Keeping Score

Our crushing Class AA Cardinals’ affiliate, Springfield Cardinals, set a franchise record in consecutive wins. Much like the nail-biting game I wrote about last year, the bats swung (a word for Martha) with come-back conviction. A blow-your-mind come-back-from-behind win! 9-0—a record!

My record? 2-0! Nearly two years are behind me, and I’m happy to set a 100%-win record in my series with cancer.

Loss WILL happen.

There’s freedom in losing count of strikeouts, injuries, side-line struggles, and group gossip.

 Let’s stop keeping scores based on politics, positions, and postures. Let’s lose count of the times we’ve been hurt, handled, or harmed.

“I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.”

Philippians 3:7

Are you keeping the score of the runs or the ridicule? Can you lose count of the consecutive contempt and concentrate on the countenance of Christ?

“Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!” Matthew 18:21

In a world that counts runs or assumes religion is all about righteousness, let’s talk about a winning plan. What shapes your convictions? We’re all in the game together. It’s not about keeping scores based on doctrine or following the law. Discipline, hard work, humility…God wants to restore us on our paths to wholeness and holiness. So why keep count and score? Why compare injuries or losses?

“and become one with him. I no longer count on my righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God’s way of making us right with himself depends on faith.”

Philippians 3:9

Love. A league of its own. It’s an affiliate of the Almighty; not a rally of personal righteousness.❣️

Let’s cheer each other on and lose count of the team uniform and coaches—we’re in the same league.

Nature is winning–K.L. Hale

Do you know how loved you are? If you don’t, feel free to email me at If I don’t return it immediately, I might be sidelined for a day or two. I’m happy to share my game experience—and most importantly, love.

Have faith 💛

FYI–I’m off to an appointment soon–thank you for your kindness and patience. Friends, I thank you for your unwavering support and prayers. Recently, I learned of two friends that are battling cancer. May we all continue lifting one another–for truly we are on the same team. 💕

Have you heard of NET, Yet?🦓

I’m maintaining and moving more-I’m in the game. A new monthly injection/treatment seems to be less painful; yet has some sidelining side effects. It’s tricky. How do you decide on a game plan? Do you watch, wait, and pray on the bench? Or do you grab a bat and swing? Do I sit in the stands with others, cheering, and resting?  

For those who aren’t familiar with NET, this cancer is rare. It’s a marathon. Like all of you, some days are better than others. The goal is to keep it out of the liver again. To keep my organs running smooth, my bones from aching so they can heal, and to keep my heart on what matters most.

God always has a plan. I’m listening. With solid support and my daily faith workouts, I’m keeping my head and heart in the game. I told John, my blogging friend with cancer, I’d rather have 75% of a month where I’m in the game than 0%. We’re all battling game injuries. I’m simply happy to be on your team. While here I won’t keep score. I’ll lose count and just take one day at a time.

In the next two weeks to two months, I’ll have appointments, another treatment, and hopefully, a visit to Texas and north Missouri to see my most important people (I have two amazing sons and daughter-in-loves, and 3 precious grands). Here, in my Springfield stands, I have a solid support team member and my fabulous family and friends (all of you included). Each Wednesday I huddle with an incredible team of other cancer thrivers. Without them, my skills would be lessened. Their lives and stories inspire me-the learning motivates me. If I’m “hit and miss” at your place, please know I will meet you there as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, I had several appointments in the last two weeks (or 3? I’ve lost count 😉). One was scary, hairy, and a bit frustrating. “Don’t keep score, Karla. It’s a loss; lead with love.” This Godly game plan worked for HIS purpose. Leaving there, I waved at this precious lady and her fuzzy huge, adorable cat. She rolled down the window and waved me over. “Here,” she said. “I want to give you this kindness rock I painted.” Tears streamed down my face. “Thank you. This means so much to me.” In that instant, not just names were shared. Hope. Kindness. Love. Everything diseased inside of me felt gone. Cancer? I lost count.  

Cathy, thank you for my kindness rock–and your sweet spirit and smile.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

©2020-2024 Flannel with Faith. All rights reserved.

