Promising Profile

You’re scrolling through your feed.  Why do you hit “like”? Is it the latest age-defying miracle treatment and a model wearing the latest and greatest? A friend from high school that you had wondered about?   A meme that is perfect for your personality and professions? A family or individual living your dream?  How about the cutest baby animal in the world? A National Park you follow?  Is it a celebrity?  Is it your favorite scripture? Or are you just mindlessly scrolling out of habit?  Do you scroll with hope?

I wonder what it would be like if HE walked among us today.  His profile simply “King of Kings” (he has so many choices for usernames).   We don’t know it, but his account will be gone one week from today.

Today’s post might reach a record (next weekend’s post would shatter the record).  It’s just a dusty road and ride on a donkey.  And the camera could only capture a minimal number waving and laying the palms for his entrance.  Well, maybe a drone would catch it all.  Unmute it.  Do you hear it? “Hosanna!” over and over and over.   My desire to snap a selfie would be snuffed out. With my arms extended, for only praise and adoration (no autograph is needed), I gawk in awe.  I’m living in the moment as other feeds suggest. There’s no FOMO happening here.  Tears, with smiles, are running down the faces of the followers.  He is here.  He’s in town.  Using a power unknown to us he will prove he’s the assured authority.  Tables will turn. Eyes, hearts, and stones will roll.  

Scroll this week (scroll scripture also).  There’ll be a restoration of proper worship and authority, a meaningful meal, denials, betrayals, fear, a garden, and a guilty verdict.  Some will go into hiding.  A pain unlike no other will be endured by the King of Kings. 

In five days, his feed will suddenly stop.  It is finished.   And love, not law, will cover us all.  And in the meantime, some will mindlessly scroll.  Beliefs will be tucked safely inside the walls of a church or in heads. Or just appear when the situation deems necessary.  Staying radical for the current reality seems reasonable.   

The witnesses to his magnetic and majestic mercy, falling like manna, will continue posting as he had hoped.   Hosanna! (“Save us!”) is the cry heard ‘round the world.   He still touches the untouchable, loves the unlovable, skillfully skunks the skeptics, and gives hope to the hopeless.  He saves without sanctions.

Who will you follow?

Have faith 💚

I highly recommend The Chosen TV series. This week I will watch the remainder of season 1. There is an app, The Chosen, to download (I cast it to my TV). It has been advertised on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube (where I have found fascinating behind the scenes), and I’m sure other places!

The Chosen is a television drama based on the life of Jesus Christ, created, directed and co-written by American filmmaker Dallas Jenkins. It is the first multi-season series about the life of Christ, and season one was the highest crowd-funded TV series or film project of all time.[1][2] The series’ creators stated that they had hoped to distinguish the new series from previous portrayals of Jesus by crafting a multi-season, episode-based story.[3] The series portrays Jesus “through the eyes of those who met him”.[4] 

55 thoughts on “Promising Profile

  1. jpayne98

    This story has a great ending to all our lives. Jesus knew what was coming for him and he went through it anyway. His crucification has to the most selfless acts known to man. Thank you Jesus for washing away my sins. ♥️🙏. Beautiful post sweetheart. F&A. 143. J.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Vicki

    it is so very easy to forget the price that was paid for us. I’m not on Facebook or social media your blog & mark’s are it. I enjoy & learn so much from both of you growing in faith peace & joy with laughter thrown in! Loved the mule! Larry & i used to ride mules! Mine was 16 hands & as you know I’m only 5’1 so verrrry short stirrups! Always got laughs when mounting ole stretch! Love & hugs dear friend! 💕💗💝💞😊☕

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you so much for your support and friendship. Your thoughts always give me pause to appreciate the bond.
      I’ve rode two mules. One in the mountains of Montana owned by a friend I met while Jay was stationed there. In 2000, a dear friend and music teacher and I rode a pair through the school parking lot to kick off a book fair. Sadly, the gentleman who brought his beloved mules to us died, along with his precious wife, in a tragic car accident recently. He was a bus driver here and he was well-loved. I had forgotten that memory until that. I can relate to the stepping up to stirrups and can picture you and Larry riding, so full of peace and fun. Stay safe and blessed until we see each other again. ❤️💚💛🤗🤗🤗


