Faithful Fall

It’s here. And my flannel is waiting. So long summer solstice. Hello Fall equinox.

Although the sun’s refraction alters true “equality” (12 and 12 hours of sunlight and darkness) we’re all pretty much in sync. Isn’t it encouraging to think that even poll to poll, pole to pole we are somewhat equal?

The days shorter, the mornings crispier, and the air heartier; it’s simply exhilarating to me.

Fall memories flood the crevices of my soul. Some are crisp, some are warm, and they all brought change. I’m embracing them all.

I’ll throw on my flannel, keep the faith, and continue sniffing the aroma of Momma’s apple cake.

As I’m tilting and rotating I’m grounded by the love of a Faithful Father. It’s as comforting as adding that extra layer of flannel.

Many things come to life in the Spring~ I bloom in Autumn. As leaves fall, my praises lift. My spirit will shed with new hope. A hope that the constant in life is always masterfully molded by the hands of my Creator.

K.L. Hale

Although I appreciate all seasons, today begins my favorite. And in this season of my life I welcome the wisdom gained and lessons learned; they create an equator in humanity where we all reside. We rotate together.

Enjoy the drive through the seasons

Turn, Turn, Turn Take a listen 🎶💚

Have faith 💚

Hiking, flannel, falling leaves, chili?…what’s your fall favorite?

75 thoughts on “Faithful Fall

      1. kriddy70

        I just made this statement to my boys as we drove around Saturday night: I threw my head out the window and yelled “It’s starting to smell like October!!!” Same sentence, every blessed year. And I agree with the smell of Momma’s apple cake—ready for that & a cup of coffee. All the smells I love. Beautiful writing. I love you!

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Sue

    Love this blog! Such heartfelt, faith inspired writing! Thank you, Karla! Each season holds precious memories! With each birthday candle, I cherish and hold those positive memories closer to my heart! Helps me keep focused on God’s goodness. It keeps me moving forward getting closer and closer to our Heavenly Father and His Son, Our Savior, Jesus! It comforts me! In all things, thank God! May the Lord’s loving comfort be with you!🧡✝️

    Liked by 4 people

    1. My friend thank you so much. 💯 on your words of truth! ❣️ on a personal note, I’ll remember our Fall seasons together in a school house~from your music programs, the falling leaves and rising in learning. The laughter, the love, the dedication. And especially our mule ride together into the parking lot for our students to kick off one of my favorite times~the Fall Book Fair. Blessings, love, and peace💚🤗


  2. I went, and got the cutest flannel the other day. It is lined inside with a thick warmth of an added layer. As well a super cute Carthart beanie, I love beanies. So that lifted my spirits as I love summer, but I do love the colors that fall brings in the changing of the trees as well. Our city is very beautiful in the fall, with so many great hiking trails. So I am accepting the change, embracing the new. Great post! So getting new flannel was the start of acceptance, and it’s so cute!

    Liked by 5 people

  3. My favourite season. I live in a part of the world that bursts forth in incredible fall glory of reds and golds and yellows. It is all the more precious because it is fleeting. A memory to last until next year.

    Liked by 4 people


    I love this season the best of all. Not only does God display His most beautiful palette of colors, but the air is fresher and the skies bluer. I also love my flannel.

    Liked by 4 people

  5. I told Bear this morning that fall has officially arrived and she can start expecting snow (maybe). Fall here is very beautiful, too (one of your photos looks like Colorado), and though we’ve had a dump of snow (two weeks ago???) the days are only starting to cool. My plan is to savor every moment of this lovely season that leads into the REALLY good one. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The quaking Aspens of Colorado can hardly be beat. I remember Mancos in October. The glittering gold is magical there in the Fall. I told Finley she was going to need more hair (which means Mom needs to stop cutting). I couldn’t wait to get in my first fall walk today. Ironically, around early afternoon, Fall came in with a jolt. A fierce jolt as I was rear-ended after leaving my natural store. I’m stiff, I’m sore, and gratefully in one piece. My neck really can’t sustain much more injury. So I’ll savor the rest of this first day of Fall with a grateful heart and heating pad 💚🙃

