Obscure Observation

Honking horns, warmhearted waves, and lively laughter crowded the highway headed south. Sunbeams followed suit. Camaraderie and coffee, lingering laughter, and abiding agreement. Soon, the air cooled, goosebumps grew, birds chirped, and pups were perplexed. From a sunset glow to dimness-cheers than tears. Complete silence. Utter awe. “Thank you, God, for your miracles.”

Pic by K.L. Hale, 4/08/24, NW AR
A perfect alignment,
moon’s orbit and distance,
The degree of the tilt,
determined its existence.

Darkness diminished rapidly,
as it eclipsed the light
A few seconds to minutes,
the day seemed like night.

Do you seek shelter,
in a time of the unknown?
Or embrace it unflinching,
witnessing the miracles shown?

The pathway is riddled
with shadows and light,
Which way do you travel,
the left or the right?

LOOK UP, witness rare,
a new moon, the sun’s rays
“Don’t eclipse possibilities,
and stay grateful,” I pray.
K.L. Hale

Light obscured by darkness. A rare event, a rare cancer, obscured definitions and explanations. Obscurity.

Miracles in-the-making. Pain to progress. Tears to laughter. Helplessness to hope.

Has hope been obscured by helplessness? Is life double-downed in darkness or are you standing in the light? Do you know how RARE and uniquely made YOU ARE? Do you REALLY know how loved you are?

I know a MAN WHO CAN love you when you feel unlovable, provide light in the darkness, and replace human impossibilities and obscurities with evolutionary eternity!

“For once, you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light!” Ephesians 5:8

“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.”-Brene Brown

God rescued me from the grave, and now my life is filled with light. Job 33:28

But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7

“Don’t turn away. Keep your gaze on the bandaged place. That’s where the light enters you.”
― Rumi

Jesus replied, “My light will shine for you just a little longer. Walk in the light while you can so the darkness will not overtake you. Those who walk in the darkness cannot see where they are going.” John 12:35

“Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us.”-Walt Whitman

As the world keeps spinning, the opposition may orbit.

My joy is unobscured. In HIM my hope always stays. For faith and my Master turned my night into day.

Have faith💛

“The baby bat
Screamed out in fright,
‘Turn on the dark,
I’m afraid of the light.”
― Shel Silverstein

NLT by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Holy Bible, New Living Translation copyright 1996, 2004, 2007, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation.

Flannel with Faith-Embracing Imperfection with Faith, Flannel, & Fresh Air

©2020-2024 Flannel with Faith. All rights reserved.

100 thoughts on “Obscure Observation

  1. Karla, I appreciate your thoughtful observations. Your poetry echoes endless vision, much like the unceasing ocean waves. I wrote down some thoughts yesterday during the eclipse, but nothing has been transformed into a poem . . . yet. We are so blessed to see the eternal light of our Savior.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Richard. I’m thrilled you feel the endless vision~
      My thoughts felt “simple”; yet, the whole experience (including the last two years of my journey) was more profound. We are blessed to feel and know the light!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so kind, Kelley. It’s truly a blessing to share and know that the words have meaning to others. I think of how your poetry and music moves me. I’m so grateful that I can be a light. I desire that and want to give God the glory. 💛🙏🏻

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  2. Karla, the photos, your thoughts, and the amazing poetry are shining light into the dark places!

    “From a sunset glow to dimness-cheers then tears. Complete silence. Utter awe. Thank you, God, for your miracles.”

    How could anyone not believe that God is in control of the vast universe and He knows every cell in our bodies??

    Butch and I are always praying for you our dear friend. We love you! 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Pam, thank you so much, precious friend.

