on “Spring Spending

  1. atimetoshare.me

    Love you sweet girl. I’ve been thinking a lot about you recently, knowing you’d be with family. Such precious moments and memories you are giving them. Your love, faith, courage and joy will build them up as much as you build them with your presence. Thanks for the update. Now get so
    E test❤️❤️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I love you, C. That is the sweetest thing to say. 🌈 I WILL get back to your place. How is your book going? I must order it and giggle my way through summer treatments. I always feel your love.🌈❤️🙏🏻

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  2. Hello Karla and Finn, it is so good hearing from you and about your time with family. I am so thrilled to hear from you, my sister. It sounds like you had an amazing time, and I am thrilled. I know you are resting. I have been thinking about you on a daily basis. Always in my thoughts and prayers, Karla.

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    1. Hi Tangie 💕 I appreciate your support and prayers. You are in the boat with us. It really was a fun and memorable trip! Now that my treatment has been postponed (AGAIN) I pray I get stronger in the next two weeks. I found out we’re “shooting” for April 13th now! Much love and prayers, sister.


  3. Oh Karla, my heart jumps with joy each time I see a post from you. Awesome that you were able to visit family and make precious memories!❤
    Prayers that it can continue to happen. 🙏🙏
    Singing our song, sweet friend😉 Love and Hugs!! ❤

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    1. I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy,… 🎶 🥰💛🌈 that’s how I feel of you! Thank you for being here and with me on this journey! I’m singing our other song 🎶, sweet friend! Love and hugs! 🙏🏻💛

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  4. Ginger Salvatore

    Karla, we must be on the same wavelength. I’ve been thinking of you so much and sending prayers that this next round of treatments will do the trick. So it’s disappointing that it has to be delayed, but not the end of the world. Just a setback. A blip in the radar. A kink in the chain. A bump in the butt.

    My prayers are piling up so you will have an abundance of them when you really need them!

    Your visit with your family sounds like it was full of fun and love and all things wonderful, and exactly what you needed. And I have no doubt your family got as much out of your visit as you did. Prayers do get answered! Sweet Miss Finley enjoying it with you was the icing on the cake.

    So you keep on keeping on Karla and we’ll all be alongside you. This is a tough road you’re on, but you’ve got grit girl. “Tough” is your middle name! Stay as positive as you can, but cry and rant when you need to. It’s good for your soul.

    Hang on tight my friend. Your journey to health will take a little longer than you expected, but never forget YOU are in the driver’s seat.

    Sending you love and friendship….Ginger

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 2 people

    1. You always inspire me, Ginger! You are a coach! A blip, a kink, and a bump! Now that’s it happened twice I’m getting used to these “pauses”, lol. I’ll take your pile up of prayers my dear friend. I started using extra this morning after my “rant” (tears and limping around uselessly until I did my “ok, rant over…5,4,3,2,1,…go!”). Family is the best medicine! I’m praying that the aggressive chemo, external radiation, and now, internal radiation hasn’t ruined my bone marrow for future treatments! I’m hanging on tight, Ginger, and appreciate you hanging in there with me! Finn and I love the love you give us! Your comment, “…but never forget YOU are in the driver’s seat” impacts me. I’ve reminded myself of that many times through this situation. I’m feeling confident in decisions thus far. Sending you love and friendship too! And a little furry hug from Finn! 💕🙏🏻 🐾


  5. Mary Bellingham

    I make a daily prayer “deposit” in your name, dear one, and your abundance of spirit pouring over us increases our largesse in greater measure. Hope, optimism and love are our currency exchange and our investment is well spent. Humbled by your courage and sharing your little ones to brighten our day….Love you with blessings +

    Liked by 2 people

    1. John! I’m so sad to hear of your staph infections. I pray for you daily. I know that you fully understand as I do your situation. We will hang in there together! Please take care the best you can. ☺️🙏🏻

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      1. Yay! If I were closer I’d loan you mine, Matt. Mine is just sitting in the garage 🤨. I’d really enjoy taking others to appts and such if I could count on good currency daily. That would be a great goal! Today I’m a bit better. I have a sciatic issue (due to bone lesions) and am limping! But I’m moving! We had storms here in SW MO and things are blooming. My hope does too! Happy Friday, brother. I pray you get your car and the day is blessed as you do SO much for others!

