Memorial Day and More

I’ll never forget the sacrifices made~then and now. I have much to be thankful for today. Thank you to those who have served and are serving now. What a beautiful time to remember those that have gone before us. ❤️ 🤍 💙

It was a month ago when I shared my latest post. I was healing from Covid and so thankful for everyone’s prayers and understanding. After one more successful school visit (I was on cloud 9!), I woke up in severe pain. Visiting hospitals is something I dread. But this day was different. I just knew I had to go.

After several days in the hospital and many tests, it was determined that I have a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor/cancer. There was confusion as to what I really did have~pancreatic? Liver? The painkillers and the surreal moment made me feel I was outside of myself and observing a strange experience. I’ve had health challenges, but this was different. There’s a mass on my pancreas, around 9 lesions on the liver, and it metastasized in two lymph nodes, a small place on my skull, thoracic spine, hip, and pelvis. Although the tumor is grade 1 (slow growth) the cancer is stage 4. Surgery is not an option at this time. I begin chemo pills this Friday. I’m believing they’ll shrink and side effects never form. I tried to write one day~the pain overtook my pen. I’ve felt every emotion I could possible feel.

My family and friends are my team. I’ve yet to be alone as they all wish to be with me through at least the first few days of chemo. I’m completely overwhelmed by the support. At times I just cry. My Dad has overcome so much and I want to be like him. To say I have no fear would be a complete lie. To say I trust God in every step is my absolute truth. I no longer blame every pain on my past injuries. I was becoming great at that. In my heart I knew something wasn’t write. Friends, if you feel that please talk to your doctor or a supporter that could encourage you to seek truth. This has apparently been in me for quite a while. I’ve missed writing, reading, and “seeing” all of you. Since I began blogging this has been my longest break. It will take me a bit to learn my new “normal”. I’ll get there! My faith won’t be moved. I will fight. The most encouraging thing to me is this: as a follower of Christ I win no matter what. He has put the right people in place. I’m still reaching out to research hospitals and listening carefully. I’m encouraged it’s treatable! Prayers for my body to accept the treatments (and there’s back up plans if this doesn’t work). I’m used to being active, being outdoors, writing and reading~I’m ready to do it. I realize I must be patient.

To my family and friends-I love you dearly and words can’t express my gratitude. Thank you Red Cross and the bases in Alaska and Washington (and Germany for my youngest son’s short stay) for allowing my sons and their families to be here for this time. One doctor told me I didn’t have to live in pain anymore. I know that pain has drawn me closer to God. I also know the suffering here doesn’t matter because glory is waiting. I love you all.

WP family~My responses and reading your blogs have been delayed. Thank you WP family for being you and giving support.

Have faith 💛

79 thoughts on “Memorial Day and More

    1. Oh, MAK,…I’ve been thinking of you, too. I ended up staying in the hospital 5 nights. All this pain medicine really stalled me (so strange). We met with oncologist last Thursday and heard everything. I’m so happy to be here. Finley’s small world has been an adjustment as well. But we’re doing our best. We send our love back to you, Bear, and Teddy. Please walk and do nature things for me. I’m going to get it back, I know! 🥹😍🥰❤️💛🙏🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💜💕

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  1. God’s blessings to you during this current health challenge and in all that you are facing. I will keep you in my prayers. Thank you also for these timely reminders of what we remember on Memorial Day. J.

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  2. OMG I’ve been thinking of you and missed your posts until reading this Karla. My heart is aching for you, holding you sacredly and and tenderly as you go through this my friend. You are not alone although alone you must feel at times. I’m in shock as I’m sure you have been, Sending you love and healing my dear friend! 💖💖🙏🙏🙏

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    1. Cindy, thank you so much. Yes, it’s been such a strange situation. I’m still processing. Alone is a feeling that I actually don’t have. I haven’t been alone in quite a while, and I crave it; yet, I listen to others and also am learning about all of this as I go. It has been very strange not writing and reading much. But I feel I can write some thoughts now. I’m sure it will come and go as things go up and down as well. Thank you for the love and healing prayers! 🥰❤️💛🙏🏻💪🏻💪🏻 sending it back to you too.