      I always admire and love your words and photos; to read your kind comments touches my heart ❤️🥹

      Pam, have you ever read or heard of Imagine Heaven by John Burke or The Case of Christ by Lee Strobel?(Lee has a documentary in which the testimonies of those who were atheists, scientists, and other beliefs or walks of life, that either came to the conclusion there is NO other explanation of the vast universe and/or these individuals have had near death experiences that they are living to share). ❤️🙏🏻

      I’ve had my own experiences and credit my own life to miracles~only gifted by our Creator! I’ll forever believe!💕

      Please tell Butch how much I appreciate the support and prayers. I love you all! 🙏🏻❤️

      {I saved your last two posts in email. I’m not able to respond on Reader, but will visit on the PC~I pray you are all well too}.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, my friend. It was such a moving experience. I love your words, “There is always a light in the darkness.” You are a shining example of that.❤️❤️❤️❤️


  3. Karla I traveled to see the eclipse in my hometown (3.5 hours away) with Sparky and we took saintvi with us and met son#2 and his GF there. We spent the day together. I am totally crispy since I forgot to put on sunscreen! Your poem is wonderful and speaks truth!! God has created a miracle of this planet and solar system and universe! We are called to be witnesses and to sing his praises however we are moved – thus your poem is a perfect love letter to God (and a gentle reminder to the rest of us to join the song)!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww, Val. A love letter to God. Gosh, I could simple carried away writing those!

      Thank you for supporting me with kindness, prayers, and love!

      What a day for you, Sparky, and the loved ones! I’m sorry you’re crispy, though. Oh boy, I had my sunscreen and a long shirt on~radiation, chemo, current treatments~my skin is the organ I’m spending more time to protect than ever. I have a feeling the sun will burn brighter than ever. I sure love its warmth~and have great respect for its sizzling work!

      Thank you for singing in the choir with me. Much love to you and Mochi. 💕❤️🙏🏻 🐾


  4. You cannot go too far wrong quoting Brene Brown. And Shel Silverstein. One of my favorite poems from all genres is Silverstein’s “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout.” I mean, it is hard to beat the ancient wisdom in…

    Greasy napkins, cookie crumbs,
    Globs of gooey bubble gum,
    Cellophane from green baloney,
    Rubbery blubbery macaroni,
    Peanut butter, caked and dry,
    Curdled milk and crusts of pie,
    Moldy melons, dried-up mustard,
    Eggshells mixed with lemon custard,
    Cold french fries and rancid meat,
    Yellow lumps of Cream of Wheat.

    I picture my childhood trash detail duties when I read these words. At the time I never recognized that what I was trying to suppress my gag reflex over was actually a kind of art. Who knew?

    It gives me hope that someday what I creatively produce will someday be recognized as art. Perhaps if I could suppress my gag reflex over that I could be even more hopeful about its artistic value.

    At any rate, you wrote creatively and well, and the photos are great! Thank you!

    God bless you both, and your entire tribe as well.

    Rascal and Tim.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tim! Rascal! It’s so good to see you both! I was just sharing about you and Rascal and (Martha and her dogs) to a dear friend this weekend. Were your ears burning?

      I’m still giggling at the gag reflex suppression wish! 😂! You’re already a genius in my book, dear friend.
      That poem is one I love to read. His poems are pure fun, quirky, crazy, cool, sing-songy, globby, and glorious!

      Childhood trash detail! Hee hee! I think of a school cafeteria, too! 🤭

      I talk to our Father on your behalf~I miss you and Rascal! Finn and I send our best with lots of Christian love and blessings, my friend!🐾🙏🏻 thank you for being our friend and prayer warrior!


  5. kriddy70

    Just..WOW. Utter awe of your life in words. What a beautiful experience and the photos are the best I have seen. Add that with your beautiful poem and awesome quotes, well…how could I not be in the light you share? I thank God for you and eat up your experiences and could not wait to read this. What an incredible gift you have with truly seeing God’s incredible landscape he gave us to stay in for awhile.