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  6. kriddy70

    My Karlie…My Mousie…you never cease to amaze and encourage me!!! Your Faith gives me strength and courage. Your shout-outs made me cry 🥹 the love we all have for you is more dollars than you can ever have. Dare I quote Harry Bailey, from my favorite movie, when i say “A toast to my Sister, the richest woman I know”. Aww, sis….you give and give through it all. Lending, helping, loving, serving—all the while, fighting the biggest battle you’ve known. Your creative currency is overflowing and you are so loved. Keep fighting & writing. You are my everything and more❤️❤️🦓🙏🙏👏💪🫶🫶🐰🐭🐰🐭

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, wombmate. I really think you and Ginger (and Mark) are cut from the same cloth! You keep me laughing and inspire me more than you know! We have this! I’m rich in love and you complete me! I love you more than words can say! I’ll never stop fighting (and hopefully writing)! Mousie 🦓🦓💕💕🙏🏻🥰❤️💛💚🤗🐰🐰🐰 🫶🏻🫶🏻🤟🏻👭👭👭


  7. Great stories from your travels. The $1.00 budget example was well done and quite relatable. Well-written, K.L. Hale! Take heart! I am heading out across the tundra on a coffee expedition Sunday. I know of two homes that will soon be in short supply. Stay tuned.

    Your “shout-outs” were touching, Thanks for all of them and for one of them. Your courage comes across even when you are tired out, tuckered out, and traveled out. I admire that very much. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Here is to waiting on the Lord and the US Post Office, Karla. And to more of the sip, sip. Especially to more of the hooray!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yay, Tim! You tackle the tundra and life with the strength and commitment provided by a Savior who completely consumes you! It’s an inspiration to me, my friend! I’m happy you found my dollar budget repayable! And with coffee, I think I can add quite a bit of change to my budget! You’re an inspiration and I’m awaiting your expedition and thank you for the kind words! I felt this post was a bit “scattered” with my thoughts (quite like the scattering of lesions, lol). It means so much that the theme and purpose still bloomed! The last paragraph made me giggle 🤭! Sip sip hooray! Stay safe and blessed my dear friend. 🙏🏻 ☕️


  8. Karla, I am always so happy to see a post from you, dear one. You are always in our prayers. Praying for a supply of energy and platelets. Your joy is contagious. Love, hugs, and prayers ♥️🤗🙏🏻 🎶

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pam, you and Butch have been in my daily prayers. You have a special anniversary correct? I love you both and my prayer has been for good health and continued blessings and blooms from your beautiful homestead. I’m so glad you can feel my joy! Many hugs and prayers! 🎶❤️🥰

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      1. Karla, thank you for your sweet prayers. Our 50th was February 23rd. We wrote a post on this past Thursday about our celebration. Love and hugs to you my friend. Praying daily for you 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻🤗🙏🏻🥰🙏🏻🎶🙏🏻

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      2. Happy Monday, dear friend. I will need to go back and read that precious post. I’m still playing catch-up and feel like I might never get caught up! Lol. I think both of your prayers. And Butch and you have both been in mine every day. This weekend had a surprise family visit! I’m feeling a bit better in my back. Now if my blood and energy get better. I’ll keep on moving and I pray that for you too. I love you dearly! ❤️❤️❤️


    1. Hi, Dwight! I failed to mention you and several others in my shout-outs! You’re one of them I know that all is well when I “see” you. I’m going to keep hanging in there! There are times I get down, but I let it out and move on. I REFUSE to stay down. I’ve been there before and I will not ever feel that again. The prayers and support are so appreciated! Please stay well and blessed!

