Elevating Expo

Multiple local authors gathered at a recent expo. Just as in your lives, I was thunderstruck with their fascinating experiences. A wellspring of wishes, wisdom, whimsical, “why did I do that?”, “what if’s”, “why not’s”, and wondrous words produced their stellar stories! Why write?

There are many reasons I write. It encourages me to focus, research, learn, love, and inspire. At times, it clears the cobwebs in my consciousness. Other times, it soothes my soul. Distractions cease. I’m intentional. I can: Think. Reflect. Learn. Understand. Praise. Inspire. Words are convincing, helpful, encouraging, and affirmative. At times, it’s entertaining! Some hurt. Journaling is my way of cleansing my clanging clutter. This year I’ve met my goal to journal daily. Do you journal? Do you make lists? I can easily type a recipe or a “to-do” paragraph. Write notes? My “black and white” brain automatically places Roman Numerals, letters, or bullets. Why do you write?

Allow me to introduce local Ozarks writers!

Thomas J. Carter, during the Covid lockdown, decided he would write a children’s book series about the National Parks after he and his wife bought an R.V. to travel. I’m sure you know why I loved this! Even better for ME? An 1800’s setting! You can find Thomas on IG @midwestiscoolbooks.Thomas is an excellent illustrator and writer!

LaDonna Greiner was 66 years old when she spent a miserable night on the top of Taum Sauk Mountain in Missouri (where many have sadly died in similar situations). A few days later, a horrible car accident left her and her husband without a vehicle, and THEN she was handed a felony charge (“leaving the scene of an accident”). LaDonna’s stories and photos will leave you on the edge of your seat. “I’m here for a purpose,” she says (yes you are, LaDonna!). As a certified facilitator, you can count on LaDonna to share wisdom on creating environments of gratitude.

Michelle Underwood grew up in Mansfield, MO. She authored a book about Laura Ingalls Wilder that is the most detailed I’ve ever read! Her passion for our local hero and author inspires me.

Paula Moore teaches biblical truths through the arts and Shawnda Walker wrote about cooperation and sharing through the eyes of a cute guinea pig, Peanut.

Jeanne Griener gripped my heart with a memoir about finding God’s goodness—despite losing, and never finding, her missing brother. You can feel her faith and love in her words.

C.A. (Candy) Simonson She is an award-winning author and writer of short stories, articles, and books. She is a frequent contributor to online publications and print magazines, now almost 400 pieces. Need self-publishing help? See C.A.! It’s like opening a treasure book.

Susie Kinslow Adams is a local author, writer, and speaker! Her turtle, Patches, will sing about how much Jesus loves you, too! Her story will inspire you!

Author Sage Hunter invites you to step into the dynamic universe of “The Black Bra Club,” an engaging narrative that charts the inception of a movement grounded in sisterhood, support, mentoring, and the profound essence of faith.

Check out today’s history and ANOTHER amazing hero story!

History today Phillis Wheatley born (1753); President Harry Truman born (1884); Boxing legend Sonny Liston born (1932); Germany surrenders, ending World War II in Europe (1945); Smallpox is eradicated (1980).

A war hero tells his story

Friends, meet Luciano “Louis” Charles Graziano. “It was January 1943 when twenty-year-old Louis Graziano received a letter from Uncle Sam ordering him to report to Fort Niagara, New York, for a physical. Although he knew the United States was at war, he had no idea what was ahead of him.  After making a promise to dutifully defend his country, Louis never realized how much his military experience would change the course of his life.

In a memoir that reveals the good, bad, and ugly of war and beyond, Louis leads others through his life experiences via personal stories and historical photographs that provide a candid glimpse into what it was like to be a young soldier before, during, and after World War II.”

“After suffering frostbite during the successful effort to search and find the lost armored element, Louis returned to Reims to recover. Among the buildings in Reams there was a “Little Red Schoolhouse” where General Eisenhower had his headquarters. It was here that the unconditional surrender of Germany was signed in the early morning hours of Monday, May 7, 1945. Louis was there, in the room, as General Yodl of the German Army signed the articles of surrender. U.S. General Walter Bedell Smith signed on behalf of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, General Eisenhower, and General Ivan Susloparov on behalf of the Soviet High Command. French Major-General François Sevez signed as the official witness.

