Take Root

My rocky yard…the seeds are planted. 🤍

What are you sowing?
What will you reap?
Will your harvest be plenty?
How heavenly your heap?

Placing the seed is the easiest part,
digging and raking go straight to the heart.
The surface seems scorched and barren at sight,
keep cultivating to find the soil that's right. 

New growth might occur
if seed is scattered or tossed,
Without proper maintenance,
you may experience all loss. 

That which you fertilize
will find certain success.
Without nutrients and attention,
it's bound to get stressed. 

Use the light of the sun,
block out all substitutes.
Given time, love, and patience
it's bound to take root. 

“Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love.” Ephesians 3:17

Have faith💚

Happy Spring! 💐

77 thoughts on “Take Root

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy. I think of you and your words when writing my poems. I can imagine the artwork Paul would do. Bless you sweet lady. Stay blessed and well keep shining a light. ☀️☀️🌼💛🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Vicki

    Wow another post to make my heart happy & feel really blessed to know you also bringing a blissful calm & sense of what i need to be more focused on in my journey! Love & hugs dear friend! 💗💖💞💕💝🌈☕

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Vicki, I always look forward to reading your comments. It means a great deal to know, although we’re not in RVs near one another, we’re still connected. I’m so happy they speak to you. We all need “calms” in this world. Love and hugs to you 💛❤️🌼💚☀️🤗❣️🐶


  2. John Purvis

    I sure enjoyed this post. We tend to see the bloom and forget the roots. You have brought beauty to our rainy weather in my neighborhood. Thank you. John

    Liked by 3 people

    1. John, thank you for the lovely words. And you’re welcome. Knowing your background and stories I’m you understand the roots. I like your thought of “we tend to see the bloom and forget the roots”. Take care!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a beautiful inspiring poem. I didn’t know you were a poet! It reminds me of those words from Galatians: “A man reaps what he sows.” It is the perfect way to celebrate the beginning of spring.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Laurie, thank you. I’ve never really though of myself a poet; but I have many I’ve written over time. It’s strange. When they “hit” it’s so fast a process in my mind. That verse inspires this. Happy Spring! 💛


    1. Thank you so much for your feedback and lovely comments! That is so kind! Many motorcycles came by today and I saw a few heads turn at the sign. Bingo! ❤️ bless you too.


      1. As Brené Brown encourages, our lives are better when we assume everyone is doing their best. We can then encourage others, and lift them up, just as God does with us. Thank you once again for your kindness. 💛

        Liked by 1 person

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