      1. Dear Karla, thank you for this imaginative, truth-witnessing, edifying post. How amazed I am at Christ, who laid down His life. I pray I remain in awe, and not regress to scrolling through His Word. Have a blessed Easter, praying for that upcoming visit! Love, Julie

        Liked by 1 person

  3. John Purvis

    I really enjoyed your adaptation with an internet feed. It would be startling to even the believers if suddenly his feed went silent. Would your faith carry you through? In thinking about it, I hope I would hang in there. It gives me great pause to consider. You’ve given me a compelling question to ponder. Thank you! John

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, John. I appreciate your support and comments. That’s an interesting thought of faith carrying one through silence. I think we’d hang in there. That’s what I’m doing thus far and don’t intend to stop. I’m glad this resonated with you. Take care!

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  4. This is interesting after my last post, so much has ‘moved’ within me since that event on my kitchen floor (posts leading up to last post). When He decides to ‘touch’ a soul…it leaves you ‘touched’. There is no ignoring it, no fobbing it off, nor labeling it for the masses…or myself for that matter.
    I’m still talking but somehow I have left the room, standing back from everything and seeing something within us all…struggling, fighting for room, wanting to be free…and all for one reason only. To find that love we always search for. God took it from me, to allow me to see that what I had was indeed that love in all that we do. Life is indeed giving us that ability to see that very love, and is gently waiting inside to be hatched after much struggle. And it is that very struggle that is the making of us, to realise what we really are within.
    This life and all its pain is teaching us an empathy and love beyond words, we’re just a little sidetracked with…well…life. And that is its wisdom…we cannot know one side truly, without experiencing and knowing the other too.
    May we all find that path…and know that love ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Mark, your words, “And it is that very struggle that is the making of us, to realise what we really are within”…define how I experienced a love beyond description. I don’t fear the struggle. Struggle is a part of life. It’s the triumph over the fear and struggle that boost my empathy and love for all. I hope our paths all lead to mercy, grace, and love. It’s easy to veer off the cynical shortcuts; and they lead only to my bitterness which helps no one. And is not the way of love. I’m glad you are healthy, safe, and blessed my friend. Keep on keepin’ on! ❤🤍

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  5. I’m (as you know) not-Christian. I still love the imagery and metaphors and their mysticism. That said, having been very carefully reared in a church, there’s no way for me to escape (and I don’t want to) the meaning of these various days. They just strike me differently. So, here’s Jesus today.

    I’m out at the Refuge with Teddy. When I return to the car an older couple is sitting at the ONE picnic table in the whole refuge. I put Teddy in the car and call out, “He’s not dog friendly.” They have a dog and call out, “Neither is ours.” Once Teddy is safely put away, I go over to chat because we do that here.

    “Where you from?” they ask, because this time of year there are a lot of outsiders to see the cranes. I laugh and say, “Monte Vista.” They laugh, “Us too.” We talk about how special the Refuge is and how often we go there. Then the woman points to her husband and says, “He fixed this picnic table.”

    I’d noticed last year that this broken old splintery picnic table was suddenly like new. I heard the story. “I had some wood and I went to the co-op for some other stuff and fixed it.” They were eating Subway and enjoying the day. It wasn’t his job to fix that table; he just did it. Then I learned that he also carved wooden birds and sold them at craft shows.

    And there’s your carpenter.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Awww, what a beautiful carpenter indeed. If so many more could be his hands and feet; what a world it would be. 🤍💚 I love when connections like your picnic table time occur. Hugs and love from Finn and me. ❤🐶


  6. Beautiful analogies, as always! How personal you made a time “such as this” feel. The upcoming week, Holy Week is such a Sacred time. I pray the World stop for a moment, and simply adore His sacrifice – recognize the “love not law” – He breathes into us. For if not now…when? Hugs to you for inspiring so many others to take time to “be with Him” through the words you write! Happy Holy Week!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thank you, Dawn, for your encouragement and support. I do hope that he gets the credit he deserves; and the admiration and desires of the heart. We weren’t deserving. And HE so is. Have a blessed week my friend. 🤍

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  7. Journalofthegrey

    Man had gotten so disgusting that our sacrifices couldn’t mean anything. Thus His only begotten Son was the only sacrifice that was pleasing to Him.

