Life Lessons

Lesson plans were turned in every Friday. Objectives? Standards? Methods? Materials? Guided practice? Activities might be engaging, appropriate, and enjoyable; what about closure? Although I planned closure activities, it was the student/learner who achieved closure. Even today, God knows I love lessons, learning, and practice. Ah, life lessons. What do I continue to learn?

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” T.S. Eliot

Books, entertainment, and activities provide life lessons for me. Recently, I finished a 2nd reading of a book by John Eldridge titled, The Utter Relief of Holiness (what does holiness mean to you?). If you’re not familiar with the works of John and his wife, Stasi, and you’re a lover of God, others, nature. adventure, all things wild, and common sense, you might enjoy their wisdom and insight. Stasi’s book, Captivating, helped me understand why my weird dreaming heart loves great adventures. Last night I sat in awe at the latest episode of The Chosen. Although there will be negative thoughts and naysayers about the particulars of this show, I enjoy the lessons I’m learning through this series. As I ponder and pause, reflect and review, several thoughts from the book, and my own, have surfaced.

“Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14

“Popular goodness” can ruin one’s thoughts on the work of holiness. Why wouldn’t I strive to be Christ-like and pure in my intentions and daily walk? Is being moral the same as loving God?

My heart-searching “takeaways”:

  • If I have hatred in my heart, yet give clothes to the homeless, am I GOOD?
  • Am I more righteous if I’ve been married 40 years but hold resentment towards my spouse?
  • Is the smug man holier than the man who smokes cigarettes and loves God and others?
  • If I force my family to pray before a meal and yell at them on the way to church, am I holy?
  • Do I talk to Jesus one day a week and assume that’s “good enough” to enter his Kingdom?
  • Do I treat one neighbor with disdain because of politics and think I’m “holier than thou” (what does HOLY mean to YOU?)
  • Do I continue to repeat sins and habits because I’m allowing triggers in my life rather than staying connected 24-7 to the true source of love and power?
  • Am I being Christ-like if I’m holding a grudge?
  • If I say I love Jesus, but not others, am I a true believer? Am I holy?
  • If my cancer spreads more does it mean I’m being punished? (NO!) (If you’ve watched The Chosen, you might recall season 3’s episode of the conversation between Little James and Jesus–truth and tears!).

Selective morality, as Eldridge pens it, —”keeping the letter of the law while ignoring massive problems in our hearts”(p. 73). Is this holiness? Technical rule-keeping is not holiness. What are the heart lessons you’re learning?

I’m human and I fail. I’m a work-in-progress. Holiness is not for the faint of heart! It’s demanding work!

“Doing the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans.”
― George MacDonald

“We were created for life, love, beauty, joy, laughter, friendship, and adventure. These are the very things God wants for us.” (Eldridge, 2013, p.66).

Motives are behind everything we do. Are we self-protecting? Living in fear? Do we have complete confidence in God or ourselves? Humans like to complicate things. Do we simply love God and others? What lesson are we teaching? What are we trying to learn?

I’ve invited Jesus into broken places in my life. It’s so healing to have him with me. Wholeness. Holiness. I’m not going to waste this Man of God’s ultimate gift. He carried the weight of my sin (and cancer) on his back—it was nailed with him, brutally, on the cross. He carried it ALL for YOU, too. I’ve surrendered it all to him. Guess what? Surrender is a daily, and sometimes, hourly practice! Did I tell you how I love to practice? He expects me to do my best. When I fail, I repent, renounce, (run?) and close the door. I’m not going to “read a verse a day to keep the devil away.” I don’t want comfortable goodness and leisurely doubt. I’m after something far more genuine: the beautiful holiness of Jesus (Eldridge, 2005, p. 86).

 Goodness does matter. But it’s grace alone that opens the door to knowing God.

What if we focused on our own paths to holiness? Can we engage others in lessons of love, compassion, kindness, and understanding so that they can achieve closure in CHRIST?

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;

John 11:25

 My cancer journey requires various teachers, learning, plans, activities, and standards…but my expected closure? It won’t change.

“Courage! Take heart!
God is here, right here, on his way
to put things right and redress all wrongs.
He’s on his way! He’ll save you!
Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.
Hot sands will become a cool oasis,
thirsty ground a splashing fountain.
There will be a highway called the Holy Road.