95 thoughts on “Keeping Score

  1. It is essential what you said here. And only one who has touched the essence knows this. Indeed, let’s lose count. So many things are so extremely important, like having a clean flour, getting through the red light before it turns to red again, being right, proving something specific to someone (who probably is not even worth the effort), worrying about the weather, argueing about stupid stuff. But only when something essential happens, we lose count on those unimportant things. Life has a way to remind us. If we only learned after the first reminder. How many more great and essential moments could we experience… Thank you for this reminder, Karla, thank you from my heart 💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. How kind, Erika. It’s my blessing to share~and I always pray something shared will “land” in the heart of others. Without being hurtful or harsh~because I’m a loser, lol. I’m winning at life because of the lessons~far from perfect, but thankful to God~I owe him the glory. I want you to keep losing count of that stuff and counting friends, like you, who share in the mission of spreading goodness, truth, love, and light. Thank you for being here. ❤️💕💚🙏🏻

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Karla, you are wise beyond your years! How do you take such powerful experiences that would challenge the most optimistic person and turn them into extraordinary lessons for us all. Don’t keep score! I love that. Focus on the wins, the improvement, the moments that take your breath away. What an incredible privilege it is to have met you, if only on line, but it feels like so much more. You have inspired me in ways that no one else had and you have showed me over and over again how to see the blessings that I often overlook and ignore. Keep at life Karla, your are the best, I love you to the moon and back. Hugs and payers always coming your way, C

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I love you to the moon and back too, C. Please go read what I wrote to you on the last comment. You’ve taught me.

      I’m so humbled by your words. Wisdom? I’ve been young and dumb, C. (And still!)
      I give all glory to God. I lay it all at the feet of Jesus. 💕

      Keeping score is exhausting. Futile. Meaningless. It’s our human nature. Yet, it strips us of living a free and abundantly joyful life!

      Hidden agendas, unmet and unrealistic expectations, and keeping up with societal “norms”…taking sides, splitting hairs, and raising eyebrows. Golly, it gets old.

      Being human is exhausting! So I best get out of God’s way and surrender my sulk (and sickly soul and thoughts).

      What a blessing it is to know you. I giggle reading your book, C. I cried too. You inspire me as I do you. Thank you for saying that. It’s overwhelming to me!

      I’ll keep going and moving until I can’t. I’ll look for, and live in, this heaven on Earth God gave us until I’m completely made new.

      Until then, I’m soaking in my restoration and recovery ~my refinishing and refurbishing ~ I’m so thankful to God. ❤️

      I love you, C. Thank you for cheerleading me through this. 💕💚🙏🏻

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  3. You’re so close in my heart and prayers, closer still as your words speak truth and beauty inspired by Him who loves us and keeps us iabiding in the shadow of His wings. Oh sister, how I needed to hear your words today though, so much “keeping score” going on in the world today! But most of all rejoicing to hear that you thrive in spirit, in Christ your “hiding place” where no cancer can go. Praying for you, knowing our God hears our prayers and knowing His way, His plans are perfect. We will trust in Him, my sister, the Lamb who was slain, our Savior God, our elder Brother, who is able to do far above all that we can conceive. God bless you and keep you, dear one. Thank you for sharing your heart and your sweet encouragement. So thankful to God for you! 💖🥰🩵💚

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    1. I’m so thankful for you too, Dora. Your words are soul salve! They affirm my message and hope I pray others feel and can find in their lives!
      Ah, the hiding place~the perfect place of peace where my Advocate, the Holy Spirit, communes and collaborates with me. Comforting, healing, and loving.
      I trust only in that, Dora. All else will falter~that remains.
      You’re close in my heart. There are days I wish I could write poetry and I think of all of you~and here you are, encouraging me, lifting me, praying,…it’s precious. Much love and prayers, my friend.❤️🙏🏻

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    1. M.B.~thank you, my friend. In ways you don’t know, you’ve helped me. I’m still reading about Mildred, Theda, Flora, Emilia, and Adelaide~ your writing amazes me. Each of these characters will become a piece of my own “D” day. Something unforgettable and terrifying. Yet, through it comes unshakable faith. I appreciate and admire you, M.B. Here’s to new roads and adventures ❤️🙏🏻💕 thank you for your prayers

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    1. Yes, MAK!!! Yes!! You inspired my post! You inspire me! My friend, Lisa, is doing that. I have several rocks I’ve painted over the years~I want to do this again too and spread the kindness. ❤️💕🥰💚🐾🐾🐾 🐕 🐩 🏔️🏔️🥾🥾👏🏻👏🏻🏃‍♀️‍➡️🏃‍♀️‍➡️

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  4. I love you, Karla, and the story of the lady and her cat and the gift of the Kindness Rock — it’s a tangible sign of ALL the people cheering you on!!!