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Very lovely words to bring in the change dear lady. I am on the opposite side of the world so for me it is that beauty of Spring, but more importantly it is that we are given these changes to appreciate what we do in fact have in its many forms. And great song too, I haven’t heard that song in a long time and it was good to hear again. Appreciated by its absence, just like the returning of the seasons.
    Enjoy that beauty of your flannel weather 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏼 🦋

    Liked by 2 people

  7. a lovely post; I’m not familiar with the term ‘flannel’ though I am with ‘Fall’ which we call ‘Autumn’ here though I lean towards your more descriptive,term. We are enjoying Spring here, though ‘enjoy’ is the wrong term right now as here in South Australia we are enduring an Arctic Blast, the temperature forecast for today is 12 decrees Celsius as maximum. Brrrrr.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Happy Fall! I always hate to see summer go. I hold on to the last days of summer so tightly. I love the long hours of daylight, the fresh produce, the easy, relaxed living. I think the thing I most look forward to in the fall is the cooler running temperature. It’s nice to not have to get up at the crack of dawn so I can run before it becomes too hot!

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Nice to meet you, Karla, I just finished reading your “About Me” page and a great deal of it resonates with me. “The river of life as had its share of rapids.” I greatly appreciate John Muir’s quotes. Especially “Going to the woods is going home.” I get it, ‘my soul longs for simplicity.’ Your photos are exceptionally beautiful. I am glad our paths crossed and I look forward to reading more.

    Re: Faithful Fall, I am totally with you on how my flannel is waiting. A great excuse to bring out the cozy stuff. And, yes, “exhilarating to me.” Your photos are stunning! A beautiful post.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. What a thoughtful and kind response. I’m so happy to meet you and I look forward to reading more about you and the travels you both share together. I really enjoyed yours! Isn’t it wonderful to meet such like-minded fellow bloggers? I’m so glad we share similar souls. Again, your kindness and support is appreciating. I’m glad to meet you!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. I know “turn, turn, turn” from my youth.
    I was with my girlfriend and a group of youngsters in a camp during the holidays when we heard this song for the first time.
    We girls were immediately enthusiastic.
    In the next few days we learned the text and sang along.
    We sat in the sand by the baltic sea, some played the guitar and we sang this song over and over again.
    Oh yes, it is a wonderful memory.
    Greetings from the beautiful Rhine-Highlands / Germany
    🙂 Rosie 🙂


  11. The autumn is my favorite as well. I can remember walking with my Dad down a neighborhood sidewalk to the high school football season. My brothers and I enjoyed kicking away the fallen leaves. My coffee tastes a whole lot better when the morning temps become chilly.

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  12. Something we all need to do. Appreciate where we are, and the journey it has taken to get here. Spring is in full flight here in New Zealand which brings with it rain and strong winds – in the city of Wellington at least. My favourite season is winter, where one can sit with a good book (to write or to read) and a cup of tea, and embrace the warmth of a good fire.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the seasons, in particular the joy of moving into your favourite, and encouraging us to take in whatever season life is bringing to us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Happy Monday Hamish, thank you for your thoughtful response. I long to visit New Zealand. Several years ago I shared with my sons how great it would be to visit there as a family. Many speak so great of your country. I like the winter days (when we might actually have snow like when I was a young girl, instead of ice) and yes, warm up with hot tea and coffee and write or read! That’s a wonderful day indeed! Be blessed!

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      1. New Zealand is a beautiful place, and so far during this pandemic our leadership seem to have made useful decisions for keeping the population as safe as possible. One of our ad campaigns at the moment on television and radio is encouraging people to travel around and see parts of the country they haven’t yet.

        I hope that you and your family will be able to visit one day in the (not too distant) future, and see a New Zealand autumn. Even in winter we don’t get much snow except on the mountains, but autumn is a lovely season here too.

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      2. Hamish, your newly re-elected Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern made our headlines here. I’m very impressed with her leadership. It is wonderful to discover new places in your own country indeed. I hope to see yours in near future~yes, Autumn would be wonderful. Take care my friend.

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