The people God has ransomed will
come back on this road.
They’ll sing as they make their way home to Zion,
unfading halos of joy encircling their heads, welcomed home
with gifts of joy and gladness
as all sorrows and signs scurry into the night.

Isaiah 35:3-10 (TM)

Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.

St. Augustine

Have faith🤍

Have you heard of NET, yet?🦓

Thank you, family and friends, for your patience and support. Since my last celebration of my wonderful parents, I’ve had family visits, birthday celebrations, an anniversary gathering, and a treatment day/doctor visit. My adult kids and grandkids visited SW MO. More memories were made to treasure! Trust me when I say the pics of my grandkids are the cutest ever! 🙂 There were battles with sickness and life events. Life will always give new lessons!

My latest PET scan showed lymph nodes impacted; treatments must continue to keep them stable. The largest bone lesions are stubborn; yet, I have wins in the small ones! Future scans will determine necessary steps. Am I disappointed that the cancer can’t just DISAPPEAR? Yes. Treatments do have side effects for me (some new). But I have a LIFE. I’m at peace about it.

A week ago, Saturday, LACNETS held their National Conference. It humbled me that my story was requested to be shared. It was the hardest thing I’ve written in a long time! This organization, including its leaders, fellow cancer patients, and experts, enhances my life. Thank you for believing, supporting, and rallying for all of us. There isn’t a family I know that hasn’t been impacted by cancer or disease. I’m praying for your situation and supporting you as you do me.

This video belongs to LACNETS. Written by K.L. Hale and filmed by Autumn Girgin (Visit Autumn at Girgisaur Productions). Autumn, thank you for all you did to make my story come to “life”. If you or a family member have Neuroendocrine Cancer, I encourage you to visit LACNETS. Feel free to reach out to me for support!
This video, belonging to LACNETS, will stay static on my “About Me” page. Although there are things I’d like to edit or change, the message stays the same–Be an advocate for yourself and others. If you feel something is wrong, seek help. There is hope!

Cancer wasn’t in my plans. We can make the best-laid plans, including amazing activities based on great standards, but in the end, what will closure look like? What did you learn? What do you hope to gain? Did I tell you I love learning? Oh, and I love you, too.

“Love is the beauty of the soul.”

St. Augustine

“We are all very anxious to be understood, and it is very hard not to be. But there is one thing much more necessary.’
What is that, grandmother?’
To understand other people.’
Yes, grandmother. I must be fair – for if I’m not fair to other people, I’m not worth being understood myself. I see.”

George MacDonald, The Princess and the Goblin


Eldridge, J. (2013). The Utter Relief of Holiness. New York: Hachette Book Group.

©2020-2024 Flannel with Faith. All rights reserved.

89 thoughts on “Life Lessons

  1. A great post, Karla. You have had so many lessons learned in your life. I love all you great quotes. Life is an ongoing lesson plan it seems. Lessons will be learned whether we like them or not. It is our attitude that makes the difference in the outcome. Yours is one of the best I have seen!

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  2. Susan Gillen

    Dear Karla, Such divinely inspired writing! What a blessing and gift that God is using your abilities (and some abilities you probably didn’t know you had) in such a beautiful way! It’s not happy news that your lymph nodes are impacted and big lesion is not reducing in size. But–to be stuck in the unhappiness of it is a sad waste of precious time-for you & those who love you. I expressed my initial feelings, but will not dwell there but count the good. (My Mom always said–we just need 1 good thing to focus on to get us through…whatever struggle/pain.) It’s not a fix, but a way of continuing to move through and prayerfully onto better things. Know I’m praying and holding you close to my heart. The last week of July I’m heading to Branson. That Fri., July 26th…if things work out…I hope I can drop by or we can meet up somewhere (whatever you’re most comfortable with)! We’ll keep in touch. God willing…it will happen! With Love Always, Sue xoxoxoxxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, precious Sue. Your mom was a wise woman (I see where you get your kindness and wisdom!).
      Stability is a good thing with this cancer. I’ll keep focusing on the good! Specifically, I want to tolerate monthly stuff so I can keep living. God is my ultimate source of comfort and strength~
      Unhappiness is a waste for sure!
      I’m so happy you’re feeling better. I continue prayers for your DIL too.

