Respect & Repeat

I’m finally starting to see through the “blog fog”. After journaling my own thoughts for years and aspiring to one day publish, I began this site with low expectations. Not on you the reader, but for myself. I had lost confidence in beginning new challenges. The feeling of defeat seemed to creep into my mindset. And then I became a part of the WordPress community. The salve of encouragement and the daily dose of comradeship has soothed the sting of our new reality.

Encouragement is the trait that seems to naturally be a part of me. Isn’t that what we should be in life? Encouragers? We all have gifts and talents. And it seems the blogging community, in addition to sharing their own writing talents, thrive in encouraging others. No, my writing isn’t going to be everyone’s “cup of tea”. No, my beliefs may not align with everyone. But yes, we are all human~and the kindred spirits seem to congregate.

The Liebster and Ideal Inspiration Blogger Awards

There are many opinions about awards. And for the sake of time, I understand. When I think back to my first year teaching I remember fondly the veterans who helped me build on the small steps of success (and oh boy, do I recall those who taught me quickly, and a bit painfully, how NOT to motivate others). For me, accepting these awards, as I begin my life in the blogosphere, is an important step to recognize other “newbies” and respect the chain of gratitude.

In a struggle to find balance between the layers of current life and create a writing routine, the acceptance posts can seem daunting. Yet, I believe them to be the jumpstart to fertilize the rich soil of dreamers like me. So to those of you that have thousands of followers and are following me, thank you. I’m humbled. And to those that have just started and have fewer followers, be encouraged and thank you for joining me. With time, and faith, connections will occur. It’s only human.

I want to thank Janet @ for nominating me for the Liebster Award. It is really humbling~sincerely it is. Janet has been a wonderful supporter and I encourage you to check out her site. You have to know her story! It’s truly an inspiration. You must know how she became an overcomer. 💚

• Thank the blogger who nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
• Answer the 11 questions given to you.
• Share 11 facts about yourself.
• Nominate 5-11 other bloggers.
• Ask your nominees 11 questions.
• Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

Answers to Endless Rivers questions:

  1. What is your greatest life lesson so far? I’ve had so many. Keep going, keep my faith, ultimately God has me.
  2. What’s your favorite Car Karaoke song to sing? All of them~but rap! Music is my life 🎶
  3. Name one habit you would like to quit, and one you would like to start? Stop apologizing so much and start a habit of writing more each week.
  4. What has been your greatest challenge in the past month? Life hasn’t altered too much in regards to social distancing. However, not falling into the fear among the masses has been challenging. I keep faith and reality in my holsters at all times.
  5. Share one thing you’ve never shared before about yourself. I love counting things. It’s weird.
  6. What are you most afraid of? Distracted drivers and hate
  7. Have you ever been mistaken for someone else? Yes! I’m a twin!
  8. What’s missing in your life? Being near my kids and grandchild. But I know they’re in my heart and Im thankful for technology. Otherwise, I’m beyond blessed.
  9. What is the number ONE thing on your bucket list? Visit Jerusalem
  10. Would you rather camp or do a five star hotel? Camp!
  11. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I’m an ambivert. I had to be extroverted in my career and can handle small spurts. But I love my alone time and do not like big crowds.
Thank you Rising Star ⭐️

It is such an honor to humbly accept the Ideal Inspiration Award from Rising Star ⭐️ @ He is truly a well of positivity! From resources to help your site, to beautiful pictures, and ways to just do daily life and /or grow your business! Please check out the site.

Answers to Rising Star’s questions:
  1. What is your best inspiration source? The Bible and my journals. There are many inspiring authors/bloggers that I read that inspire me.
  2. What is the main purpose of your blog? To encourage and inspire, but also to share a bit of my RV life and legacies in my own family.
  3. What inspires you to write? Simply stories of faith and also deep thoughts about the human mysteries.
  4. How often do you write? Not enough right now! But I try to publish once a week.
  5. What is your best time of creativity? It hits at different times and a lot while I’m trying to sleep. Lol.
And my nominations are (insert drum roll)…

Each and every person on this list has impacted me. If you need encouragement please visit them. Nominees, do not feel pressured to accept. I only want you to know the impact you’ve had on me.

In lieu of answering 11 questions choose 11 words that describe you (it could be a noun, adjective, verb,….any word that is YOUR word). For example, two of mine would be music and nature. Thank you to all of my followers and readers. You truly make the blogosphere ~and this writer~feel encouraged.

Have faith 💚

44 thoughts on “Respect & Repeat

  1. I enjoyed reading your answers and learning more about you. I remember when I first started blogging these awards were awesome in getting to know and connect with other bloggers. I’ve made some fantastic friends via the blogosphere. Now I’m off to check out the other blogs you’ve linked to. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much, Ingrid! I was just mentioning you to other campers a few days ago. Several are wanting to go to Arizona for winter. Hope all is well. Thank you for your support. Stay safe and healthy! 💚

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kriddy70

    Congratulations and so well deserved. I’ve admired you since the minute I opened my eyes and saw you. Your writing bloggles my mind.❤👭 I am BEYOND proud of you and I love you. P.S… I count things all the time. It also has to “end” in 5’s. We shall discuss this…. Your twin, Kriddy

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s the sweetest response in the galaxy. I’m sure I remember seeing you and admiring you the first time too. I’m proud of you too. P.S. My countings do not have to end in 5’s. I’d actually prefer even numbers but all of them are fine. LOL! I love you!


  3. These awards are good ways to learn more about others – they’re basically short interviews. I can relate to your answers about the need to count things (I do this all the time, especially when going up and down stairs and the funny thing is that when I count, I do it in Dutch, while everything else I think or talk or write about is in English) and my worry about distracted drivers and hate.

    And, I guess I’m an ambivert as well for the same reasons you mention – didn’t even know that was a word or an option. 🙂 Like you, my creativity runs most wild when I try to sleep, keeping me awake for hours.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Thank you for following my blog! I enjoyed your answers to the questions, especially about being an “ambivert”. I’ve never heard that one but it’s an accurate description for me as well. I think I’ll use that one from now on.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I missed commenting on this post, way back when. I found much value in your message of encouragement. I can recall the times in my teaching career when a dear colleague helped me out when I needed an encouraging word.

    Liked by 1 person

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