    I’m praying for you while sidelined, and for your game plan, your liver barricade, your bones and heart, your upcoming appointments and treatment and travel. As always, I’m believing in miracles! 🙏🏻💖🙏🏻

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    1. You are a rock solid supporter, Crystal. ❤️
      Look what you’ve overcome and accomplished!👏🏻🙏🏻
      {Friends, C is a thriver and survivor! }
      I’m handing out imaginary rocks and hugs~please take them!
      We are prayer warriors for one another~through the blood tests, the biopsies, the surgeries, and sidelines~I am grateful.

      If I’m upright, I’m winning, C. Miracles are always in the making! I’m with you~let’s keep believing.

      I love you!! ❤️💕 thank you, Crystal. 💚🙏🏻💕


      1. I love imaginary rocks—thank you, beautiful friend—and I’m thrilled to be a rock solid supporter. I follow up with my surgeon tomorrow. It should be an easy appointment ❤️ (in comparison to the last).

        Believing. Upright. Winning.

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      2. I’m praying for you right now, precious sister.

        You’re an inspiration to me!! You are definitely a rock solid supporter!

        Your last 3 words. Yes. Yes. Yes. 🙏🏻💚💕❤️‍🩹❤️🙏🏻

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  5. See, God is your rock…waiting for you to walk on by that lady as He knew you would. That is amazing Karla. I’m totally gobsmacked 🤣

    You are being one of His team mates kind lady, many the swings, many the misses my friend…but every so often there is that sweet sound that a bat makes when it swings true and your off to those bases heading for home.

    Big, big hugs my friend, much love and light that your new regime and tests will hit a home run and be that cheering from us all as you cross that last base into all your team mates, family, friends…and of course that beautiful mascot, miss Finnley 🤗🥰🤣😂😀❤️🙏

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    1. Mark, I’m waving again! Usually my arm gets tired if I hold it too long. 🤭🥰

      You always hit a home run with your comments! Thank you, dear friend. “…that sweet sound that a bat makes when it swings true…”
      I’m still in the game. Learning, recovering, and also, getting stronger in other ways to keep the game alive!

      I’m cheering for you, too! Are you making strides in your situation? Feeling like the game moving forward? A tie? Win? Stuck in overtime? I’m always sending love and prayers!

      So is Finn (she said thank you). 🥰🥰🤭❤️👏🏻💕

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      1. Yayyy! Thank you both sweet lady, hugs and lots of prayers coming over for you both. I’m doing well, sort of, sometimes haha 🤣 You know the routine, we truly appreciate the good times so much more because of where we’ve been, and dig into the trenches on those days its raining 🤗😂

        Chin up, test a few more of those bats for their grip…swoosh, swoosh…and then hold that belief in our hearts that we are going to hit that home run and the crowd goes wild 🤣 Hang in there Karla, we got this 🤗🥰😀❤️🙏

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      2. I’m giggling, Mark (NOT at the number of fastballs and curve balls being thrown at you), but the “test of the bat grip”….swoosh, swoosh. YOUR crowd is going wild at all you’ve done—we’re in this together, friend! 💛🙏

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    1. Gary, I think like you. There are side effects to everything. I think my next treatment will be the “proof in the pudding”. To do nothing is an option~with major effects too. I’ll take the best of the worst?

      We know how it ends and who the right coach is~I’ll keep my head and heart on that.

      You and your family are a blessing to me.🙏🏻💚

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  6. How great to cheer on the home team! Sounds like a great season for them. I love your post and what you share about bringing life into focus and keeping score of what is good and positive in our lives. You are a wonderful example of this for all of us. Keep on keeping on, Karla.