    You inspire me. I love you.❤️


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your words touch my heart, wombmate.
      Last night I wrote a response to your touching and inspiring words to me. Unfortunately, this program had a glitch so here I am this morning trying to remember how I responded. But I know that you have been by my side through my unexpected journey and you continue to support and encourage me as I seek to follow God’s will in every area of my life.
      The landscape of God is incredible—you know very well how much I love life outside of the walls and halls. How trees talk and birds sings and the wind whispers his name. That nature is an amazing immune booster and in it, I can feel, hear, and discern,…and live to tell about it!
      You inspire me too. I love you so much. Thank you for being my advocate on this journey. ❤️🙏


      1. kriddy70

        ❤️🙏🐭 oh how I love you. I will always be your advocate and right by your side. You make me a better human, Mousie. I’m so blessed God put me in the womb with you. 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Wednesday, John! I appreciate you so much. Thank you for your thoughtful comments (so glad you enjoyed the Rumi quote, too!). I’m happy you enjoyed this. You’re in my thoughts and prayers, friend. 💛

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Light and darkness seem to live side by side often exchanging places as events in our lives take place. You post is perfect for Eclipse Day. I love your beautiful shot of the Total Eclipse. Glad you were able to witness this. We only dimmed down a little here in NC.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dwight, your first comment is profound and powerful! Recently I listened to song, “Make the Morning Worth the Midnight” (It’s beautiful) and often, particularly these last 2 years, I think about how dark turns to light and vice versa. I love sunrises and sunsets—life made in the middle—and when my tears turn to joy or vice versa—light will still always shine on me. I’m so thankful I’m expecting it. I’m so happy you enjoyed the photo, too! It was a great experience, my friend. I thought of your painting yesterday (I started the poem before the eclipse) and wanted to include Don McLean’s “Vincent”. That song just hits my heart. Music, nature, poetry, friendship…I’m so thankful—and I appreciate your support and prayers!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. kimrandyhutter

    Karla, Once again your words perfectly frame your special moments.🥰 I’m so happy you were able to go on your eclipse adventure!! Love you my friend 💛💛💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kim, my sister, I love you, dearly. You’re with me in spirit (and in my speech when I talk about you ;-). I’m so thankful for you. You’ve literally stood by me through this profound part of my journey. These adventures are evidence of the miracles of God. I know you believe and have witnessed this renewal. May God continue to bless you, your precious family, and our sisterhood as we look ahead to more because of HIM! 💛💛💚🙏


    1. Manette, thank you for your kindness! I’m so glad you perceived the meanings—I’m a witness! Not just to the glorious wonders of his creation nature—but how he turned my darkness into light! Thank you for your sweet words about the photos. I know there are so many out there and I’m so happy I captured that very moment—it was majestic! I hope you are well, my friend. 💛


  8. Pingback: Obscure Observation – Me and my life 😍🙏😊(ये मेरी ज़िन्दगी हैं)

  9. So beautifully captured the Solar eclipse and so inspiring poem written to read 🌹🙏👍🏻😍our country couldn’t visible ,
    this is so precious moments and grace 👌😊 life has everything in it , let be grateful 👏just enjoy the every moment of your life my Best friend and take care nicely 💗😘God Bless you 🙏💐

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sweet Thattamma, thank you for your precious words. I’m sorry your country couldn’t see the eclipse. You live in such a beautiful part of our world. To think we have this connection here is evidence of how this big and beautiful world can be united through the goodness of God’s people. You’re precious. I will keep taking care and I wish and pray that for you. God bless you, my friend. Thank you. ❤️🙏💕

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    1. Aw, Sue. How sweet to say! Writing is truly what I love so much. I’d get NOTHING done if I could just read everyone else’s beautiful words and then write as well. “Love is the ultimate light!” YES!!! Much love, dear friend.