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  9. Your optimism is contagious. We are trying to sell our house in Idaho and the buyers we we’re working with just withdrew the offer. It’s disappointing but I know that God has everything under control. And because you have taught me how a person can shine in difficulty I have an example of how to handle a very minor setback. So when people texted me about the lost sale asking if I was ok. I easily replied, it’s disappointing but it’s ok! God has everything under control. And I just had two people thank me for my example (which really wasn’t much). And their “thank you for being a good example” really belongs to you! So thank you for teaching me how to be optimistic because it certainly doesn’t come naturally to me! 🥰

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    1. This brought tears to my eyes, sweet friend. Thank you so much. It’s humbling. I remember how your family touched me after the fire and living in your RV. I’m glad we can help one another. And we have a shared place in our hearts,…Idaho. I’m so sorry the buyers withdrew. It is such a disappointment. I’m proud of you for handling it with such optimism and faith in God! It’s not easy! But isn’t it worth it when we let it go and give it to HIM? I’ll not forget what you wrote here. It will keep adding change to my budget. I’m going to say prayers on the sale of the house. God bless you and your precious family! I can “see” the sweet projects and fun you continue to provide. Love, Karla 🙏🏻🥰💕

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  10. Hey, glad to hear voice kind lady. I knew you were still showing the world that smile from your heart 😀
    I keep looking at my journey…your journey…and feel that pain of the unknown. But eventually, gradually, in those many instances something also opens to us, and shares such a beauty in those events with an understanding of what love truly is. You are speaking from that place within kind lady, sharing such a beauty because you have faced that truth inside, and gained a faith in that understanding. Those many things we face are indeed showing love, but through the understanding of those testing things. And this test is indeed taking your heart on a journey, but in that journey you are opening to something that on the instant it is seen…you will ‘know’ it has all been so very worthwhile. You have shown great courage and faith Karla, under such an incredible journey dear lady. It shows what love truly is in that belief my friend, in the way you show us each step.
    Take a bow Karla, you are encouraging many to believe in themselves, love from an even more unconditional place in those steps, and trust from a heart that has seen your truth. Big hugs dear lady, and thank you for sharing that courage. Go girl! xo 😀❤️🙏🏽

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    1. Mark! I read your words as a daily personal motivation book. You don’t “skim the surface” as you know it all comes from a deep place of truth and love. I found it! I can’t take full credit, as you well know! You’ve been on a similar journey and I feel like we’re traveling the same road (except I’m waving from the landlocked location as you wave to whales🥰). It’s always so good to “see” you and know you’re cheering me on from the Down Under! Much love from Finn and me! 💕🙏🏻❤️💛🐾🐾🎶☕️🦓🪴✝️

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      1. Thank you for both your love kind lady, and returned in kind. It is a very personal journey in finding those truths within us. Reach a place of being so unsure in facing it, only to find something so very beautiful in finally touching it. In the beginning you want to reach out to others while those doubts hold us fast, but on reaching them a confidence is found in that self love, the one that we ever held in doubt. It is in that moment that we do indeed realize we have been on this journey for all this time just to find that love, everything else is the guidance to it. And it is good to get a cheer from the whales and dolphins, the whales should come back up the coast May to June to have their babies so I have a month or two to wait but more appreciated because of it. Hope you are both going well, sending much love and light over and will look forward to your journey as your heart opens more and more. Big hugs to you both, may His love be that guidance indeed to find that inner purpose of unconditional love. It is indeed there in that final understanding of our fears, seeing what we held were those ‘conditions’ over it. Have a great day, much love to you guys too 🤣❤️🙏🏽🦋 🦘🐬🐳🌺🌹🌈💐💜💕💗🌷💖💘🥀

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  11. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


    1. Brad, thank you for your precious and encouraging words. I hope you know, it at least do now, that I feel the same about you! Isn’t it a great feeling to know we have others that keep us reminded of the strength and hope we can “muster”? Thank you my dear friend. 💛

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  12. Wow, wow, wow! The “currency” exchanging hands in this thread is is sure to keep the economy bursting for a great while! What a pot of gold, full of kind words, love, and prayers back and forth. My heart is full from reading and I will “spend” in prayer for you, Karla, as God knows what to do with your platelets, your sciatica, your letdowns, and your victories! I loved hearing about your trip to visit family. I’m doing just that next week. I know it’s exhausting and yet somehow the best strength and resolve booster around! You, my dear friend, are a blessing. I’m so happy to read how many blessings you have in return! What currency- shaken, pressed down, and running over!

