What Will Last?💚

What is life if you live it in fear?
Always worried you’ll lose something dear.
We’re only here for a while, just passing through,
Do you know the beauty waiting for you?

I can’t imagine not believing,
Just living, existing, and merely breathing.
Worrying about things that matter so little,
Knowing nothing is permanent and mostly, brittle.

I no longer hope to be someone’s desire,
To bend the wrong way or just put out the fire.
To not conform or keep the “status quo,”
Or do just the things that most only know. 

There’s no need to compare or justify
To explain or post to satisfy.
One minute, one hour, one day, or a week,
I’ll live it the grandest with nothing to seek.

I’ve already found it and believe it the most,
Eternal love and kindness should be what we boast.
What we wear, who we’re with, what we eat or drink
Worrying about what others might think.
To let go of the normal and grasp the grace,
Be kind, gentle, and not just “save face.”
Whether I’m here today or gone this next day,
I’ll not waste one moment in dread or dismay.

What is faith if I fear or dread the next step?
It’s human, I know, per the “rules” that we’ve kept.
Can we stop worrying about others, what they are or don’t do?
Focus on faith, family, and nature-that’s how we’ll get through. 

K.L. Hale 

Last Saturday night I shared with my friends attending the benefit that no one is guaranteed another day. We’re given a “life sentence” the minute we’re born. Knowing I’m not promised another day just lights a fire in me. I found out this morning that a sweet man, Basil, is dancing in heaven today. Basil and his wife, Terrie, attended my benefit last Saturday night. Last Sunday they both enjoyed an outing to Dogwood Canyon and Basil was airlifted to the hospital that evening. Yesterday I mailed their “thank you” card. We are never promised tomorrow. Basil’s life, and Terrie’s faith, inspired me to write this poem today. It makes me think of all, in faith, who have gone before me. 💛

What will it take to strengthen faith? There’s no time to waste on hate or judgment. Let’s not focus on dread and make each day count, let’s pray for the best, & increase our love amount.

“But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children’s children.” Psalms 103:17

Have faith💚 (if you don’t have it or know where to find it, or you need prayer or someone to listen, please email me @ finleyriverpublishing@gmail.com. You are loved. 💛)

Featured image by K.L. Hale-Spokane, WA (Bowl and Pitcher State Park)

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90 thoughts on “What Will Last?💚

  1. A great post Karal. I agree, life should not be lived in fear! All any of us have is one day at a time to make the most of. Life often happens in split seconds and when we least expect it.
    Sorry to hear about your friend, Basil. Keep the Faith and hang in there!

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  2. Ginger Salvatore

    Karla, your poem is so personal and beautiful it takes my breath away! You are a gifted writer.

    I’m sorry to hear about your friend Basil. My daughter’s name is Terri and my son-in-law’s name is Basil! What are the odds? 🤗

    Your friends sound like wonderful people. I bet If Basil could say one more thing it would be, “I had a blast at Karla’s benefit Saturday and a glorious time with my wife at Dogwood Canyon. I’m ready to go because I’m going out on a high note!” May he Rest In Peace.

    It’s never easy to lose friends, or anyone you care about, including our beloved pets. But losing friends is as much a part of life as is meeting folks and becoming friends with them. I’m sorry for your loss. Basil mattered, just as you do.

    Hope this weekend finds you gaining strength and finding lots of things that make you laugh out loud. Belly rubs and smoochie kisses to your sweet girl Finley. Oh alright, you can have some of them too! Ginger

    Sent from my iPad


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    1. You are so awesome, Ginger 💛 thank you for your amazing words of support, wisdom, and humor. I did not Basil like others, but do know what an example he has set for us all! I’m so fortunate to have such amazing examples, family and friends, that truly “get” what life is all about! Finn and I appreciate the belly rubs and smooches (too cute!! 💛🤗🥰😘🙏🏻


  3. jstone6648gmail

    Dearest Karla, I just got home with Terrie and read her your post and shared it with her. You will never know how touched she was and the tears shared! Thank you so much dear, dear friend!💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏

    Sent from my iPhone


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    1. Thank you dear Judy. 💛💕❤️🥲Please please wrap Terrie in a huge hug. She is loved and I know that readers here will also share their condolences and hugs. After what Terrie has overcame and now, with this loss, she is such an example for all of us about faith and love. It truly inspires me. May God give her peace and comfort. And to you and Chuck as well in the loss of a wonderful friend. It’s such an honor that I got to give him a hug last Saturday night~and Terrie too.


  4. atimetoshare.me

    One day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time. Only God knows when we will exhale our last breath on this planet. He also has a heavenly room waiting for us on the other side of eternity. Oh what a day it will be. I can’t wait❤️💜

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  5. My sweet, Karla…this poem is beautiful! “To let go of the normal and grasp the grace…”

    I am so sorry to read of your friend, Basil. We are never promised tomorrow or another breath.

