Talk about Tuesday!

In a world where the Super Bowl, awards outfits, and many things make headlines, may I offer some sweet ones?

Photo by Markus Winkler on

Recently my first cousin, Jeff, and his wife, Angela, shared evidence of bragging rights for their daughter! Sagan, there’s no doubt you’ll achieve what you set your mind to accomplish! We’re proud of you!

From their living room to the Wilson back room at Grandpa and Grandma’s, to the river where we all gathered. In a world where we focus on BIG or negative, what’s the good going on right around you? There’s so much to celebrate!

Click on the link to read about Sagan Wilson! (pgs. 36-37)
— Read on

And something else BIG to talk about- today’s my Dad’s birthday! Dad, your legacy of love has led to little ones becoming men and women, and now even smaller ones growing and learning.

Let’s talk about it! And how about the goodness and love of God? That’s a great topic and headline for every day!

Have faith 💚

70 thoughts on “Talk about Tuesday!

  1. Go Sagan! What a wonderful example to all ages!! Hugs to you for sharing her encouraging & inspiring witness with us. And as far as my own “good news” sharing…. Well, I am just tickled to have read your post today AND always! Yes, my encouraging & worth-while news is simply how grateful I am to have your blog-voice in my midst! Love you, Karla!!🥰

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    1. Aww! I hope she reads this! I want to brag about the family so much. They are so fun and unique. They have lived several hours away from us; rarely do we see everyone anymore except sadly, at funerals, and when we do have family get-togethers (which are few and far between now). I’d brag even more on my kids but they might roll their eyes at me! Oh boy! Let’s keep talking about good stuff right? It means so much that you stopping by here tickled you. It’s good to have you “home” –but I know what your real passion is so you never need to worry when we don’t see you (but I might call and check on you ;-), I’m so grateful for you, too! I love you, Dawn! 💕❤️💛 PS–I’ve never attached a magazine article as such–that was a learning curve which should be TOO difficult, but well,…lol. I tried it in PDF first–let’s keep talking about learning eh? Tee hee!

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  2. Ah, the good. I like it. I’m just taking off for some fishing through the ice, while figuring out some birthday gifts for a couple grandkids. Going to haul firewood to a soon to be single mom (teen on her own) and begin a worship song selection for Sunday. Also just finished downloading some new frosty pictures of spiderwebs I found in the woods. Every day stuff is a gift too easily taken for granted.

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    1. Gary, it’s so good to read the good things going on in your life! Each day I pray for you and your family. I was up last night many hours (long story, but some pain) and I listened to music. A song by the Triumphant Quartet featured a singer whose voice reminded me of yours! How wonderful you’re fishing through ice, gifting grands, and helping a single mom! Choosing music to boot! You’re up to a lot of good, my friend. I look forward to seeing the pics, too. Every day stuff is grand. This morning I was looking at the “pile” of things to mail off, cards to write, and thoughts of goodness. To put one foot in front of the other~after a beautiful morning of truth and a long night. It’s a gift! And you know well! It’s great to talk about it, Gary! Many blessings and prayers to you and your family.🙏🏻

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      1. I do like that Sagan was a featured athlete. Top of the line thinker. There is a huge skill level to attain in being able to answer questions on the spot…I get brain freeze and thus do well in the woods.

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      2. That made me giggle, Gary! Yes, a featured athlete! I love it! I think I’d get brain freeze. I loved being in quiz bowls in high school (history and science). Now, the woods suit me too!

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  3. happy birthday to your dad Karla, it’s a lovely tribute; and that little miracle in my own life : I was a mess yesterday morning but Jesus took my hand, and showed me where to look, the very scriptural verse I needed, and I healed; we’re leaning on His everlasting arms, Karla; the Lord is mighty