      I do hope I’m home that Friday, things are a bit in the air, but if it works out, I’d love to hug you in person again.

      I love you! Xoxo


  3. I haven’t read the Utter Relief of Holiness. Thank you for the recommendation. I look forward to checking it out. I started watching the video while waiting for my son’s baseball game to start and started crying. Needless to say, I had to stop watching, but the part I saw was true beauty. You always inspire me and make me want to strive to be a better person. Thank you for another moving post. Sending you love ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. How precious, Rachel. 🥹 if the video helps ONE person, I’m thrilled. I’m so blessed to be here, my friend. I know so MANY aren’t! Thank you for your sweet words.
      I think you’d enjoy the books, Rachel (and your husband might like John’s other books too).

      Sometimes I have a hard time just saying “thank you” as I want credit to go to God as I’m about as useless as I can be without him. I’m better because of him.

      I feel your love and sincerity. Your homestead and life inspire me too, my friend. You’re a precious lady. Much love. 💚🙏🏻

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh Karla ,reverberation and resonance as I read your words. They are things I have been pondering lately and to see them all laid bare in your beautiful way, well, it just feels like connection. Thankyou my friend this was a very timely post X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kate, this happens to us quite often doesn’t it? Thank you so much, dear friend.
      When you write, i feel that same way and typically, it’s timely. It thrills my heart that it resonates and reverberates~powerful!
      Your feedback encourages me. I had difficulty finding words a while. I’m so happy they landed in your soul in a way that connects us.
      Much love, Kate.♥️

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  5. Oh sweet friend-sending so much love. Thank you for sharing your video story. It makes me even more wish we could have that chat over tea or coffee. I’m learning that my actions, words, and heart all need to match. ❤️


  6. a wonderful video that played up towards the end but I got the gist, thanks Karla: your strong, courageous voice came through; you are an inspiration; sending you love, Karla — and for continual victories in your cancer journey 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. John, thank you, my friend. You’re an inspiration to me. Look what you’ve overcome too. Your kind words, prayers, and support give me buoyancy!
      Sending you love and prayers on YOUR cancer journey too, my friend. 🤍

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      1. Well, supper is over, dishes in dish washer, hubby has gone to bed and I have returned to my computer to dig deep into your post. I read somewhere that out of pain can come the most precious gems of truth. Your post proves that. What a precious gem our God gave us when His Son came to live, die and resurrect for us. I have never had cancer, but heart and kidney issue plague me in my older years. Chronic health issue has driven me deep into His Word and He has given me understanding and insight into Him. I don’t pray much for my health but like you I pray for the lessons learned as I walk in this frail soul cage. I love how you write and will be back for more of it. Blessings.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You have such wisdom. Thank you, my friend. I’m sorry for your heart and kidney issues. Chronic health issues, like this cancer, can leave us feeling fatigued, yet still full of faith. It can cause pain, yet still give us peace. I can imagine your understanding and insight. I empathize and feel for you.
        …”I pray for the lessons learned as I walk in this frail soul cage.” Beautiful 🤍
        This is all part of my walk now, like you, I appreciate the lessons and love leaning on the Lord for complete restoration.

        It’s heartwarming that you enjoy my writing. Thank you. I’ll keep you in my prayers for your health too. I have a journal in which I have many names. 🤍♥️🙏🏻


      3. My last hosptial stay left me even more frail but full of the Spirit. After serving years in two different countries as missionaries I found a new mission field, the hospital. I am determined to leave whoever comes into my room with the name of Jesus on their minds. When they let me out of bed I sit in a chair with my bible on my bed facing the door the walked into. They will usually ask, what are you reading…oh my, how I want them to ask. Doctors, nurses, x-ray people, the blood getters, people who bring my food, clean my room, etc. I run into people all the time who say, I remember you, you are that bible lady whose blood I took. My life verse is, I Cor. 2:2 I am determined to know no thing other then Christ Jesus…… your post I have found a soul who loves the Lord and embraces whatever comes to them has to come through the love of God.


  7. That video was the power of love Karla. His love within you. Each step so powerful because of what you have faced, slowly accepted, and let go. And in its place that soldier of Grace, Hope and Faith that only this journey can give. And so much I can feel from those steps…doubts faced, pain, fatigue and a heart so tested. And through that, that same heart settling into that love found.