    God is love. We don’t even know…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. There was a time I only had faith in what a human might offer. Although I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a young age (8) I had not experienced what accompanies the redemption versus condemnation ~It’s love. It’s not law or a doctrine. It’s not judgement or hate. Love isn’t abusive. Yes, love can be hard. And in this world we will have suffering. And sufferings have led to tremendous outcomes. My faith isn’t about sitting in a church pew. It’s about being the hands and feet of the greatest man who ever walked the Earth. And even if I didn’t believe in God {which I most definitely do!} why wouldn’t I want to follow the teachings of such a man. A man who loves without limitations. A man who is thoughtful, kind, and wise. A man who sees the heart only. A man who STILL works miracles and gives me strength through my weaknesses…I see him and hear him in the songs of the birds, the lilies of the field, the eyes of a baby, the sun and moon, …I see him and hear him because of faith. There was a time I felt at rock bottom. I always tried to stay positive. And then I was angry at things I couldn’t tell anyone. And I fell,…physically, emotionally, but not spiritually. And guess what? I fell flat on my faith. And felt a love that I never knew existed. And in turn, I want to give it to others. I’m not radical. I’m a realist. And everything I believe is real to me. We all have our own reality. And I feel extremely blessed that I have had miracles happen in my life. I’ll never take it for granted. And I’ll live by faith. ❤️💚💛

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      1. Lokesh Sastya

        I’m a simple and open-minded person. I believe in myself and my dreams. I believe in humanity.

        There is so much to learn from you. 🤜

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I believe in you too! I think it’s always wise to stay open-minded. God is so huge that my mind can’t comprehend. Yet, it’s so simple too. Simple is good. Keep believing in your dreams! I always learn from those I meet. You have something to teach too. God bless you!

        Liked by 1 person

  8. What a beautiful post! You have managed to bring the story of Palm Sunday into the here and now. Yes, I would follow Him with everything I have, with all my heart and everything I own.

    Thank you for the good recommendation of The Chosen. I have not watched it but I will check it out. I hope your Easter was wonderful, my friend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Laurie for your lovely words and support. I’m so happy you enjoyed this post. I’m with you 💯. Season 2 began last night. It’s premiere is on YouTube. The Chosen has its own app too. You can watch on your device or cast with AirPlay or Chromecast to Smart TV. When you hear the creator, Dallas Jenkins, speak of how it came to be you will be amazed. Easter was wonderful! It was so good to be with family. I’m anxiously awaiting my sons, daughter-in-laws, and two little grandkids to visit in May. I hope yours was wonderful too! 💛💚🧡


  9. Thanks Karla, love the way you bring love into our realm from a realistic perspective. Jesus is amazing and far exceeds our every need. I’m aware of the blessings that have been bestowed on us simply by the grace and gift of life. C

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  10. I was blown away by the simplicity of it, but just how profound the realisation you’ve put into words here: Who will you follow?

    Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, or any other social media platform, ‘following’ allows us to connect with others. But is it about numbers, or about cherishing and nurturing those connections?

    The most important message of all that you’ve highlighted here: If we follow Jesus with all our heart He will never steer us astray.

    Thank you ever so much for sharing this wisdom. God’s peace go with you. 🧡

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hamish, thank you. Your question, “But is it about numbers, or about cherishing and nurturing those connections?” is something I think about often. As I attempt to create an author’s platform on IG, and even have connections on here, it’s important that I focus on the one connection that gives me most comfort~ that with Jesus. It’s amazing that authentic souls I’ve met here. And the divine connection of likeminded souls with shared beliefs fosters our faith! God’s peace to you. He won’t lead you wrong. 💛🙏🏻

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