It is most likely that Louis is the last surviving witness to this historic event…(A Patriot’s Memoirs of World War II–Through my Eyes, Heart, and Soul).

Thank you, Louis, for your service.❤️🤍💙

Stories of war, survival, loss, and love. Your life may seem mundane. You may feel you DON’T have a story. But you do. There is ONE STORY I’ll keep telling of the ultimate sacrifice made for you and me. Do you know how loved you are? All of you encourage me. To feature each of you a day would take years. Keep telling your stories (besides, they’re not over YET). Uniquely and collectively, you impact me. I’ll say it louder to the people in the back–do you REALLY know how loved you are?

Let’s keep “elevating” one another! My encouragement to you is real; not just in words. It’s not fake news when I share about God’s love, grace, and mercy. I don’t have a hidden agenda for sharing my gratitude. And to write about it? Even better.

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

“The world is a severe schoolmaster, for its frowns are less dangerous than its smiles and flatteries, and it is a difficult task to keep in the path of wisdom.”

Phillis Wheatley

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”

William Wordsworth

“The secret of it all is to write… without waiting for a fit time or place.”

Walt Whitman

“Then the Lord answered me and said: ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.”Habakkuk 2:2

Have faith 💚

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©2020-2024 Flannel with Faith. All rights reserved.

70 thoughts on “Elevating Expo

  1. Ginger Salvatore

    Karla, what would we do if we didn’t have writers/authors? Imagine if all those books that were written eons ago had never been written! What a catastrophe. Yes, we can pass down knowledge by word of mouth, but a book, a journal, a diary captures it forever and those words on the pages remain the same every time you read them. I’m not just talking about history books or autobiographies, I mean all the fiction that’s out there that sweeps us up into fantasies.

    Sounds like a good time was had by all and that’s a grand thing. I’m so glad you got to share this experience.

    Keep on writing Karla. Keep your faith. Keep on truckin’. Keep on blogging.

    Love and hugs to you and to my favorite caregiver Sweet Miss Finley. Wishing you both a happy and carefree May.


    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 2 people

    1. I can’t imagine a life without books~fiction and all! The great escapes and experiences that sweep up life’s debris and gives us distractions and determination, too.

      Life keeps trying to sideline me, Ginger. Doggone it. This post took me 3 days due to debris of lingering issues. But I’m so determined. And I’m not giving up. You inspire me!
      You would’ve loved meeting all of them.

      Could you imagine if all of us were at one large table (the WP family)? I often imagine that (Mark, pass the chocolate, Pam, here’s a scoop of daily quips, Pam, here’s a beautiful bouquet of flowers for the cottage, Martha, here’s a helping of your Big Empty, Mitch, here’s a helping of your career, Cindy, pass me a verse of God’s hope, Dawn, can you pass a giggle and truth? Dwight, how about a haiku? And Crystal, a dose of determination?Gary will give out hope, Matt will teach us a new language, and Tangie will inspire us too. Mark B will show us a cool photo of his view of the day! )
      Ginger, you’ll be at the head and cheerlead us all as you tell us your story! Well, God-willing, we ALL sit at our heavenly table and share how we got through this life encouraging one another!

      Finn says thank you~she’s trying her best because I say daily, “Make a difference, Finn” 🤦🏼‍♀️🥰

      We love you huge! Wishing YOU the best too, sweet Ginger 💚♥️🙏🏻💜❤️🐾👏🏻🎶

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Count me in, I’m there Karla 🤗🥰🤣 This is beautifully written Ginger and Karla, thank you for always sharing your table ladies (and puppy). Much love to you both 🤗🥰🤣❤️🙏

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      2. Thank you, dear Mark! I left out sweet Mama K who will lead us in prayer. And so many others. Isn’t it a joy to be here among everyone?
        Ginger has such a way with words. And your words are so special too, Mark,
        Pure heart! All of you! I’m blessed to call you friends.
        Much love to you from Finn and me! I pray you are well. ♥️🙏🏻❤️🎶🐾

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      3. Oh dear lady, I am suffering a coffee on the beach in shorts and t-shirt and its only 3 weeks till winter actually starts here. Mind you, it did shower once or twice, just to cool off my excitement for the lovely day we had been given. So on that note kind lady, many healing hugs and love coming from me to you and Finn from ‘still’ sunny Oz 🤗🥰🤣❤️🙏

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      4. Mark, you are suffering! Bless your heart ❤️! Winter is just around the corner for you. Wow!