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    1. Dwight, I’m thrilled you enjoyed this and can relate! You know, my friend, you just know! Thank you for your support and prayers—your words are kind and thoughtful. I’ll keep on keeping on—I pray that for you and yours, too!

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  7. Karla! I’m so happy that you are still “in the game” and that your heart is open to the joys (big and small) of life. I put your name in the prayer box – not only the warriors are praying but 2 other groups as well! I’m sure you will be under a protective umbrella of love as you travel for appointments and to visit family!! Mochi says to let Finn know that she’s thinking of her too! 🙏🏻🤗😍🐶

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    1. Val, I can’t say thank you enough! It amazes me how God’s people pray. I have NO DOUBT that it’s the prayers that are protecting me—God is so good! Please thank them all from me. There have been times I’ve wanted to say, “Please take me off the prayer list.” I did tell a pastor friend that. I feel there are SO MANY that need their name lifted—and look at me—I’m here! From my studies in the Bible, I don’t know what Paul’s “thorn” in his side was—yet, I know these sufferings that are given bring me closer to my Savior. I’m so happy to be able to maintain and take things one hour at a time. It’s so REAL, yet, at times, SURREAL. Mochi, Finn says she loves you and thank you for being her friend. Much love you two! ❤️ THANK YOU for being here and praying for me!!


  8. what a beautiful and necessary reminder. Keeping score – so essential in sporting events – can rob all our joy in the rest of life. So glad to hear your faith is staying strong in the middle of the ups and downs of your cancer journey. Joan just had her five year CT scan and received very good results. Praise God from whom all things flow.

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    1. I’m so happy to hear the good news about Joan! Please give her my best, Russell!

      Yes, praise God from whom all blessings flow! I lose count!There are so many blessings!

      I appreciate you taking the time to support and encourage me! Your friendship and prayers are always appreciated!


  9. Yes, keeping score on some issues is a fool’s errand. Keeping score on the gifts and blessings of the indwelling Christ is kinda fun! It is hard to do, though. His mercies are new every morning. Gotta start counting early. By lunch I need a new sheet of paper. And how many did I miss? 

    Counting His love is impossible – it is like counting the water rushing by in the stream. How do you count something that never stops coming and never slows down. The best I can do is to count on His love. That is much easier.

    Counting the evidences of His faithfulness is also impossible; how does one count something that is not measurable? I could try to count sunrises, raindrops, or breaths I take, but is overwhelming. And it still does not capture even a portion of His faithfulness. I guess like the Love I must simply count on His faithfulness. Again, this is pretty easy.

    Your post brought all of this to mind in me. I am sooo grateful that you wrote this. 

    God bless you and the Finley, too!


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    1. Tim, you know, you know, you know! I’m so blessed to call you friend.

      Counting blessings~I need a new sheet of paper too!

      Your beautiful response is a blogpost. “How do you count something that never stops coming and never slows down.” Count on HIS love. Amen.

      Your paragraph about his faithfulness moved me to tears! “Sunrises, raindrops, breaths…still doesn’t capture even a portion of his faithfulness.”

      I was able to get out in HIS sanctuary this morning. It was breathtaking to me. When I’m surrounded by his beauty, the wind whispering his praises, the trees with their arms outstretched, and life blooming around me, I can’t help but feel overwhelmed. It’s hard to leave it.

      Often I think of where you live and the beautiful part of the country out “there”. God reminds me to make heaven on Earth right where I’m planted. We are so blessed to have the freedoms we have. I don’t take it for granted.🙏🏻

      I appreciate you so much! Finn and I send blessings to you and Rascal!


  10. Karla, my sweet friend, thank you so much for the relevant reminder not to keep score. We encourage, plant and water seeds of salvation in each other’s lives and the Holy Spirit does the rest. There is no nastiness in planting and watering, which Jesus made sure to say we should do with love. You are so very good at that! Keep on keeping on. I’m so blessed by you!

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    1. Mama M, how are you during these busy time? You are so precious to stop by and share such encouragement and kindness!

