Repurpose, Reuse, Reduce

At the beginning of the month, I shared that I would repost SOME poetry I’ve written since I began blogging. Here it is…the LAST week of April. Repurposing and reusing works! It’s amazing to reflect on past poems to affirm feelings of change and growth. How could a pandemic NOT change us? I wrote of heads being down, communication and collaboration limitations, and division in our country. And of roots. Roots are strong. Mine have kept my faith grounded. My reality, however, has shifted with the swirls of the seasons. At any given moment, growth can seem stunted. Pruning is necessary. The right conditions can spur growth. You must do the work. You can’t wilt and withdraw in the waiting.  Healthy nurturing includes REDUCING stress and REUSING your resolve repeatedly. For me, it’s taken half of my life to figure out my crop seasons. I’m in a place, after 7 years, where the hope I’ve written about these last 2 years is growing. I didn’t find it through social media. Healing didn’t happen by continuing to ignore the hurt that has held me for so long. I didn’t find it through being “better.” Becoming more Christ-like isn’t about being a better version of yourself; it’s about totally emptying yourself and being honest about who you are. I still feel anger, sadness, and confusion at times. But what I found that has saved my life was inside me the whole time. I had to stop listening to others around me or keeping myself in a “box” that was determined by societal norms. This is a hard one—if you can ignore the hate and rudeness, if possible, please do so! I pray you don’t allow a passive-aggressive world determine your self-worth. I’m not naïve to think that everyone is nice. I’ve had very hurtful things said. I’ve said hurtful things. If you have limitations due to your health, please let those around know specifically what they are and how you best navigate life. What I’m trying to share is simply, don’t give up. No matter the repeats, don’t give up…on YOU. Find the YOU you’re meant to be. You’re enough. Empty the hurt with helpful friends. Lean in to hear HIS whispers. Find your garden. Rest in it. Surround yourself with its beauty. You don’t have to hide. Hurl the hurt towards heaven. It may not take away the pain at times, but it sure feels good to throw it out! You’re never alone! God sees you and he loves you just the way you are.

He will repurpose, reuse, and reduce what he feels necessary…not only does this sound Earth-friendly, but Heaven-friendly also!

Take root

What are you sowing?
What will you reap?
Will your harvest be plenty?
How heavenly your heap? 

Placing the seed is the easiest part.
The digging and raking go straight to the heart.
The surface seems scorched and barren to sight,
Keep cultivating and find the soil quite right.

New growth may occur
With a scattering toss,
Without proper maintenance,
You may experience all loss.

That which you fertilize
Will find certain success
Without nutrients and attention
It’s bound to get stressed.

Use the light of the sun,
Block out all substitutes.
Given time, love, and patience,
It’s bound to take root.  

K.L. Hale

Taken by me at Table Rock State Park Dewey Short Trail, Earth Day 2022
Taken by me at Table Rock State Park Dewey Short Trail, Earth Day 2022

AND THERE’S MORE! A Weekend of Music–Branson, Missouri

If you’ve heard of Branson, MO, then you know it’s considered a mecca of music. Some think of us as a hick-town with hick music. Well, folks, we ain’t all hicks, but we do have roots. Me? I love it all–gospel, OLD country, soft rock, americana, folk, Broadway, jazz, and MoTown. I feel I’ve led a million lives in music. This weekend I experienced a bit of all of it. Sprinkle in awesome comedy and a good time was had by all! Seriously, the tour bus attendees from ALL across the U.S. had me in stitches (what am I to do with your generation???). And yes, I’m still going to get goosebumps when over 1/2 the audience stands to be recognized as Veterans. It’s a big deal to me. The sacrifice these men and women made (and do make) have impacted my life–personally. When the crazy fun group from Abilene, Texas shouted out I shared about my sons in the Air Force and future placements. These fun folks had a lot to say to this Momma. I stood there as a Mom thinking of my daughter-in-laws who gave up comforts of home to serve as military wives. Call me old-fashioned, but it’s not a just a job to me if only 1% of our nation heeds the call. Our country is impacted by extremism. At a time where the red and blue lines divide, music can heal. So does kindness and lots of laughter. I hope you enjoy these two little clips.