        We’re sending love and hugs from a beautiful and sunny MO today! 🤗♥️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🐬☕️🧚🫶🏻

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    1. Thank you, Dwight. I appreciate you so much! I’m so thrilled I can enjoy events such as this. It made for two great Saturdays. The surrender signing touches my heart. I’m a history buff ~and the sacrifices will never go unnoticed or forgotten by me. I can’t imagine. I have it so easy!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. No doubt you are here for a reason—to write your miraculous story, to inspire, and to show us how loved we ALL are!

    I love the two W. W. quotes and especially LOVE the Wordsworth. I have that one on a necklace. And I started this year listening to Joel Osteen and took note of the Habakkuk verse. Joel repeated, “Write your vision and back it up with scripture.” And so I did, and here’s my scripture:

    “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11

    It’s hard to pick my most favorite verse, but this one covers so much!

    I’m sending you the biggest hug today, Beautiful Sister! It starts in the bottom of my heart and extends all the way to Missouri! Do YOU know how loved YOU are?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. C, thank you dear sister, for your love and support.

      Your cheerleading and encouragement are inspiring!

      The quote on a necklace sounds divine. I can relate to this and also to, “it’s hard to pick my most favorite verse…” I can’t imagine my life without the Living Word. I read it daily. Wiser, I lean on it and am thankful for God’s grace as I pursue him.

      Jeremiah~C, I’ve studied his life. I admire his words and principles. What a tormenting soul he had at times! https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jeremiah-Hebrew-prophet~ I don’t know if you follow the Bible Project, but their videos are wonderful too. That verse packs a powerful punch!

      Thank you for being here and part of my life. ♥️💚❤️🫶🏻🙏🏻 we will keep telling our stories~and soaking in the spiritual script changes that only a Savior can solidify! ❤️🫶🏻💕


      1. I’m not familiar with the Bible Project, but I’ll give it a look. I do have a wonderful study Bible with QR codes that takes me to linked video messages of my former pastor. He’s also a former seminary professor, and he teaches his way through the entire Bible. It’s quite amazing!

        My pleasure to be here! Thanks for suggesting the whole of Jeremiah!!


        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my pleasure, C.A. I appreciate you and am so happy we connected this side of heaven! To have you “in my midst” is a blessing! Thank you for your sweet and kind words. Many blessings!🙏🏻❤️


    1. You would’ve loved it, MAK! I can “see” you there. With your paintings and books. Thank you for your support, teaching, and encouragement. You inspire me!♥️🫶🏻🙏🏻🐾🐾🐾☺️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful post, Karla. Your words are like windows to the soul, lighting our inner world with wisdom, intellect and delight. What amazing authors and giftx of their heart they are sharing with the world. They are to be applauded and you honored for your continued sharing and support. Thank you for the introduction and enhancing our journey with your words and theirs💓❣️😘

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s my blessing, Cindy. I appreciate your kind and sincere words! You ooze of love and encouragement always!
      I know the local authors will appreciate it, too.
      I’m amazed at how wonderfully talented and gifted humans are! Even if we hear the negative~I’m always seeing the best things~just wow! You’re on of them!♥️🥰❤️ much love ❤️

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      1. Oh you’re always welcome my friend and do share all of the wonderful comments with the local authors so deserving. It is quite amazing each one unique and gifted and talented in their own right. Cheers the the positive and you too💕 love and hugs to the moon💓🕊️💕♬

        Liked by 1 person

  4. This is a wonderful post, Karla: what a feast of writers. I would want to hear the author of that Laura Ingalls Wilder book. Sounds like you had a wonderful time — and are all fired up to do some writing of your own 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, John! You would’ve loved it (I can see you there with all your poetry and entertaining us with your witty and wise poetry!).
      I thought you’d like the Laura Ingalls Wilder book!
      I’m doing my best, friend. Writing takes time~especially when my reserves are low. Life interruptions makes it hard to “refocus”. It’s harder than it used to be; but it makes me want to fight harder to do it.
      I pray you’re well, my friend.❤️🙏🏻

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      1. yes, Karla; fighting fit though I remember how low my reserves were when I was fighting my cancer; you’re in my prayers, Karla; I think writing keeps us buoyant — and our Lord who is always alongside us —

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      2. “I think writing keeps us buoyant ~and our Lord who is always alongside us”
        You know the secret to life, John. I’m so happy you’re winning too, my friend. I appreciate you!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Ginger nailed it Karla, all these writings are us indeed. In fact I do it every day on here in my blog. I get to share it all and in that it is a healing. As this beautiful post shares from your heart so well kind lady 🤗🥰

    And speaking of which, Spirit showed me something in the words of the bible…in its words there are many things…meaning, truth, self worth, sharing…but most of all, even amongst those hard things…is the empathy and compassion that they bring in sharing and going through them.