    Be proud of that kind lady, in what has flowered because of it. There are truly no words that can describe this journey, it is a very personalized encounter with God. Asking of yourself those many parts I spoke above, each one daring you to go one more step. Each a let go of those things to make room for Him, clearer, closer and most certainly more understanding of His love.

    Take a bow my friend, you now stand in something that no book, no scholar, no worldly event can even truly describe…simply because it must be experienced. And His love is a very personal, loving one on one encounter so that we do truly understand His love. And you have accepted that so profoundly kind lady.

    And a knowing that you are indeed on that beautiful path. I saw in your eyes that so much touches you deeply, but I also saw the love that is found because of that. Hang in there Karla, He has much Hope in you too.

    Very big hugs and love to you and Finn from Oz kind lady. And my wishes for that loving encounter ❤️🙏

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    1. My dear friend in Oz, your words are a beautiful blessing filled book.

      You feel and see. You know because of your journey.

      Your words, “And His love is a very personal, loving one on one encounter so that we do truly understand His love.” A one-on-one. Personal. He loves each us of in our own unique ways~and we each have a personal connection and relationship. It’s mind blowing, Mark.

      I do have peace. It doesn’t mean I don’t have times of doubt, anger, frustration…I let it go after I feel it. I “rid” that space of that stuff and fill it with the goodness and love that only the Spirit can provide. A complete restoration~and that daring to go one more step. I almost laugh at how much he thinks I can handle~and HE sees me through each step.
      The soldiers of Grace, Hope, and Faith~beautiful, my friend. Would you believe that Faith and Grace are two are my nurses? I just smile.

      Finn and I send our love waaaayyy over to the land of Oz. It’s good to be here, Mark. A blessing words can’t describe.

      I pray you are well and feeling the love you give out! ♥️💕🙏🏻

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      1. It is an incredible experience Karla. And yes, it is frightening, doubtful, and those many other emotions…but…they are the builders. He wants us to see and appreciate its beauty so He is giving us an understanding lens so we can see.

        And yes, the handling bit always seem to make me laugh…I think, are you kidding me…but He knows how beautiful we are inside with His love, and just how much we can handle. There always seem to be a limit…but He knows there are no limits on unconditional love…and that is all He shares with us.

        Haha, I so laughed at your nurses. Then you are in great care my friend. They are two very beautiful healers indeed 🤣

        I’m going well as can be thank you, and even ‘suffered’ a 20C day in the middle of winter here. In fact rumor has it that it will do 21C today and 23C tomorrow. Now that is blessed kind lady, I almost went swimming with my crazy ice berg friends (They swim most days through winter) 🤗🥶

        Much love and light to you and Finn kind lady, may His warmth ever be with you both and guide you truly. Big hugs 🤗❤️🙏

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      2. Amen to the understanding lens in which to see things!

        Mark~it’s so fun “talking” with you. Now don’t be too crazy in that winter water lol! The warmth here is a bit extreme ~but Finn played in a tiny inflatable pool today. I’m surprised her tiny talons didn’t shred it as she pounced for her toy. My part poodle was a tiny wet noodle, Mark, 🤭🐾

        Many hugs and love! 🤍🐾

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      3. I won’t get dressed as a penguin my friend, I’ll leave that to the real ones. And at least in your current heat Finn will be glad of the splash…as long as ‘mom’ joins in 🤣 Take care 🤗❤️🙏

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  8. Sounds like you had a great family get-together. Glad you posted your video. We had our 3rd “hot” summer day here…almost hit 80 degrees. It is good to see the depth of your insights, even knowing the journey that contexts that depth.

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    1. Good morning, Gary. It was a wonderful week, thank you so much, dear friend. I pray for you all daily. 80 degrees is hot for all of you! That sounds perfect to me.

      Having you all walk this journey with me is an incredible privilege. Your family’s journey inspires me.🙏🏻

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  9. Oh I loved reading your post Karla because you shine with such a positive light. And the video was so good! My cousin Ali lost her battle with cancer last November. At her memorial service they played a video of her giving her personal testimony. She had such peace as can only come from the Lord. You’d have liked her. One day, when we’re all in heaven together, I’ll introduce you to her and we can all go for a hike!
    I read “Captivating” years ago and really enjoyed it. You are a gifted writer and you always inspire me with your words of love, hope and faith. ❤️

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    1. My precious friend, I’m sorry to hear of Ali’s passing. 🙏🏻🤍
      There is a peace that passes all understanding. When you have it, it’s such a comfort, isn’t it?
      You’re so kind and thoughtful towards me. Thank you for your encouragement and support. It inspires me!