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    1. John, I’m proud of you. I sensed this was going on from my visit to your place and prayer. This morning, in the wee hours with tears, music wrapped me with God’s love~eased some pain some~and I thought of you and your journey. I’m so thrilled Jesus took your hand and led you to the Word. It’s so amazing we have a Savior like him. I heard the songs, “Would you hold me while I cry” and “God so loved the world means even ME” and then, “In The Garden” to “How Great Thou Art”. “Alexa play, ‘I’m Feeling Mighty Fine’ and oh, The Eagles and The Carpenters….and my tears turned to joy. Peter reminded me that sufferings here are nothing compared to what’s waiting. I bet my life on it! I know you do too! We’re leaning on his arms together. AND laughing, writing, and toasting to the good hours (but no red wine for me on that toast yet lol!). You’re the best mess, John. But I’m praying for no messes and complete healing, dear friend. I’m so happy you’re here! ❤️💛🙏🏻


      1. we’re a good support for each other, Karla — as Jesus was for me; he took my hand and led me to the passage I needed; yes, I find such joy in music too esp The Carpenters; I’m seeing my mate tonight and I shall have a toast to your health, Karla but only one glass 🙂

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  4. It seems people aren’t into sports much where you live. Too bad. Nothing to write about.

    Kidding aside, that kid seems PDS – Pretty Darn Smart. Thanks for posting about her. It is good to see such accomplishment. I hope you are well and thriving in Christ! God bless you and the itch-free Finley.

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    1. Tim, you always make me giggle! Nothing to write about AT all~and throw in a famous billionaire singer girlfriend!
      But I think Sagan, being PDS and all, is the top news! And did I mention my “kids” and grandkids? Tee hee.

      Tim, I’m hanging in there, dear friend. I’ve had some building pain in the fluid build up area (for specific prayers). It keeps me from sleeping and is quite jarring at times. You know how pain has kept me close to our Savior! I’m really really close!
      Little 3.0 sticks to me that close even! She’s never more than a foot away it seems~even more so now. She and I send our blessings, hugs, and prayers to you and Rascal! I pray you are both well. It’s such a joy to read your words again in our community!


  5. Well, your blog post is always a welcome bit of good news in my day, for starters. Happy birthday to your dad, too! Joan and I are also excited about the upcoming drive back to KC to see kids and grandkids. Oh yeah! There will also be some kind of game on TV while we are there I understand. Might be fun.

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    1. Yay, Russell! How kind that my post is the good news! I thought of your son at the very cold game! Did you know my youngest son and his family live near KC? We’re practically neighbors when you’re in the Show-Me State! Oh yeah~the game! I know who I’m cheering for! And ultimately, no matter the outcome, I’m happy we’re on a winning team together! Many blessings! I’ll be praying for you two on your travels. Today a friend and her husband shared their new Class C RV with me by text and upcoming adventures. I admit I was peanut butter and jealous~and SO happy for them. I thought of a time I knew this man with a Class B I wanted…lol. I’ll never give up on getting back into an RV again! 🙏🏻🙌🏻


  6. Quite a blessed post about family. The teacher inside of me was beaming as I read about Sagan’s exploits. Happy birthday to your Dad! And of course, praising all who celebrate being part of God’s family. Karla, thank you for sharing your enthusiasm. Peace be with you.

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    1. Richard, I was thinking of you and other teachers when I shared this! I’m so happy it made you beam! How wonderful!
      Thank you for the bday wishes for my Dad!
      There’s so much in which to be thankful for~often I think of how I could write daily about my “kids” and grandkids, and all my family. Much the way I talk about them. It might get repetitive!
      Thank you for your unwavering support and prayers. Blessings to you and yours, my friend.


  7. Ginger Salvatore

    Congratulations and Happy Birthday to your dad. May his special day be just that…..special!

    Congratulations to Sagan too. She is already a force to reckon with! And I think her parents should take a bow for their parenting skills.

    This is such a “feel good” story Karla. It made me happy to read it! Thanks for sharing it.

    I can’t close without acknowledging the joy sweet Miss Finley brings to everyone she comes into contact with. And then there’s you Karla, spreading your love and faith, perseverance to help others, and your unfaltering optimism. You too are a force to reckon with!


    Sent from my iPad


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    1. Ginger, you always make my heart and soul leap with love and joy ~even when my body doesn’t want to leap! I’m so glad for felt the “feelers” on this. I’m thrilled you enjoyed it! I will send the birthday wishes on to my Dad~we got to celebrate early on Sunday and that was fun!