    In fact I was incredulous when they brought out that bible code and you could see ‘life’ through every page. And I mean it spoke of literally everything that this world means for us…and the gift we have been given.

    When we do touch that inner place to finally understand the loving wisdom inside us, that love changes who and what we are…all from what we share and begun from that writing. Anything that is written from that love is a powerful thing indeed, as you share on here my friend.

    A gift like a hug from afar…in just a few words or a heart or smiley is that love shared. For that, thank you Karla and Finn, and returned in kind my friends, always. A great post dear lady 🤗🥰😀❤️🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark, you’re a wonderful wordsmith~each sentence seeps with sincerity!

      Love! That’s what it’s all about. You cracked the right “code” indeed, dear friend. Literally and figuratively speaking.

      To think you are waaayyy over in the Land Down Under (and so many of us separated by bodies of water and land), and we connected as family and friends is proof how words can unite!

      Your empathy and compassion are infectious. I wish it would spread everywhere!

      Finn and I send you lots of positive hugs and love! Please take care and say hello to all my favorite things in your world.
      And if we must, we will send teeny tiny donuts by way of itty bitty fairies again! They’ll be wearing teeny tiny weatherproof coats (of course with holes for their wings) for this season. I expect them to travel by sound of the whale codes (I learned they have their own phonetic system) and eventually, dolphins and other sea creature species will bring them to your harbor! If the donuts are soggy, I apologize (I’ll wrap them the best possible). They will be filled with lots of love though! And that never gets soggy!

      For anyone else reading this, you’ll have to pardon my fun with my friend, Mark, who allows me to be very silly! 🤭🥰🫶🏻👏🏻 🧚 🐬

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      1. Haha, I can even hear the giggles from the elephant mom and here calf across the water Karla, they too appreciate a laugh from waaaay over the water too 🤣

        Looking forward to the donuts my friend, it shall arrive in perfect condition with the love that sent them my friend. Mind you, not sure what is happening but the dolphins have gone quiet. Mmm, maybe eating donuts from somewhere 😂

        And that love code is indeed the empathy and compassion from all we experience Karla, hard though it may be it is gifting us with something so beautifully profound. We will see it, touch it, and become it ❤️🙏

        But the whales are another story, they and their song will be cruising up our coastline very soon and I have no doubt also loaded with many donuts 🤣 I shall give a big hello from you and Finn between bites kind lady. Thank you kindly 🤗🥰🤣❤️🙏

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yay yay! I can hear the elephant and calf too (and SEE them!). 🤭😄

        Did the donuts arrive? Dolphins surely found them!

        It’s our pleasure to send the sweet things in life! Finn agrees (she’s asleep but nodding her head). Take care precious friend! 🐬♥️🙏🏻💕❤️💜💚🧚🧚

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    1. Aw, thank you, dear friend! “The world pops in your mind every time you give words a chance to dance.” That’s awesome, Mark! Thank you for being my friend and supporting me.


  6. Give me a K! You are amazing, my friend! Your cheer and encouragement! Love you! Many hugs❤️❤️❤️❤️ and keep spreading the Sunshine and love of Jesus!
    Also thanks for the names of the writers you met, will be looking them up. 😊
    I started journaling as a child and that’s what ended up giving me my love for writing! 💛🩷💛

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    1. Aww, give me a J! O! Y!
      You are precious! I love you too, Joy. I’ll keep spreading it~even on cloudy days where the sun is dimmer in my body (I’m useless today!), but my soul is shining?!

      Thank you for being a friend (Let’s sing 🎶).

      Your journaling story is inspiring! Yay!