Have faith! 💛

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64 thoughts on “Repurpose, Reuse, Reduce

  1. A big long lovely thoughtful post that provoked so many “yes” moments in my heart. How we sow is how we reap – timeless wise metaphors, yes to the service men and women, what would we do without these selfless courageous people and the same can be said of those that have support them and lose them time and again, so making their own sacrifice, such as your daughter in laws. The passive aggressive world – so aptly put. Is it becoming more so? As if the stifling of opinion is making it even worse? So much here to contemplate.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kate, thank you. Yes, a lot of layers to unpack. I do see a passive aggressive world~but yet, we’re all human and feeling many similar things which in some ways makes us more alike than different? There’s just so much division. I’ll never understand it, but I’m just passing through and doing the best I can with the body and soul at this juncture. All of our talks about the negatives of social media apply huge here. You and I both feel the same. A world so connected, yet disconnected. 💕 thank you for being in this space and on this journey beside me.

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  2. These words touched me the most: “Given time, love, and patience,
    It’s bound to take root.” This relates not just to plants but to love, to acceptance, to understanding… This relates to the entire world!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love this post. Especially this, “Lean in to hear HIS whispers. Find your garden. Rest in it. Surround yourself with its beauty.” You are an amazing writer, generous, honest, kind, and always inspirational! Thank you for this! I can’t wait to check out Branson, sounds like my kind of place! Love and hugs, C

    Liked by 1 person

    1. C,…your words are encouraging and thoughtful~it means a lot coming from you that you think I’m a great writer. 🥰 writing is healing for me. I can hear news and experience things that stop me in my tracks. For a day or two I absorb it, cry, let it out, and then, a cloud lifts as I complete some processing and count my blessings. And then when I protect my peace I can write it out. When I try and force it little happens. You’re going to have so much fun! I can’t wait to hear about it. I’m fortunate to be able to take advantage of local discounts. I want to see “Jesus” at Sight and Sound, but no local discount for that. It will be worth every Penny I’m sure. I’ve always enjoyed their productions. Love and hugs! Xoxo tell Larry “no bike challenges this week!” 😘


  4. A beautiful post Karla, and many hearts touched by that journey. Even the tree gives out such an energy, something so silent but so profound…and re-emerging in those young buds. May that music in your soul always be heard dear lady, and will be each time you smile 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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  5. Karla, there was so much here that was beautifully said but more importantly it resonated in me today! I haven’t been to Branson but my mother loved bluegrass and would go to the Bean Blossom Bluegrass Festival (south of Indianapolis in Brown Co., IN) – It was always a good time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Val, I’m so happy to hear it resonates with you. I appreciate your thoughtful feedback and support! Your mother would have loved Branson. Silver Dollar City hosts a Bluegrass Festival each year that brings in the best, local and nationwide. The Bean Blossom Festival sounds fun!! Mountain View, AR (not too far from here) is also known as the Bluegrass Capitol. The traditions are rich and thick in music! 🎶💛 take care and have a blessed day and week!


  6. A beautiful post, Karla! Full of inspiration and renewed hope. You will never know how many people have been touched, moved, and uplifted by your words. You have planted seeds that will blossom in their time and create a beautiful garden for others to see and share. Glad you had such a wonderful time and shared it with us. May there always be music in your life!


  7. Karla, you have packed a lot of punch in this wonderful post. Your poetry…you are so talented. The photos are amazing…you are so talented! As much as we love music, we must visit Branson. Thank you for a lovely start to my Monday. Sending hugs 🥰🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pam, thank you sweet lady. I appreciate your comments and support so much. My photos were just taken with my iPhone. Isn’t that crazy? I was thinking of Butch’s beautiful photography swirled in your sentiments–they are always so calendar-perfect! Thank you! Have a blessed Monday and week, Pam. Sending hugs right back! 💛🤗

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  8. Karla, there are many meaningful and memorable sentences in your post. Love these-
    “You must do the work. You can’t wilt and withdraw in the waiting.” and “it’s about totally emptying yourself and being honest about who you are.” Empowering! 🌞

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    1. Than you, Mark. It’s not been the happiest of days, but trying to hang on to joy! I have Covid and the last 24 hours have been the toughest. It feels like I got hit by a truck. Trying to do all the right things and rest. Praying it leaves quickly!