      Sagan’s parents are amazing! Just as she is!

      Finley is such a loving part of my life and I’m so happy she spreads love as I try to do. She had a rough little morning at the vet yesterday~and she’s “good to go” many more miles~just as I pray I’m good to go as far, too! I’ll not stop spreading the optimism, Ginger. I just can’t! And if I start to feel otherwise, oh boy,…someone will need to “gently” kick me in gear. No hard~because I have some pain, lol!
      Finn and I love you, Ginger! Thank you for cheering us on and praying us through our days! We’re your fans! 💕🙏🏻 🐾

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  8. Well done to Sagan, now that is dedication. Happy Birthday to your dad, and he most certainly did well in raising a lovely daughter. But, alas, and even though I give best of luck for the Chiefs in the Superbowl, my team the 49’ers have had to be in second place for so long…it is our turn to hold the trophy up high 🤣

    And I have this image of you laying on your bed, suffering in going through all this treatment, but still hooting and hollering the Chiefs across the goal line 😂

    Regardless the outcome kind lady, be gentle with your heart. Let there be the love and healing that only your heart can give, and also much love and blessings coming over from down under. And I promise no intercepting of the Chiefs while I’m watching the game (blast, I’ll have to wear a blindfold and just listen to it) 🤣

    Take care Karla, and big hugs my friend 😀❤️🙏

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    1. Mark~I’m giggling as usual (can you hear me over there?). I get it ~about the 49er’s! I know you WANT their turn! What a game it will be~yeppers, I might be “flat” lol, and I’m sure I’ll enjoy it! I won’t remember a thing in a week ha! But I do know the headlines I don’t forget~All the human “giving” back stories (not just quarterback lol). But fun is fun and I’ll join in!

      Thank you for the bday wishes for my Dad~how kind your words were to me. I’ll keep the faith and love in shape and run the distance all the way to the end zone (and probably trip my way in to a touchdown!). If there’s an interception at the game you know I’ll be contacting you! 😂

      Every time I watch the “pop” news I wonder if Jesus appearing would bring the crowds? I watched the Season 4 Premiere of The Chosen in London a bit ago~so cool 😎 . I love sports and events~but there’s only one that’ll be my superstar Savior forever. 🥰🙏🏻❤️🙌🏻🙌🏻😎💕

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      1. Haha, I can hear you my friend, and He is indeed something else kind lady. I will never forget that unconditional love that I was shown and ‘touched’, there are no words for its beauty. Our language just does not express it…but our hearts almost do. It’s just that ‘up there’ there is nothing in the way, nothing blocking it, a love untarnished…unconditional ❤️🙏

        And yes, He is our quarterback, 100 yard touchdowns often and even intercepts for us too. We are heading for the end zone for that last fantastic pass…and in doing it stand tall holding our hearts…knowing with His help we have indeed done it ❤️🙏

        And I think if Jesus arrived there would not be a soul not feeling that love surrounding Him. Like when you meet someone incredible, you can’t look away…but you don’t know why. You smile with every part of your being…and you don’t know why. But the giveaway is that love so open and pure that He has. Now that you could not miss, regardless where we are at within ourselves ❤️🙏

        I shall have to have a look at The Chosen, sounds interesting kind lady, thank you. And yes, a superstar beyond words 😀❤️🙏

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      2. This!! “And I think if Jesus arrived there would not be a soul not feeling that love surrounding Him. Like when you meet someone incredible, you can’t look away…but you don’t know why. You smile with every part of your being…and you don’t know why.” I believe that too! Amen to your wise words and “play by play” with Jesus as our main player! Much love!💛🙌🏻🙏🏻

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      1. Let me see…the elephants are there, 30 swans out the front, 2 dolphins feeding in the shallows this morning (I need a real camera with a good zoom so I can share it with you all 🤣), and lots of sunsets. I have to go down to the beach for the sunrises, the building behind me blocks it 😂 And I even had an owl visit me on Sunday night, gently cooing out to a friend down the road a bit. I don’t normally get those and it was great.