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      1. You’re welcome of course. Strange alright and alone time is needed to process as well I’m sure. Plus, with your faith, you know you are never alone.
        You will get lots of suggestions and advice which is hard. I have found incredible healing for others from the book Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips .. author Kris Carr . She has a diet book as well. Reach out anytime. I will send you some healing Reiki and meditation as well! Your faith will get you through,
        Thanks dearest for your love too! 💖💖🙏💖💖🌹

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      2. Cindy, thank you so much for this. I have been considering my diet for sure. I don’t crave a lot. The foods I used to love are no longer desirable. I can live on very little, yet, I love food and loved cooking. It’s just not in me right now so any wisdom is appreciated! I meditate in the mornings and am trying to get my stretching in~I need to be more active and I’m making baby steps. Fatigue is harsh! Love you! ❤️💛🤗💙🙏🏻🥰

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      3. You’re so welcome Karla! Oh good. Kim is spectacular. Wasn’t supposed to live and does an amazing talk to writers. I’m so glad you are open because everyone will want to give you there good ideas and many you will have to take with a grain of salt. You will enjoy food again in time and the nutritional aspect will heal you. Another great book is Anita Moorjani
        Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing.
        You can listen to the audio as well, I believe.
        You have a perfect schedule to heal and I see the healing power of the divine e working through you NOW!
        Baby steps are good! I bet it is.. just sleep and honor your body.
        I Love you too Karla!

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  3. Oh Karla! I’m so glad you are surrounded by family and friends and most of all the Holy Spirit – giving you strength and hope and God’s comfort. My MIL had pancreatic cancer 6 years ago and after treatment, surgery and more treatment is cancer free! I will pray for the same outcome for you. We are remembering today… no big cookouts or parties (I’m still recovering from COVID). But still we said prayers with lunch for those we knew who had died in service to country and tonight with dinner we will pray for those we did not know – deserving the same remembrance.

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    1. Thank you, Val. Thank you for praying for me and sharing. I’ll always have hope! I’m so happy for your MIL. I hope you are recovering well. I believe having Covid is what brought out all of this. My immune was pretty low. I’m glad I know now. Your time on this day sounds like a wonderful tribute. Hugs and ❤️


  4. Oh Wow! This is shocking news for sure. I am so sorry to hear of your health issues. Thank you for taking time share your heart with us. I am glad you have the support of your family around you at this time. I will pray that God witl give you the strength to see you through this time.

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  5. Thank you, Karla, for letting us know what is happening. My hope for you is in the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. He has you. We all love you and care about you, but our God the maker of heaven and earth, He has you. It is hard to top that.

    In the midst of all that you are experiencing and engaging, what we write to you can seem like thin soup indeed. That is totally understandable, because it is thin soup. But it is all we know how to cook up in our limited experiences. But that is okay. He has you. That is what matters most. Oh, and your family; they matter a lot, too. May our God bless you all, Karla.

    I am discussing this with our Father.

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    1. Thank you for sharing the wonderful promise of God that I’ll always have~HE is with me indeed. What you write is encouraging and means so much. I can’t even clearly wrap my head around this. But thank goodness I have a Heavenly Father who does ~that’s enough for me. There will be times I don’t understand and with prayer and friends like you, it makes me hopeful. Thank you for your support. I feel the love and prayers. Take care! 🙏🏻


  6. Sending much love and light Karla that God has much more love for you to give, whether we be WordPress’ers, schools, classes, families or foes, or puppy dogs…that love endeared to us all we will wait for. You have much more to share, and especially after going through something like this He knows that the one thing that will grow within you is that empathy, compassion and love so that you can touch us all with it. Take care dear lady, i look forward to that ‘touch’ soon 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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  7. Lois Jones

    Dear Karla, You are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You are loved by so many people and you are an inspiration to all of us. I pray that if God doesn’t move the mountain, He will give you the strength and courage to climb it. He knows you and what you need. You are in His hands! Love you dear friend. 🙏🙏❤️❤️ Lois Jones

    Sent from my iPhone


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    1. Thank you so much, Lois. I’m so overwhelmed by the love and support I’ve received. You have been such a wonderful support for so many years and the prayers are appreciated! I have such comfort knowing I’m in his hands. I love you too, Lois ❤️💛💙💕🥰💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


    1. M.B., your words are touching. Your prayers and thoughts mean so much. I’m so happy for all the great things going on in your life. Life is filled with celebrations and some scary times- I think through all of it we learn so much. I’ll stand with you for your book release and you’re standing with me through this~it’s a wonderful life no matter what. Love and hugs 🤗 ❤️

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  8. Karla, I have already written you in a separate reply from my blog-space; however, I just want to thank you for including us in this journey you are embarking upon. I am so grateful for this cyber-space bringing so many lovely like-minded people in to my life and I place you as one who is entrenched deeply in my heart. I would hate to think you are going through this without all the love and support you can gather & I am grateful for those who are with you in body, but there are so many of us who will be joining you in Spirit, as well. Please remember (often) there’s a caring, faithful Shepherd who is with you every day. There is nothing you will go through where He cannot make a way. As you rest in His assurance and His tender loving care, may you feel the love I send you as I gently lift you up in prayer. (I didn’t necessarily mean for that to rhyme but you DO bring out the best in me….😉). Karla, may each day bring you renewed strength and health as you are cared for by the One who knows just what you need. Wrapping around you all the hugs & blessings I can send……😘😘😘