  10. Dear Karla, your light shines through your incredible photos, heartfelt verses, perfectly paired quotations, and your encouraging words. It’s always wonderful to “see” you, “hear” your voice, “share” your faith, and “be” inspired. You’re in my daily prayers, my friend! Much love and big hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. C, I’ve been praying daily for you—thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. I know we are “silent” warriors for another—communicating with our hearts and souls. THANK YOU for being an encouragement and inspiration to me. Let’s warrior “on” together, sister! Much love and hugs from here, too! 💛

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  11. A beautiful verse Karla, those many darkness’s to test our light. And it can always be found within, it is us that light inside. We just have to uncover our hearts from that fear. I can imagine many a human a long time ago thought that it was magic, such incredible power. Until they understood love, something that is in everything…if we allow it. Yesterday was indeed a very big testament to that light of love within us, a very powerful witnessing indeed. Thank you for sharing its beauty kind lady, be it in images, verse or the love in your words. It is very appreciated 🤗🥰🤣❤️🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark, I’m so happy you’re here and thank you for your precious words.As Sue said in the comments, “Love is the ultimate light!” If anyone knows that it’s you. It oozes from you and provides a light that illuminates our space here! I appreciate you so much! It’s my blessing to share this love and spread the light as much as I can while I’m here! Finn and I send our love, blessings, and hugs! 💕❤️🌕🐾🙏

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      1. I got to see, feel and understand something wonderful Karla, something there in its perfection to slowly guide us all home. And thank you for sharing your love found too kind lady, a light in this world 🤗😀❤️🙏

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      2. Amen, Mark. I felt just the same. It’s hard to describe unless you’ve experienced it. It’s my blessing to share love and light. Thank you for sharing yours!💛❤️💕🥰🙏🏻

        Liked by 1 person

      3. My pleasure, how can I not. Once found it truly touches you deeply, and a purpose blooms within. And thank you for that beauty in you kind lady, its depth speaks out beautifully 🤗🥰🤣❤️🙏

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  12. What beautiful shots of the eclipse, Karla! But most of all, how wonderful to know your hope is not eclipsed. Your lovely poem sang from your heart to mine joining us in prayer to Him who loves us and gave His life for us! Love you, my beautiful friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dora, you’re a friend of faith and fellow follower—we know to whom deserves the credit; the holder of our hope! I’ll never claim to be a poet, my friend. But there are words that “sing” to me like a simple song; yet, the meanings point to our Maker and the magical ways HE works. You’ve been a witness to that and you continue to support me through prayer and love. I will continue doing the same for you too. I love you, Dora. Thank you!!! ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s my blessing, Dora. I’m needing to go buy another journal—isn’t that a writer’s dream?? I have a journal with everyone’s names in it—I keep adding to it and it’s a blessing. I’ll keep pressing on—and I know you will too! Much love, always! 💛

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Have fun picking one out! Whichever one you come home with, I know you’ll make it a paean of praise and hope, a love song in prayer to our LORD, our Beloved who is ours and we are His, bought at such a price as with His blood! You are loved, sister. Hallelujah!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Dora, I made it to buy my cards for the month (“Get Wells”, Thinking of You’s, and a jump on Mother’s Day–I buy cards once a month and sometimes “ahead” because I don’t know how I’ll feel TOMORROW?) and to buy some fruit and peanut butter (essentials!). BUT, I will have my day at the bookstore–and library–my happy places besides nature, and will think of you when I pick it out! You are so loved too, Dora. I love we can sing his praises together! I hope your day is blessed!! 💛💕❤️

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      4. ((Hugs)) and prayers Karla — May you have a wonderful evening and a restful night. May our LORD keep you as the apple of His eye and under the shadow of His wings. 🤗💖💛

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  13. Ginger Salvatore

    Awesome photos of the eclipse. It had to be a fabulous experience to see the eclipse up close and personal.

    I had the privilege of seeing it in real time on my tv. First from the Mid-West and then from Niagara Falls. A very emotional experience indeed, and one I’m so happy I didn’t miss.

    Your accounting of the eclipse and poem are perfect. You write so beautifully, probably because it’s from your heart. In the moment of totality, all my problems and complaints seemed totally insignificant. The eclipse is perfect proof that there will always be light after the dark.