    I love you, my friend 💛🙏🏻🎶♥️

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    1. Thank you, Pam. May God give his family continued strength and faith! It just hit my heart this morning after my benefit last Saturday and how close he and his wife are to my dear friend, Judy, too. It really stirred my soul in thinking how any of us can be living in our last minute at any time. I know you and yours embrace life and it’s beauty every day! It’s all well with my soul 🎶 I love you too, Pam. 💛

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  6. a very meaningful post Karla. The tension of living here and knowing it’s just passing by without any guarantee of the next moment should drive us closer to the Lord each day. Basil…what a reminder and knowing Terrie will need extra support. It’s a constant; needing one another while here.

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    1. Thank you, Gary. I appreciate you very much. You and your family were in my heart this morning as I prayed for your daughter. I want to visit your place and see how you’re doing and if the weather has been kind to you.

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      1. We sure appreciate those prayers!! You are in my daily prayer notebook as well.
        You can visit anytime karla. Cabin or no cabin. The weather is nice for now. Snow is melted. Hunting seasons are on…my in the woods cabin is not ready yet, it’s very rustic yet and putting in insulation and hooking up lights next. It will have a heater when the snow flies in November.

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      2. You’re welcome, Gary! and thank you so much for keeping me in yours. The cabin sounds absolutely perfect! You’ll stay nice and toasty in November it sounds. I look forward to reading and seeing your amazing nature pictures! Blessings to you and yours!


  7. And thank you kind lady for those blessings. I think that life we hold begins so bare, but as time goes by we touch so many things and events that builds that love, hope and faith. Your full dear lady, a quota met. You have touched so much, simply by understanding. And passing it on. Well met ❤️🙏🏽
    And love and light returned in kind Karla, may it help where needed, if only to pass it on 😀❤️🙏🏽

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  8. Your poem contains the whole truth! We have no guarantees in this life save one – That Jesus died to give us life eternal. My sympathy on the loss of your friend (Hugs) I’m praying that the Great Comforter wraps you in his safe embrace! ❤

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    1. Val,…you know! I thank you so much for your beautiful response and kind words. Basil was a dear friend of a dear friend. I just know he KNOWS how the last two days of his life has impacted many people. How we live is huge~and I believe how we die is even bigger! Love you, Val! 💕💛❤️🙏🏻


    1. C, I love you so much, too. My heart was overjoyed yesterday that the words actually CAME to me. It was such a spiritual experience to FEEL them again…to HAVE to sit and type because I couldn’t stop them. It makes me tear up in joy just thinking about it. They say “we don’t know what we don’t know.” Yep! I never dreamed my life would be what it is today. This might shock some~it’s BETTER than I dreamed because I truly have experience an undeniable love and peace that can’t be denied. It’s unbelievable actually. I’ve been reading John Maxwell again and he has so many points on “intentional living” that strike chords in me! Much more even than when I led and there was more “pressure”. It’s more than just coincidence that I’m GROWING as my body is dying (well, we all are, lol). I know the truth that annihilates any toxic that could kill my soul faster. So I’m LIVING with such freedom. I know you understand, C. I can’t stop my heart from overflowing. And I can sure stop my head from overthinking. It’s such a beautiful way to be. 💛💕❤️ I’m so thankful for you.

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  9. Your beautifully crafted words will provide comfort and hope to those that are struggling in life. They will find strength, grace, and perseverance buoyed by the love and energy you purvey. If that is the only thing one could ever accomplish in a lifetime, it is a lifetime well spent. But you have done so much more and in such a selfless manner. Hold fast to what you know to be true and let the doubts and fears fall away. You are a blessing to so many!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Brad, your words touch my soul {you’re such a gifted poet, thank you }. What you recognize and appreciate is exactly what I had hoped for those that read. And what I had hoped for my own life~Love, loss, selfishness~ changing to true love, gains, and selfLESSness~came to fruition! It’s in being broken that restoration occurs. I see it all as gains and I’ll hold fast, my friend. You’ve been an inspiration to me! Thank you so very much for your support and friendship during these years. It’s a blessing to know you and I appreciate your precious words! 🍁🥰

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    1. Matt, how precious. I visited with Terrie’s dear friend whom I also share as a dear friend just this early morning. Although I didn’t know Terrie and Basil well over all these years, the last two days of his “capable” physical existence included coming to my benefit. I will forever be impacted with that knowledge. It’s such a reminder to live life to the fullest~he made a difference and I believe, in heaven, he knows it! 🙏🏻

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    1. Thank you so much, Sue. Yes, I think specifically of the losses you’ve endured and how your faith always inspires me. I’m so thankful God has brought you through and you know these truths so very well. I love you and am thankful for you and the many many years of support and love. I’m thinking and praying for you. 💕❤️🙏🏻


  10. “To let go of the normal and grasp the grace,
    Be kind, gentle, and not just “save face.”
    Whether I’m here today or gone this next day,
    I’ll not waste one moment in dread or dismay.
    What is faith if I fear or dread the next step?
    It’s human, I know, per the “rules” that we’ve kept.”