      I imagine heaven to be so glorious with us all hiking together. How wonderful!!

      “Captivating” still moves me today as it did my first read too.

      Much love to you as you continue living such an amazing life~I’m so proud of you all.❤️🤍♥️🙏🏻

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  10. Fabulous post, my sweet friend! I am always learning in this journey of life! Do I put into practice what I learn, or do I soon forget?! We are reading Divine Providence by the puritan Stephen Charnock written in the 1600’s. It is still relevant today! I will check into the author you mentioned.

    I love you ❤️You are always in my prayers 🙏🏻 I will email soon, pray for wisdom for us dear one🙏🏻

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    1. Pam, you and Butch were in my prayers this morning. I think of you daily and love you all so much.

      Thank you for your love and support. 💚🙏🏻

      I find myself re-reading so I can keep learning new things! I want to remain teachable in every way!
      I’ll check out Divine Providence. There is something about writers of yesteryears that touch my soul~a time, language, and environment that parallels the “times in which we live” with its own uniqueness and experience. In my mind, I travel times!

      I’m praying for wisdom for you both~your precious family means so much. Much love.🤍♥️💚🙏🏻


  11. Kayla, my friend, this is so good. I so appreciate you sharing what God has been ‘working out’ in you. It ties in nicely with something I’ve been pondering. Would you mind if I quote your take-aways (obviously giving you credit and linking to your post) in an upcoming post? My recent Facebook memories have included quotes I posted from “Captivating” by Stasi Eldredge. They have made me want to go back and read it again. And “Wild at Heart” by John Eldredge literally changed the course of our lives when my husband read it. I’ll tell you the story sometime 😉. Have a blessed day, my friend!

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    1. Mama M, you’re such a blessing to me! Please share away! I have the bibliography listed at the bottom as well so that will be easy to use! Some of the takeaways are a combo of his thoughts and mine–in words we all understand and from your response, are aligned with your ponderings!
      This post has been in my “heart” for some time now.
      You’re such a support and encouragement to me. Thank you, sister. I pray you are recovering well.
      I’d love to hear the story about “Wild at Heart”. Love and blessings!🤍🤍🤗🙏


      1. Thank you so much! And I just saw my typo on your name… my apologies. You’re always so full of grace. Oh how I’d love to sit over coffee and chat with you. I was going to say that I hope Heaven has good espresso- but if calories don’t matter there, let’s make it milkshakes instead! Haha! Love and blessed shalom to you today, sister.

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      2. Aw, Mama M, I giggled. No apology necessary! I understand and it happens to me!
        I’d love that too. I’d love to get back to your area. I dream of it!
        But in heaven, let’s have some milkshakes! I’m still giggling on that. Diabetes? Who cares!
        Love and blessings to you, too. Shalom shalom! 🤍🤍🤍

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  12. What a great post, Karla! It encouraged me this morning. Thank you! Several things in it stuck out to me, drawing my attention and speaking directly to me.

    “Do I continue to repeat sins and habits because I’m allowing triggers in my life rather than staying connected 24-7 to the true source of love and power?”

    “Doing the will of God leaves me no time for disputing about His plans.”
    ― George MacDonald

    Then you quoted for Isaiah 35, one of the great new covenant prophecies from the old covenant era:

    “Courage! Take heart!
    God is here, right here, on his way
    to put things right and redress all wrongs.
    He’s on his way! He’ll save you!
    Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams flow in the desert.
    Hot sands will become a cool oasis,
    thirsty ground a splashing fountain.
    There will be a highway called the Holy Road.

    The people God has ransomed will
    come back on this road.
    They’ll sing as they make their way home to Zion….”

    “Springs of water will burst out in the wilderness, streams will flow in the desert.” These pictures of water are references to the Holy Spirit, here promised to those out in the wilderness. It is often in our wilderness experiences, our desert wanderings that we encounter the overflow of the Spirit in us.