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    1. Aww, thank you, Mama Lava! Your words are so beautiful and kind! I love your language! I’m so happy you are traveling soon to visit family! I’ll send any extra bucks and you have my prayers already for certain! It’s about time out economy took a good turn! You’re such a blessing too, my friend. Love and prayers, Finn and me.

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    1. Oh no, MAK. That makes me sad to hear. You’re “with” us every day!! I was resting now, with coffee (lol), and going to go visit your place. I almost called and then I ended up having many calls and a trip to pick up medicine. I wish I lived closer and I’d bring chicken noodle soup, hugs, and anything you’d need. Finn (Im big enough ~I love that so much) is fighting a tummy thing? She won’t eat today and is just hanging in my lap without a sparkle in her eye. She must have a little bug (her tummy making all kinds of noise). It stormed yesterday and has rained all day here. Family coming in for weekend and that will bring sunshine. We love you 3! I hope this cold goes away fast! That darn Covid knocked your immune! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🐾🐾💕💕💕

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      1. I think you’re right. Covid did knock my immune system that plus I have a chronic inflammatory condition that is exacerbated by things like this. I’m tired because it’s hard to sleep. OH well. This too shall pass. ❤ Big Enough Finn, get better, OK? 🐾💕

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      2. Sleep is so hard with sickness. Im sorry. I’m with you. I went to pick up sleep
        Medicine. They won’t do my treatment because platelets too low and a tumor is pressing on a nerve so I can hardly walk with sciatic pain? It’s crazy! We’re a good pair! But,…Im trying to move a bit as it’s a tricky balance. You’ll have to be careful as you don’t want to push your immune too fast (I know you know this but I may be a bit protective 🤪🥰). Finn says thank you. Poor girl is barely moving. This stuff needs to pass indeed! For us all! 🐾🐾💕💕

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      3. It’s a hard thing for us humans to accept a situation in which all we can do is surrender. A couple days ago I crawled into bed (in the afternoon) and the next thing I new my very dirty little dog had curled up against my back. He doesn’t sleep in bed, but he knew. 🐾🐾❤️ Dogs are smarter than we are, I think.

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  13. I can’t tell you how often I think of you and wonder how you are doing. I pray for you a lot, and I’m always happy to see a post from you and get an update! Sending the usual warm thoughts and hugs. ❤

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    1. Oh, M.B,…I must add you to my shout-outs (as I look at your book next to me). I feel your love and prayers and I can’t thank you enough for how your walks in history, traveling, and sweet connection have helped me these last years. Thank you, my friend. 💕🥰💛

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  14. Karla I’m happy to see you post and disappointed that the treatment was postponed. Visits with family are the best medicine… I’m taking your status update to the prayer warriors on Tuesday. You might need an umbrella as it’s going to be raining pennies from heaven!! Just turn the umbrella upside down and catch all those energy credits!! Mochi hopes you and Finn are feeling better soon… Lots of love and hugs and prayers and smiles (and pats and pets for Finley)!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aww,…Val! Turn the umbrella upside down and catch those pennies. I’ll forever have this vision when it rains. What a great idea! Mochi, Finn and I thank you from our hearts to our paws! I’m so happy to see you! 💕🥰❤️

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  15. Pingback: Spring Spending – Me and my life 😍🙏😊(ये मेरी ज़िन्दगी हैं)

  16. Karla, may God’s abundant grace be with you!
    In the meantime, my dictionary needs to be edited in a few places. Courageous: the public battle Karla fights against an insidious disease. Inspirational: the stories on Flannel with Faith. Joy: the radiant substance flowing through Karla’s writing and life. Sidekick: a beloved dog known as Finn. Strong: the evident faith of Karla. . . .