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    1. “Renewed strength and health as you are cared for by the One who knows what you need”…Dawn, I truly know I’m never alone. I’m so grateful for you. I feel the hugs and love. I’m overwhelmed by the support and prayers from this family here. Thank you so much. PS~what a great poem 😘🥰🙏🏻💛💕❤️💙💜💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 I’ll remain strong in faith! I know you will too! Much love!

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  9. Oh my goodness! I wondered why I hadn’t heard anything from you recently. Knowing how important writing is to you, I thought it had to be something serious. It sounds like you have an amazing support system surrounding you… including this WordPress family. And who knows? Just like Esther, it may be that you built this virtual family (and your “in the flesh” one, too), “… for such a time as this.” Prayers and blessings in abundance coming your way, Karla.

    God’s got you and God’s got this!

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    1. Russell, thank you so much. It has been such a surreal time in my life. The support is overwhelming and I love your perspective on my WP family! “For such a time as this.” Your prayers and support are appreciated! Stay blessed and I pray for you both. I’m so thankful to be in God’s hands!


  10. My sweet Karla, this was such a shock but I have been thinking about you so much lately and wondering what was going on with you. I’m so sorry to hear you are in an all out battle with cancer and it is my deepest prayer that you recover and return to your passions of hiking, writing, and inspiring others. It sounds like you have been surrounded by family and loved ones. That is so important! I will hold you ever so gently in prayer, knowing you trust in God and God’s plan for you. I love you my friend, keep fighting, wrapping you in the warmest hug, C

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    1. I though of you, C, through these days. It’s been so surreal. I’m still processing, but I’m moving forward and today, other than stomach issues, I feel more like ne. I couldn’t even write for a while. After Covid this hit. I was in shock. I believe in the power of prayers and miracles. My plan is to stay strong and keep fighting with faith (even if my emotions go everywhere at times). I appreciate your prayers, love, and support so very much. I feel your hugs and love. I love you too, C. Please take care. 💛💛💜💙💕💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘😘

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  11. Nnnnnnoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, no, no no. I am sad you are having to experience and go through this, my dear unseen but treasured “blog-friend” and sister in Christ. Numbers 6:24-26 my friend. May the Lord truly give you the strength to fight and hope to trust and and most of all may the doctors and God heal you and restore you to health. Love and prayers, Jane

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    1. Jane, the verses are perfect. Two friends prayed with me by phone this morning as my twin and I sat together with speaker on. I said, “I was made for this moment.” I’ve always believed that our tests become our testimony. Oddly enough, this diagnosis solves some mystery as to why I experienced pain. It seems that bone and pancreas tumors can do that. It started in the blood, and it ends in the blood. It was the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed just so I can rejoice in a new body and a new home when my time here is over. I’ve gone through every emotion I think there is. I’d be lying if I said I was completely fearless. However, I’m trusting the Lord. Any suffering just creates more compassion in me for others suffering. I’ll not stop enjoying nature or dreaming. It’s a win-win for me no matter what. But I’ll fight it with every ounce of me. Love you, Jane.


  12. Karla, thank you for sharing your journey with us. Your faith in God is encouraging to me and others who are dealing with various illnesses, and even those who are not. You are in my constant thoughts and in prayers my friend.

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  13. Somehow I missed this update. You have been there for me every step of the way. You have supported and encouraged me throughout my pain and suffering and, now, I hope I can be there for you. No! Don’t lose faith. Breathe! You are loved by many, because you yourself are a vessel of love and have given so much to so many. Now, it is time to give to yourself and allow others and your personal God to cradle you back to total health and wellness. 🤍 I’m with you in thought and spirit!

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    1. Stacy, what a beautiful response. Often, since I’ve known you, I have used YOUR faith and situation to help keep me strong. I’m so blessed to have you alongside me as we continue our fight of faith. I’m taking deep breaths. Literally, more deep breathing and allowing God to give me rest. Sending love and hugs (and hopes for huge hostas!), love, Karla 💛


  14. It is always great to read your words. Your commitment to faith, and your willingness to share difficulty then it arises, are both testament to some of the gifts God has provided you.

    Thank you for sharing and encouraging others to share too. Prayers and piece be with you. 🧡

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