  9. Karla; Thank you so much for this awesome reminder of God’s power to refresh and renew all kinds of things… including US! There is a season for everything. Including a season to lie dormant beneath the surface, gathering strength and preparing to bloom. I love your wholehearted endorsement of the Branson music experience. It has been a long, long time since my last trip there. The traffic just about drove me crazy. But the entertainment is first class.

    Blessings to you and your service-member family members.

    – Russell

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    1. Thank you so much, Russell. I wanted to jump on here to say I appreciate your kind words. I understand about the traffic! I could use your prayers….I have Covid so I’m going to be a bit behind on reading. I feel utterly miserable. I can see just getting in her to read is exhausting. I’m prayerful I’ll be better soon. Blessings to you both!


  10. As a city dweller, I am always fascinated the sense of grounding and creation involved in farming . moving into a new home where we plan to cultivate our own vegetable garden and am looking forward to that ❤

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  11. When we surround ourselves with God’s beauty–the wonders of his attributes (at work in our lives no less)–we CAN find rest for our souls. Lord, help me be mindful to turn to you at the first sign of hurt, discouragement, or fear! Thank you, Karla!

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  12. Karla! I’ve had this post open in a tab for the past 6 days, so that I could re-read it each time I opened my browser for the day. Why THIS post? Because so much of it has touched my heart in a very special way. Your posts always bring a special melody to my Spirit, but this one really struck a chord!! (Find the puns there??🤣) I could draw attention to several very specific examples but I really just want for you to know how much I appreciate the presence of your blog (and your heart) in my very ordinary life. I am so blessed to have had your Flannel with Faith life cross paths with my hugs n’ blessings world! 💕💕💕💕💕

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    1. Dawn, I’ve never read such a beautiful comment. You’ll never know how affirming this message was me to me today. First, I’ve battled Covid for nearly a week. I haven’t “felt” like writing and that hurt me worse than the symptoms! Your posts do the same to my Spirit (and yes, I got the pun! LOL). I have found that the presence of friends like you in this space mean more to my life at this juncture–it was so needed. When the world seems absolutely cra cra I count on Christ and the kindness of new friends and family. I am so glad we’re on this journey together! Love you, Dawn. 💛🤗❤️💕

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      1. Karla, I do hope you are feeling much improved and I know the internal sorrow which comes from not being able to release the creative juices God has planted within us; but I do hope you are being patient with yourself and allowing yourself to properly heal. My prayers are with you for both healing and gratitude for God connecting our paths in this cyber-world! 😘

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      2. Thank you precious, Dawn. I needed to read this after I just responded to you. I’m trying so hard to rest and recoup. I really need more patience with this. Your prayers are so appreciated! Sending much love and hugs! 💛🤗❤️😘

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      3. Patience is indeed a virtue and it helps us with the reality that “all things are accomplished in His time.” Perhaps He is calling you into the quiet and the deep with Him. I promise to wait on the shoreline until you return….

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      4. Amen, Dawn! I’ve enjoyed my time in the deep with him. Today the sun is shining and I’ve been able to write. I know you’re there and it warms my heart. Where would we be without a Savior? Love you dearly!


  13. Beautiful words. Thank you for sharing the words and the stories you hold within them. It’s been a bit rough the past ten days, but God has been with me the whole time – when I’m aware of His presence, and especially when He seems far away. Communication is important during tough times, because no one is a mind reader. Be clear, and kind, and patient.

    Thank you for your support over that last ten days or so, it has been immense for me to have this kindness shared so wholeheartedly. Go well into your week and I look forward to reading more of your good and true words. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my friend. I appreciate your kind words and support always! Hamish, I know how rough these days have been; physically and emotionally. How amazing you felt God’s presence with you. Communication is difficult enough when times are good~so yes, rough times even harder! I’ll always try my best to be kind and patient. I’m on 3rd round of chemo. This one is a bit rougher so I may be hit and miss here. But know you’re in my prayers! Stay well and safe my friend! 💕

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