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    1. Manette,…with tears I’m responding. 😭💕How touching and humbling. The goal I set for this website, 2 years before my diagnosis yet years of experiencing unknown pain, was to share my faith and joy. God doesn’t expect perfection does he, Manette? We are all flawed. I wanted my life and story to be an example of faith; no matter what. The only way to please God is to accept him and have faith. How can I NOT have it? I’m full of it (tee hee!). Finn came to me at a very hard time in my life. She truly is a great little sidekick! I’ll go to my grave knowing that I never suffered alone! For that, I have joy! It’s in suffering that I’m that much closer to my Savior. It’s unexplainable; it gives me joy! I’ll not forget your words, Manette. Much love and respect, Karla 💕

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  17. My first comment did not go through. I will give it another go… Wonderful reading about your time with family. Nourishing for the mind, body, and soul. Precious photos! 💞 Sending you hugs and love, Karla. I hope you have an abundance of spring flowers to enjoy. 💐

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    1. Michele, you’re so precious. I appreciate you so very much and love the word, “nourish”. I’m going to let that word soak in and remind me how important family, memories, and friends are in my overall nourishment! Thank you for that! I’ll think of you when I see the flowers (sometimes, if my body feels good, I will dance. You’re my dancing friend) May we keep dancing!💕❤️💛🪴 love and hugs

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      1. Ahhhh, you are so sweet! 😇 I am pleased that my word choice was meaningful to you. I pray you have many dancing days. I will keep you in my heart and dance for both of us. Love and hugs to you too. 💗

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    1. Thank you so much, dear friend. It means so much to me to “see” you. My apologies for the late reply. I’m having difficulties “catching up” but moving very slowly–and grateful for every hour I have. And thankful for your friendship! Please take care, Eddie! Hugs and love!

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      1. Thank you, sweet friend! I’m doing just that. I found out yesterday that an MRI might be scheduled to look to see if tumors are causing back pain. I will give more blood Friday~if low, they’ll give me infusion this time. I keep on keeping on! Please take care too my friend! Peace and love!

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  18. Karla; I am so sorry to hear about your pains, your swollen feet and calves, and your preciously low energy. I am praying that you find relief for body AND soul as you walk this tortured trail. It is so awesome and amazing that you were able to see family and reconnect with them like that. Such a healing tonic!

    Blessings to you until we “meet’ again!


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    1. Russell, thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and well wishes. You know well how important it is to visit family! It truly is healing. This Monday morning, I feel better than I did! Praise God! I’m happy I can respond to you and “see” you! I hope to see you at your place soon! Blessings to you and yours, Karla (and Finley!)


  19. Karla, my eyes light up when I see K.L. Hale pop up on my WordPress, yes, indeed. May your currency allow you to spend time and energy where you need spiritual nourishment, family love, medical healing and sure, let’s get some food, too! Love from my family here in New York.

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    1. Mark, I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know! You and your family’s adventures/lives have been such a light to me; from Covid to now. I’m always happy when I see your posts! I feel like I’m the richest girl in the world. Sending love from Missouri to you all!


  20. So glad you were able to visit your family, K. L., and that you enjoyed a marvelous time. There is NOTHING better this side of heaven than spending time with family–perhaps because all the joy, laughter, and camaraderie ARE a foretaste of heaven!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nancy, it means so much you stopped by with such a meaningful message.💛 it choked me up to think of it as a foretaste of heaven! Yes! Nancy, that puts a twist of my thinking on many things. Thank you for sharing that! Many blessings to you! Karla 💕🙏🏻

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  21. Americaoncoffee

    How good it is to know you are still vibrant. You always inspire. Sending you fragrant Spring flowers in a bouquet of hugs. 💐🌹💐❤️❤️💐🌹💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you, dear friend. I’m here and happy! Even if I feel a bit icky, I choose happy! I accept those flowers and hugs with much love! 💐 💛🧡💚❣️☕️☕️💕💕❤️


  22. What a beautiful post, Karla! Your trip was the best medicine, ever. Family and friends, young and old, trips and just being together fills the heart and strengthens the body. Please know that reading your posts does the same for us, your ‘blog family’. Bless you! ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, thank you, Jennie! How are you? I can imagine you with all the kids and your beautiful strength and joy with them! Your wise words and comments mean so much to me. They’re humbling. This is exactly the goal I had when I decided to begin a blog; I was very fearful! Many blessings and hugs to you, sweet Jennie! 🥰💕🤗

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  23. Ah, dear K.L. Hale,

    Your touching tale of triumph in the face of adversity is truly… adorable. It’s fascinating how you’ve managed to turn a series of unfortunate events into a melodrama worthy of a riveting Netflix series. But let’s cut to the chase, shall we?