      I love your words~encourage, plant, water~let the Holy Spirit do the rest. No nastiness in it~just love. Yes! ❤️ you do that too, sweet friend!

      You’re a blessing to me, too. Thank you. 🙏🏻 love and hugs, my friend. ❤️🥰

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  11. You never cease to amaze me Karla, You are still in the game and great lessons on never keeping score Your unwavering faith is taking you there and I am rooting for you every step of the way. I don’t know nets but I’m hopeful it will be easier on you. Thanks for always inspiring and keeping love joy in your heart and sharing it with us! Take good care and I’ll see you on the flip side when you see your way back to commenting. Remember YOU are LOVE and soooooo LOVED💓💓

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    1. Aww, thank you, C. That’s so kind to say 🥹.

      I have to give all glory to God!

      You always encourage and inspire me through your lens of love,compassion, and kindness!

      I’m taking good care and by the way, I LOVE you and thank you for loving me!

      How’s our Narnia doing? Give your family my love and prayers! 💕💕❤️🙏🏻🥰

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      1. YOU are so welcome and of course I only have praises I sing on the rooftops for you!

        Glory to God and all you love and I will always be at your side no matter where you reside.

        How could I not love you? To Know YOU is to LOVE YOU!

        Oh honey, Sienna was soooo sick throwing up, she was a wreck. She had shots and I think it was that. I took 2 days off to watch her because she looses 500 a day as a teacher if she misses work..Can you imagine. I’ll let her know you are thinking about her. Thanks tons!
        xo 💕💓💓

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      2. How precious, Cindy! I’m singing with you ❤️🎶❤️

        Poor Sienna! Bless her heart ❤️ I can’t imagine that loss for a day! She is blessed to have you just as we all are!

        I love you❤️💕🎶

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    1. It’s so true, Gary. You know. ❤️ you’ve been an inspiration to me, dear friend. Yes, we are never walking alone. Your last sentence is so beautiful! Thank you for being here and supporting me. I care for you both and send prayers and blessings. ❤️🙏🏻


  12. Karla, I love this blog post and the idea about Kindess Rocks ROCKS! The idea is so inspiring, it even got me to join the Facebook group – that’s saying something since I rarely go on FB!

    On that note, maybe we can all drop “the rocks” that weigh us down and, instead, spread kindness by painting kindness rocks! 🤍🤍🤍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How beautiful, Stacy! Your precious and kind words lift my spirits!

      That’s wonderful you joined the Facebook group, too (I’ve been off of FB since 2018 or I would go there). It’s such a neat way to pay kindness forward!
      I just returned from cancer center and had an idea of what to do for those that wait long periods of time there!

      I love your wisdom and heart! “Maybe we can all drop “the rocks” that weigh us down …
      Yes! Do you listen to The Isaacs? They sing a song titled “Rocks” .
      “Rocks are heavy, they hurt people we love…I ain’t gonna throw stones…ain’t got no room for rocks in my pockets anyway.”

      Kindness rocks! Stacy…YOU rock! Much love! I appreciate you!♥️❤️💚💕🙏🏻


  13. God’s peace be with you Karla. I enjoy how you weave baseball into your writing. The ebb and flow of baseball mirrors life better than any other sport. After a strikeout, you dust yourself off and step back into the batter’s box. Praying to you Father that your grace and peace continues to remind Karla that with every sunrise, there shines a new day where the score always favors you for our benefit. Amen.


    1. That’s so kind, big brother! Yes! Your knees~my cancer~think about how one day neither of us will have to worry about this! Restoration straight ahead!
      Today has been a blessed day. God shows up in unexpected and unexplainable ways. I’m working on a project that needs a bit of prayerful attention (by Sunday!!), and I’m so happy and blessed to be here. So many have it worse~
      I’m praying for YOU (I just prayed after my last comment). I appreciate you!

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    1. Aww, that is the sweetest thing to say, Dawn!
      I couldn’t believe it when it happened. She said, “Don’t cry, I want you to have this.” The timing couldn’t have been more perfect~and THAT’S just how God works!
      I’m believing, sister~and will keep rockin’ (cute!). I hope you are too! Love and hugs 💚🙏🏻

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