    Thank you for being so generous to share your photos with us. Love to you and Sweet Miss Finley. My prayers are with you both and your family and medical team.


    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ginger, I’m so happy you were able to witness it. You’re such a cheerleader and encourager for Finn and I. How kind to share your thoughtful comments about my writing. Often I have wondered who might like my style of writing. It truly comes from my heart. Every. Word.

      “In the moment of totality, all my problems and complaints seemed totally insignificant.” WOW. YES, Ginger! Each day I always remind myself how others suffer; how worse things can be; how blessed I am.

      You are significant to me. It’s my blessing to be here and share. In each hour, day, treatment or not, health hiccup or hooray, I’ll continue to show gratitude for the miracles that have already happened. Your prayers for my family, me, and the medical team are powerful, my friend.

      Finley and I are over the moon and we love you! 💛🌕🐾

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    1. Mitch! I just visited your place as well. Hearts and souls aligned, I believe! Your posts come up in my side bar now and I just love your writing and life! Thank you for being here and supporting me. It means so much! God bless you!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear friend. I want to encourage as much as possible~and I give God all the glory!
      You and your family are examples of seeing the “special” all around.
      I’m praying for you all now. May we keep discovering all his goodness~through it all, no matter what.
      Double rainbows are so fascinating!


      1. I’m so happy to hear that, my friend! Life is an exciting journey~a roller coaster ride of treatments, scans, blood draws, ups and downs~I’m buckled in and doing my best to enjoy it. It’s a good thing I like roller coasters! I’m here, MB. I won’t take one day for granted ~❤️💚 thank YOU for your support and friendship. 🥰💕🙏🏻

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  14. I love your poem Karla and all the powerful quotes. You seem to have the ability to pull it all together and make sense out of the things that don’t make sense at all. I love your optimism around the rarity of the eclipse and your cancer. Both powerful events in ones life and when observed with reverence and awe you it allows us to marvel at the way the light can be overshadowed but never illuminated. Same with life. Thanks for your wisdom Karla, love you my friend, sending those hugs and prayers as if a rainbow over to you. xxoo, C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. C, what a thoughtful and lovely response. You get me! Sometimes I’m concerned my ramblings won’t get to the point~or make any sense.

      I follow God’s lead and pray it “lands” and “sticks” to someone in an encouraging way! If anything, I hope my love glues like glitter! There’s hope! If one chooses.

      There were times of depression; many times in my past. Through it all, I was able to find hope ~it was never in a bottle, or someone else, or in a job, title, or anything I owned. It was found in the Maker of the eclipse~and me. He made you uniquely you and loves you even more than I do! That’s a lot!

      Your chapters on Dante, your mom, and brother-in-law stood out to me~you have a way in which wisdom, humor, and honesty define your truth~a confidence of being unapologetically and authentically YOU. I admire that. Many whom I closest to here in our community are that way~that’s why I love being here, writing here, and knowing all of you the way I do. Don’t change, C. I feel the hugs and prayers just as the rainbow. I love you, too. 💚💕❤️

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  15. Oooh Karla! This is soop beautiful! Made my eyes misty. I love how you used the eclipse to make such profound statement on God’s ❤️ love! Love you girl and your strong faith!🥰 Hugging you tight in my thoughts 💛💛🩷🩷

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so thrilled you enjoyed it, dear friend. Thank you! You KNOW! Because of what I’ve experienced I have to share that everything I see is about as profound as that eclipse! Hearing the birds singing, watching things bloom, putting one foot in front of the other—jeepers, Joy! It’s all miraculous! And this eclipse just put everything over the moon for me! 🙂 I love you, too! Faith? It just keeps getting stronger and stronger. I’m hugging you back! ❤️💛💕


  16. Pingback: Food for Thought Friday – BIGREE DIGITAL EXPERT

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