Feeling the Heat

It was hotter than 90 degrees one summer day forty years ago. The sun was sizzling. Mom plastered us in white cream. As beautiful as ever, and brown as a bear, she made sure us freckle-faced girls were protected. Hours of swimming and reapplying lotion passed; anxiously I ran to the tall chain link fence to await Dad cresting the last hill from the 18th hole. His two wheel chariot was my dream ride. He was my knight bearing a shiny club. Life was perfect; even with the heat.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Yesterday my R.V. was dripping with water. So was I. It seemed we were both crying. “She” from sputtering so much air to keep Finn and I cool. Me?…just sputtering over disappointment. “You can handle the heat!”, I convinced myself.

This is the worst part of me. And it occurs two seasons a year. Movement is limited by the “air I wear”. The battle aches of the arthritis and autoimmune issues try to wreak havoc on my psyche. Luckily, at times, fog will settle into my mind and distract me from the physical.

My hot tears weren’t all about the humidity. Haven’t we all felt the sweltering swirl of disdain? The heat behind the masks? What about the burning tires of busyness~ the rat race in which so many are forced to participate? Can you feel the heat from the roads?

Being an “in the middle” kind of gal I prefer temps in the 70’s. One where the extremes of hot and cold aren’t experienced. Most certainly I would feel spoiled. But would I be prepared the next time for a visit to the frigid cold? Would I still be able to withstand the heat again? Am I even insulated for either?

When things are too hot to handle I have to ground myself. I allow my shoulders to fall and take a deep breath. My face smoothes out and my jaw becomes relaxed. “Thank you heavenly Papa”, as I inhale. Exhaling slowly I whisper a blessing. This isn’t going to last long.

Meanwhile in the rest of the world we are all longing for perfect temperatures and dreamy places to balance our temperaments. The plague continues its spread like a heat wave. You’d think there’d be brief relief from the coolness of indifference.

I’m not alone. You’re not alone. Don’t get burned. Protect yourself and salve your soul with the paste of these promises:

“Every word of God proves true. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection.” -Proverbs 30:5

“For everyone will be tested with fire.”-Mark 9:49

“But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread your protection over them, that all who love your name may be filled with joy.”-Psalms 5:11

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”-C.S. Lewis

51 thoughts on “Feeling the Heat

  1. I’m with you. I’m not fond of heat. Although I grew up in Southern AZ, running around between the pool and the desert, after a run in with heat stroke in college, I seem to have less tolerance for the heat. And no way could I deal with the humidity in the south and east coasts. I love snow and am ok in the winter but my ideal is the mid to high 60s and low 70’s.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. kriddy70

      You took me back to Tri-Way and wearing socks in the pool❤👭 I can see you waiting on Dad!!! Ahh..heat felt good then. I’m going to take your advice and drop my shoulders. I love the peace you share and spread. Now come on, Fall…we love you. Kriddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have a love/hate relationship with my AC and I am dreaming wistfully of cool fall nights and a gentle breeze of winter air. I have faith it is coming . . . And if the weather these days is a foreshadowing of Hell, I am going to be a MUCH better person! Promise! (43C/109F)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. atimetoshare.me

    I love the way you weave your words together into a beautiful patchwork. Keep it up. This is a lovely post. I hate the heat too. Actually, I have difficulty breathing when the dewpoints rise. With Corona to deal with along with high dewpoints, I’m feeling a little trapped this summer.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Your comments mean so much to me. Interestingly, when I first thought of blogging, I chose the name “weaver of words “; it’s exactly how I want to write. You’re writing always encourages me too. Feeling trapped is something we can all relate to during these times. God bless you and keep you safe. 💚

      Liked by 1 person

  4. kriddy70

    You took me back to Tri-Way and wearing socks in the pool❤👭 I can see you waiting on Dad!!! Ahh..heat felt good then. I’m going to take your advice and drop my shoulders. I love the peace you share and spread. Now come on, Fall…we love you. Kriddy

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Searching for that forgiving middle can seem never ending, no, K.L.? Temperatures and so many battles of the mind this year like no other. Thank you for this illuminating essay. I hope the physical aches have eased.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the kind words Mark! Forgiving middle is right! I overcame the physical by forcing myself to hike in heat. I couldn’t sit anymore and let my mind “win”.


  6. Yes, the summer heat is on! My spouse loves Keith Urban, and we were comparing this summer with one of his hits, “Long Hot Summer.” This has been the mother of all summers. Thank goodness for our Lord’s building faith and inspiring hope as we encounter boiling, never tepid waters.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi there KL! Happy Friday! I remember temperatures rising to 200•F, but it was a Twilight Zone tv showing. The showing ended with a sick woman in bed with a very high fever. That segment really started my mind to wander. How blessed we are not to have weather temperatures to rise at incredible heights. 🙏👌


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