    This is why wilderness is a recurring theme in the Old Testament and Gospels. It is where our Lord takes us to do His greatest works. “Wildering” is a more difficult life in one sense, but is the narrow path of our God’s greatest nearness.

    “There will be a highway called the Holy Road. The people God has ransomed will come back on this road.
    They’ll sing as they make their way home to Zion….”

    It is interesting that the “Highway of Holiness” is found in the wilderness, and not where it is easy traveling. Zion, the mount in the middle of the Promised Land, represents the promises of God to His people. Together, the mount and the land and a type of Christ. As people make their way back to Christ, they are gaining the life for which they were created and redeemed – the life of union with the Father and the Son now and forever!

    Christ reveals this in John 17:21-23, “As you, Father, are in me and I am in you, may they also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me. The glory that you have given me I have given them, so that they may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become completely one, so that the world may know that you have sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

    You wrote of our greatest gifts in this post, Karla. Thank you!

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    1. It’s my blessing!

      Tim, I was hoping and praying you’d read this post–I knew it would speak to you as I was “led” to write this.

      My heart and soul nodded at your response. It IS in the wilderness that the road was made MORE clear–and the living water that flows restores this weary hiker, my friend. How do you explain this to others unless you experience it?

      How do we help those that are consumed in worry, dread, and fear?

      Tim, I’m longing for the mountains–I ache for them. Yet, I know here, where I’m rooted, is where I can share this love and knowledge. Is it the indwelling of the Spirit that makes me long for the wild and desolate places?

      A beautiful post was written by a writer, Stacy from Where’s the Faith, about a man who wondered if he mattered; he’s gone now. She will light a candle in his honor. She mentioned that in the quiet and lonely place–where no one is around and you think you don’t matter, you’ll find the Kingdom of God.

      In the hustle and bustle, entertainment-driven world, the world of “be, do, produce, etc…” when are we STILL?

      “As you, Father, are in me and I am in you…”
      Complete restoration, Tim! I don’t want to wait until I die to experience HIS power NOW. The one breath that separates us isn’t much when HE’S FULLY living in us!

      Your friendship, support, books, wisdom, and especially, prayers, have propelled me over these years, dear friend. God bless you and Rascal so much!! Thank you!


  13. Ginger Salvatore

    Karla, I don’t know where to begin commenting after watching your video, twice! YOU, my friend, are the epitome of amazing. There are not many people who could endure what you have, and continue to endure. If that isn’t faith I don’t know what is.

    You may not be climbing mountains and hiking trails as we know them, but you are most assuredly conquering hills and valleys and mountains every single day.

    You are a superb role model for people dealing with all sorts of health issues. You are a source of hope for all of us. You never seem to run out of love or faith or determination. You are my hero!

    Unfortunately, PET scans don’t lie, but I doubt you or your doctors were surprised at the results. Disappointed? Sure. But no PET scan is going to take you down. This is part of your life now and you will face it with grace and dignity, some tears and a firm grip on your new lease on life, and always bolstered by your faith.

    Love that you included sweet Miss Finley in your video. After all, she is your biggest cheerleader and most faithful companion.

    Thank you for being YOU. Thank you for this heartwarming post and most especially your video.

    Love and prayers and gentle hugs to you and sweet Miss Finley.

    Love, Ginger 🦋💕

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ginger, you always brighten my day and lift my spirits, sweet friend.
      Your comments about the video touch my heart!! And to watch it twice. Thank you, dear friend.
      It was the hardest thing I’ve ever written, Ginger. It’s tough to watch myself, too. So I’m glad you enjoy it :-).

      To think I’m a source of hope provides comfort. IF ANYTHING, that’s all I wanted to be. 💕

      God made our bodies so complex and intricate–there are so many things we do not know–but HE DOES! ;

      Today I ventured out due to some insurance glitches–started to get a bit down about cost, paperwork, and “what if “–and I took my Little “Jesus” figurines with me and met two amazing ladies in the Dollar Tree. One is a survivor of cancer for 9 years and her friend, from Wyoming, instantly lifted me! I gave them a tiny Jesus (I’ve been giving them out–it’s been a hopeful hoot!). They may visit here today. And to think I hesitated to go in there because I was feeling kinda icky.