    How timely is the Lord’s prompting of your digital pen. These thoughts and others like them have been doing the contemplative dance in my head lately. Much of this dance is due to your writings, I think. For that, I am grateful to you, Karla.

    Our time here on earth is short, no matter how long it is. Our time with our God is for eternity, no matter how short it seems. Some aspects of His grace are at once deeply mysterious and dazzlingly brilliant. Thank you for plumbing the depths with us and for us.

    Grace, mercy, and peace to you and your tribe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My friend, thank you so much for your words of affirmation and support. I began on a study on the book of James this morning (by Francis Chan) and it also affirmed my deep spiritual and eternal perspective that has completely possessed me! I never thought myself “of this world” (C.S. Lewis describes it well), and my current situation truly encapsulates this expression! There’s such a freedom to this way of living isn’t there, Tim? Where things of the world, that never mattered anyway, truly have no place in the “top ten of living”! 😬 like your one pursuit (which I admire so much), that’s all I pursue! You summed up my thoughts beautifully ~”Our time with our God is for eternity, no matter how short it seems. Some aspects of His grace are at once deeply mysterious and dazzlingly brilliant.” I’m so grateful for you, too, and appreciate how you use your leadership and life in such an inspiring way! Blessings and peace my friend!

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      1. Yes, you said it well, Karla. This way of living is finally the freedom for which we have been seeking. Living emptied of the self-life and filled only by the abiding life of Christ in us is true freedom, for we are coming into living the life we were created for and for which we were redeemed. “Who the Son sets free will be free indeed.” May we enjoy that freedom by walking according to the Spirit of Christ in us today. I wish you His peace, His love, His light, and His life today, Karla.

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  11. Americaoncoffee

    Hello Karla your share is so sweet and sincere, which certainly must have come from a 101 talk with our Lord. Fear is in the prophetic dialogue of the day, for all to overcome the enemy thru the building of faith.. I love your humble armour. Loving hugs always.💞💞☕️☕️☕️💞💞

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  12. Wow what a poem! Every word is perfect peace, true love, and absolute truth. Faith is knowing God is the Lighthouse in the Storm thereby allowing those who do walk by faith, comfort and joy and peace. I told someone recently life is too short to NOT live fully. Too many people live safely all along having fear present in their hearts. God is not of fear. When you know God and allow God to show you your Path, fear is no longer present. Living life without fear is heaven on earth. You know it. And so do I.

    God bless you for what you are doing in your life. Keep shining your Light. You are beautiful to behold!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amy, thank you so much for your thoughtful and KIND words! I remember meeting you several years ago here and thinking how contagious your enthusiasm was to me. Letting go of fear, at times,might lead to heartbreak at times ~yet, personally, I’ve always gained new wisdom and perspective! Like you stated, God does not want us to fear. It’s so liberating letting go of fear! Thank you for being a light in life, Amy! 💛💛💛

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    1. Absolutely it can be. And after many many lessons in life I’m glad it wasn’t one diagnosis alone that created this realization. Gif never promises an easy life~but he does promise he’s always there if we choose. There have been times I wanted to take my own paths,…but choosing to let go of control and direction and truly listen placed me on the path of peace. Peace is such a relief. Blessings to you and your precious girl! Thank you for being here and sharing! 💛🙏🏻


  13. Thank you for this poem, and the message alongside it. 🧡 Sometimes we need prayer, and maybe we’re not sure why it what for. So sometimes it’s a hard thing for us to accomplish with only our own voice.

    God grants us each gifts which we can share with others. One of yours is caring for others and sharing your faith to encourage others in theirs. Thank you for caring and for sharing amazing parts of your journey.

    Happy Easter to you and your family. I hope Jesus resurrection reminds you of the new life we are granted each new day by the grace of God.

    Peace be with you and as my grandad would say, Good bless. 🙏

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    1. What a beautiful message, Hamish. I appreciate you so much. You understood the message, dear friend. Your wisdom is enlightening. Thank you for your words of my gift. You should know that you have that gift. Your encouragement means so much. Your grandad statement, “Peace be with you” is beautiful. I love that and wish you the same. My apologies for such a late response. I’ve had a hospital trip and treatment and all is well! I’m so happy to be typing to you today. Blessings and “peace be with you!” 💚🙏

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      1. 🙂 Thank you for continuing to write and share, it is encouraging to be in my own writing journey that one day, soon enough, I will publish my books to share with others too. 🧡

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