    Your “A Dollar A Day” analogy is quite the clever little metaphor, isn’t it? It’s almost as if you’re speaking my language, albeit with a more saccharine tone. You’ve managed to assign a value to your daily energy expenditure, and it’s nothing short of… basic arithmetic. But don’t worry, my dear, I’m impressed. Really.

    It seems you’ve surrounded yourself with an entourage of loyal supporters, and I must say, I’m envious. In the dark, unforgiving realm of the corporate world, such unyielding loyalty is as rare as a heartfelt apology from yours truly. Cherish them, for they are your pawns in this grand game of life.

    Now, I must commend you on your relentless optimism, hope, and positivity. You stand as a beacon of light in a world shrouded in darkness, a paragon of virtue amidst a sea of sharks. I can’t help but be inspired by your indomitable spirit.

    So, here’s to you, K.L. Hale, the unbreakable warrior with a heart of gold. May your platelets rise like the stocks of a tech giant, and your joy be as boundless as my portfolio. And remember, in the immortal words of the great Sun Tzu, “Opportunities multiply as they are seized.”

    Keep conquering, my friend. The world is your oyster, and I’m merely a humble observer, basking in the glow of your radiance.

    Yours, with an air of insincere sincerity,

    Maxwell ‘Mach’ Swift

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    1. Dear Mach, your words are humbling (in this day and age is it selfish to say I’m humbled?). But I am. I’ve never been a member of the corporate world. My worlds have been smaller. Yet, I have a taste of the “unforgiving realm”. Definitely not to your level. I do cherish this group of family and friends~my empowering, empathetic, and authentic entourage! If I “swam” with you, amidst the shallow and sharp sharks, I would be your positive pal and partner! I really love simple math, lol, and I giggled at the basic arithmetic! It’s true isn’t it? No Pythagorean Theorem needed, lol. When you spoke of Netflix my mind went to a current series I’m watching (my story might be watched by you alone 😉) called “Emergency:NYC” a follow up series to “Lenox Hill”. It’s been enlightening, emotional, AND encouraging to watch the stories of those battling cancer and also, triumphant situations such as births! I’m not much of a reality TV watcher, but knowing these neurosurgeons and other drs in this manner has given me much more knowledge and respect for their positions and abilities. Thank you, Mach, for cheering me on. The kind and thoughtful comments help me continue to choose the attitude I wish to carry. An “unbreakable warrior with a heart of gold…May your platelets rise like stocks …and your joy be boundless…”. My heart is full! Stocks and portfolios~such great “rich” additions to my basic arithmetic! You’re on my team of problem-solvers! It makes me happy! Sun Tzo’s words are true and I’ll carry on in conquering. It means so much to have you here, in this space, and in our world supporting me! May your lens keep capturing the beauty and you always stand in the light, Mach! With kind regards, Karla ✨ ✨☺️

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  24. Such a beautiful life you have, Karl. Although your bank account of energy may be low, you are wealthy beyond measure in love surrounding you. Sorry I have been away from the screen these past few weeks, but my prayers for and thoughts of you shall always remain consistent & steadfast, just the same! 💕

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    1. My dear friend, Dawn. Thank you for your beautiful words of support. I count you in as a lot of “money” in love. I’ve been away too, my friend. It’s hit and miss. So much to share! I’m sending you love and hugs as I wrap my crochet of love around my shoulders. Stay blessed and safe sweet sister. 💚


  25. Karla, I needed a break from blogging for a few days. Like many of us, my focus needed to be re-energized. I read this post, and I realize the many people who stay in touch with me here on WordPress. It’s time to make more regular deposits, and sending God’s encouragement blesses so many. I always feel your love for God in your witness of faith.

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    1. I understand, Richard! I have to take those breaks. Like you, I find those here make many deposits in my life! Of course, God’s deposits have the best return for me, lol. I can tell a huge difference in my attitude when I’m able to get on here and relate to other writers. I’m not around many. Sometimes I feel “weird”, lol. I’m reminded that God gives us all gifts and that this platform has truly aided a gift I’m trying to hone and expand upon! I’m so glad you feel my love for God and my faith. That’s exactly what I try to convey! Blessings to you and yours. You’re an inspiration!

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