      You do that for us here, Ginger. Just when we need it, you give us a BOOST! So thank you for being YOU, too, and for supporting Ms. Finley and me over these years. I had to have her in part of the video! I’ll have to put a post of her playing in the pool again yesterday.
      I’m confident we will keep these lymph nodes stable, Ginger. There are SO MANY wonderful people out there working tirelessly on research–I’m living in the best of times–I love that my tissue and tumors can be studied.

      I’ll keep hiking and climbing the daily hills and mountains, my friend. Again, thank you for your kindness, love, support, encouragement,….all of it. This is all part of my life and I’m so happy and blessed to be here.

      We pray for you just as you do me. We love you, Ginger! Oodles and noodles! 🤍💕🙏🐾🐾🤗🤗

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  14. Precious Sister, Sister, just as I was thinking of a response to your post, I watched your video, and I’m crying. I just want to say I love you. You and Finley, your whole family and your full life, your faith—inspire me. I’m praying. 🙏🏻 Biggest takeaway this image of you and the unfading halo of joy.


    P. S.

    You’re so quotable: “Surrender is a daily, and sometimes, hourly practice!”

    John 11:25 and The Princess and the Goblin especially resonate.

    Loved seeing the footage of your hiking spots. ☀️

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    1. I love you, C.🥺❤️ thank you
      Guess where I’ve been? At your place. 🤍🙏🏻
      I’m typing this in tears because of all you’ve been through and your words to me.😭
      Your prayers, friendship, sisterhood,…texts, pen pal letters, call, …connections…and cancer, have inspired me.🙏🏻
      We have the same power of God and faith to see us through these circumstances.
      It means so much you were able to “see” the family and my little slice of the world here. And I’m so happy you can feel the faith and see the joy. I give God all the glory, C.

      George MacDonald~The Princess and the Goblin~and his book, Phantastes (1858) always is in my head as I walk through the woods (I see tiny fairy creatures and the Ash with his scary arms…I imagine so much in the woods from
      Many amazing authors!

      And always, the Word and Truth!

      We will walk together one day in heaven, if not before, C.🤍❤️💕 🥾


      1. Dear Karla, I’m sending you a bear hug. In my mind I see this matrix with the power of love and connection (faith and joy), like a bolt of lightning, flowing from above straight down to each of us and then from us to each other. I’m all about the images. I just downloaded The Princess and the Goblin. We will walk together! I’m walking with you now! 🤍🤍🤍

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  15. My beautiful soul sister, Karla. I wept reading you words and hearing your video. You embody faith and God in every fiber of your being and are truly an inspiration for everyone in your path. You make the world better by your walk on the trail of life whether a valley or mountain, enjoying the view. I’m in awe of you and I bow to your honesty, amazing family and walking your talk during the highs and lows, good times and bad, sharing your trials and tribulations and being the bright light that you are.. I love you, Karla. Cheers to marathons and NEVER defining yourself by diagnosis’s and definitions but kicking the pebbles and boulders out of your path that you are so good at doing. 💗💗💓

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    1. I feel your genuine and heartfelt words, dear soul sister, C. Thank you, thank you. It’s all so humbling.
      I’m so happy that you FEEL my love of God and the faith I have that ….all will be well—no matter what! NONE of us are promised tomorrow and we are ALL battling some form of cancer–it comes in different forms that aren’t called “cancer”; yet, can debilitate us in one way or another. I feel by supporting one another, it not only helps our healing, but gives hope!
      My support group, and family and all of YOU, have helped me see beyond any diagnosis and definition. Thank you for that!
      My identity is in Christ alone–and no matter how much longer I have here (since none of us know, lol) I want to die as well as I’ve lived. So I’ll live like each day is my last. I’ll say, “I’m sorry”, “I love you”, and many other things that I will never take for granted.
      I’ll kick the pebbles and boulders (love that, C!)!
      It warms my heart that the message I hoped to convey landed in your heart and soul.
      Thank you for supporting, loving, praying, and cheerleading me though these years.
      I love you.❣️💕🤍🤍🤗🤗