        Big hugs returned in kind Karla and good luck for Monday. Just keep the celebratory dancing on the bed down to a slight romp for safety 🤣❤️🙏

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      2. That’s so funny, my friend! I’ll celebrate very safely ~and I’ll clap for your team too, if they win! You keep it down though! lol 😂
        All the animal visits sound lovely.
        I tried to take a pic of a bird today~but just a phone camera. Boo! I couldn’t zoom enough either! 30 swans! Yay! I’m picturing all the beauty we have in our amazing world! 🙌🏻💕🌎 🐬 🐘 🦢 🌄 🌅 🩷💜❤️ big hugs!

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  9. So happy to have “good news” from you, Karla. Sagan is amazing! May she grow from strength to strength by God’s grace. Praying for you, your healing and rest from pain and just plain rest! I know how hard it can be when pain interferes with getting a good night’s sleep. My good news? Knowing there are sisters like you spreading the Good News of the gospel with good cheer and encouraging us to keep our eyes on our Lord Jesus who pulls us close and closer through the dark into the light. Press on, Karla. Love to you. 😘💖😊✝️

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    1. Dora, thank you for your sweet and kind response! Sagan will be delighted to hear this message.
      Thank you for the prayers, too! When I say prayers for all of you, in addition to overall healing and good health, I pray for rest for all of us {whether physical, emotional, or spiritual}. Rest is essential!

      How precious that you shared sisters spreading the good news as the good news! I can share the good because I’ve lived the worst~and still do at times~which makes Jesus even greater to me! Walking in tightness with him increases my obedience and obsession with what’s holy~not the happenings of “here”!

      💕You’re that messenger too, my friend. You’re spreading good news, love, and light! I’m happy we’re doing it together! Love and blessings, Dora. I love your words, “Press on!” Two of my favorites. ❤️🩷💕🥰💐🫶🏻🙏🏻💛🙌🏻

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  10. Good morning my precious friend. Happy late birthday to your dad. I hope he enjoyed a great day. Way to go Sagan!!

    I couldn’t help but think of Anne Murray’s song, “A Little Good News”, I am certain you know it. Thank you for sharing good news. I certainly tire of all the bad we read and hear constantly. As followers of Jesus, we have the best news to share! You do a great job of sharing His love. Sending love and hugs to you ❤️🤗❤️🙏🏻❤️🎶❤️☕️

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    1. Oh Pam,…I tried to reply to you on your site again, but it wouldn’t let me. “Once is enough, Karla,” it said. Tee hee. I have a post about Anne Murray’s song (this is one of my favorites) with me singing it with my little uke on YouTube. I’ll have to share it with you, dear friend. You and Butch always share goodness–even in heartaches and hard times! Thank you for the precious birthday wishes and congratulations to Sagan! I know they’ll both appreciate it so much! I love you so much! Your prayers and support are helping me every day. I pray for you both, your Daddy, and your entire family, dear friend. ❤️💛💕🙏🎶🎶🎶

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    1. Right?! I passed on your good stuff to my daughter-in-law, Jennie! You make great headlines all the time. Thank you for being here and your support and prayers. It means so much to me! ❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗

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    1. You have a view in life that not everyone experiences–and I’m honored that you choose to be here, to support me, and SO many others on your journey. I learn from YOU! Like you, I’ll keep counting my blessings, my friend. CS Lewis is inspirational. I’m enjoying my days reading so much inspiration–much like visiting you! 💕🙏🤗


  11. Your cousin’s daughter Sagen is a great positive role model for young and old alike. I know you are very proud of her accomplishments. We used to call it Quiz Bowl when I was in High School eons ago! 

    You are right, Karla, we need to keep a more postive attitude. It helps keep our focus where it needs to be.

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    1. Thank you, Dwight! I KNEW you’d enjoy this article of her. I wish I knew her even better and more than I do. They live a bit away–but she is the neatest gal. She shared a song she wrote with me–my heart was full!
      When I was in school it was called Quiz Bowls, too! I think some names might stick, lol! May we all stay as positive as we can–I work on it hour by hour, my friend! Thank you for supporting me!!

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