  7. My dear Karla, you’ve made me think with this post. I’m surprised at the way the Holy Spirit is using it in my mind. Part of me wants to stand up on the table and dance because yes! Words and books and stories are so important. The way we pass down our thoughts on the written page is crucial. But it is at risk. I cannot tell you how many people have told me that they don’t read my blog, because they don’t have time. Most of my posts are 600 words or so. But our culture is inundated with videos and podcasts and TikToks and reels. I believe the enemy is swaying people, especially young people away from books, and in so doing is stopping them from picking up a Bible. It is heartbreaking! And now my thoughts are off on a tangent, about how God would use me on this battlefront. Thank you for being the impetus for this line of prayer this morning, my dear friend! I cannot tell you how precious you are to me!

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    1. Mama M, I’m thrilled how our souls and prayers are aligned.

      I feel just as you! I’m locking arms, hearts, and writing hands in partnership to keep the flow of words~not just pixels!

      I think like you so I understand the train rolling on another tangent!

      I feel the Spirit in your kind and compassionate response~you are being used, dear sister! I stand with you! I personally can’t stand “scrolling”. It’s irritating to me to just be on Reader because of the eye fatigue I get.

      It’s important to me to hold a book~even smell it lol. To feel take binding, ooh and aah at the cover, illustrations, …anticipate opening it and discovering so much!

      And the Bible? The best book I’ve ever read~I bet my life on it!

      Thank you for contributing and ministering ~for encouraging and inspiring me! You are precious to me too!♥️🙏🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  8. jstone6648gmail

    I enjoyed this so much, Karla! I will try and find some of those author’s books to read and share!! Love you! God’s blessings sweet friend!



    Sent from my iPhone


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  9. Karla, keep up the writing! Your words touch my heart. I love this:

    “There are many reasons I write. It encourages me to focus, research, learn, love, and inspire. At times, it clears the cobwebs in my consciousness. Other times, it soothes my soul.”

    The authors all sound amazing. Louis is a hero, I know I would enjoy reading his book. The photo of you and Louis should be framed.

    I am sorry I am late to comment. Yesterday, Butch and I went to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens and to our favorite French restaurant! It was a fun day!

    I love you my precious friend ❤️🙏🏻💚🌼🩷💐💙🎶🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam, how wonderful you and Butch were able to enjoy a day out together ~and both places sound phenomenal!

      Today I was able to go to an appt with my parents and it was a blessing!

      You are such a wonderful supporter and friend. Thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

      Louis was such a sweetheart. He was so patient and kind with everyone. I wasn’t going to bother him at all as his table had a few people around him and he was eating his lunch. They waved me to come over and it was precious. There were many famous people at that particular festival~but he was my hero!

      You never have to apologize~I know you are praying and supporting me~I feel the same way when I’m not at your place.

      I love you and send many hugs and prayers.


  10. Sorry… for some reason the WordPress folks are not allowing me to comment directly on your blog post page. Here is what I said:

    I love this post! I apologize that my writing has been very absent from the interwebs lately. I’ve been writing, but mostly in the form of a couple of guest sermons I’ve been asked to preach. You are a wonderful encourager and spirit-lifter, Karla and I am privileged to be on the receiving end of your writing. This expo sounds like an amazing experience. I am so glad you got to participate. Continued blessings to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Russell! I’m so happy to hear you are doing some guest sermons–you’re an amazing writer and speaker! Your wisdom is a wonderful thing to share!
      I appreciate your kind words about my encouraging spirit–that’s what I pray to be, my friend!
      It was such a great experience!
      I’m sorry about the WP issue. I wish I understood it and could FIX it. I’m having that same issue when I visit certain sites–I’m not for sure why?
      I appreciate you so much! Many blessings to you and yours!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Pingback: Food for Thought Monday – BIGREE DIGITAL EXPERT

  12. Pingback: Food for Thought Friday – BIGREE DIGITAL EXPERT

  13. How generous of you to share a piece of your blog post highlighting these magnificent Ozark writers, Karla. (No surprise there!) I also love your line: “Journaling is my way of cleansing my clanging clutter.” That’s exactly how I feel with blogging! 🤍🤍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Stacy (I love your words). You are so kind and encouraging to me! “cleansing my clanging clutter”–blogging! Yes! It is a perfect way to do that–thank you for being here and sharing. I learn so much from you! Love, Karla💕🙏🤍


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