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      1. Glad they reached your heart from mine that you give so freely of yourself. You’re sooooo welcome and deserving. I so agree with you that we are all walking with some kind of cancer for sure and can’t shan’t compare our journey and down play or make better than anyone else’s. Yes you reached the bullseye with your message in this post quite profoundly. Like Christ, Buddha and all of the great teachers, I’m with you
        “My identity is in Christ alone–and no matter how much longer I have here (since none of us know, lol) I want to die as well as I’ve lived. So I’ll live like each day is my last. I’ll say, “I’m sorry”, “I love you”, and many other things that I will never take for granted.”
        I tried to share this with some friends but the video didn’t go through. Can you give me the YouTube link

        xoxoxoxox 💗💓🙏🏼💗💓

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      2. Thank you, sweet Cindy. This means so much to me. I hope this link works. I can try email, otherwise. I’m heading into my ZOOM support group so I’ll catch up soon. I love you. xoxoxo

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  16. Your video was so touching! You don’t downplay your struggles, but you also don’t let them define you. I loved hearing you say that your life is a blessing…. This is such an inspiration for everyone who is struggling with something big, and maybe wondering how to hold on to their faith while they do. Thank you so much for sharing it!

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    1. Ann, thank you for your kind words. How precious.
      It’s taken time to get to here…to not letting it define me, even if I’m sidelined. It’s truly that way for all of us.
      I will not stop thanking God and giving him the glory for right now! It’s my blessing to share.
      You’re a blessing, Ann. ❤️🙏🏻

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  17. every step with Jesus is a step well taken. We don’t know the route, what’s round the corner but each day we are here, we can truly live and love. God bless my friend, sending you so many hugs, so hope today feels like it’s filled with boundless love and life. ❤️❤️

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    1. Your words always bless me, my dear friend. They’re wise and thoughtful!
      I feel the hugs and do pray to feel that loved life! I pray that for you, too.❤️💕🙏🏻


  18. Curtis Proffitt

    WOW! So inspiring , Karla. I love your take aways on “… Utter Relief,” the second most important book I’ve ever read. Thank you. I am so inspired by your story and experiences, and I too was inspired by John Eldredge’s teachings to write about the impact it’s made on me. Although not nearly as impactful as your story, here some lyrics that came to me.


    There is no distance of length or time, the arms of your love have not stretched. Your firm hands hold; gentle like a new born, and the good fruit grown, you knew it all, before the seeds were thrown.


    It is no coincidence, or simply chance, the pleasures of your love lives in me. I surrender everything I have, there’s nothing more I want, all I desire is to be with you.


    Jesus, I will keep your words, to show my love for you, so you and the Father will make your home in me. Oh, let your Holy Spirit live in me.

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    1. Thank you, dear friend! You know, you know!
      Your support and encouragement mean so much to me. The song–verses and chorus–is powerful and poignant! God gave you the gift of writing lyrics. Through the studies of the indwelling of the Spirit, this song “speaks” of the surrender to the Holy Spirit and how the love continues to grow in HIM because HE lives in me!
      Thank you for sharing! God bless you so much!

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  19. Karla, Your video is so inspiring! I know you are helping many others to stay strong as they battle cancer. And you are also encouraging many others, like me, who fight other kinds of battles. Thank you for sharing your faith. God is faithful, merciful, and kind. Love, Cindy and Henry
    🙏 🤗 🐾

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    1. Thank you, precious Cindy. Your words are thoughtful and encouraging! I’m sorry for the battles, my friend. I pray for you as you do for Finn and me. I’m so glad you can feel the faith and we can partner in prayer and friendship on this journey “home” together! Your daily shares and life inspire me, too! Many blessings to you and Henry! Cindy, Finn is 7 years old this weekend (I’m not sure the exact date as she was a rescue, but the Vet determined 6 1/2 years ago she was born the end of June!). God bless you both! 💚🙏

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  20. All I can say is WOW! This post is full to overflowing with lots of good quotes, biblical truths, takeaways, and the all-sufficient grace of God in your cancer journey. You inspire me, dear sister! God is teaching many people through you. You are facing all of this so beautifully.

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    1. Matt–you are so kind and thoughtful, dear friend! Your words touch my heart. To think I’m an inspiration is humbling and heart-warming. It thrills me to think others can feel how God is working through this journey. Often I think about choices I’ve made in life. Some good, some bad. Yet, when I surrender to God, he makes all things “good”. I didn’t “choose” this particular health journey. All of us are battling something. Cancer can look different in all of us. I want to use this to show his glory. Not mine! I don’t deserve it! HE does. Thank you for being here and supporting me! I’m so glad we’re on this walk home together!

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