
Just as a literally tonedeaf person is unable to comprehend the differences between musical notes, a metaphorically tonedeaf person is unable to comprehend the different facets/nuances of a given situation. A statement such a person makes might also be described as tonedeaf. Jun 12, 2014

If you were fortunate enough to be raised with music you understand this title well. Two decades of hearing angelic family voices around me equipped my pitch-finding path. Those musically-inclined might credit their talent as learned and honed. Granted, I feel fortunate to have had great teachers, I view my ability to harmonize or find pitch as a gift from God. Admittedly, I have been tone-deaf too.

You know the scene. You’re either watching a contestant on a singing show (one of a zillion) warbling out words causing you to think of the expression, “can’t carry a tune in a bucket.”, or you’re standing next to someone~anywhere~that might be humming a tune that may sound a bit…unpleasant.

A friend of mine would say, “All God’s children have a place in the choir!” We’d laugh. Yet, seriously and with sensitivity, it explained that no matter who you are or what you did, you were accepted.

Being tone-deaf doesn’t necessarily mean you have a bad voice. On the contrary, I know I lot of people that might not get the pitch, but have a great voice.

Sadly, beyond the scales of the pages and the music we sing, many are becoming tone-deaf to the world around them~OUR WORLD. Conceivably, tone-deaf to the situations in their own homes. It seems so easy for some to zombie away their humanity~numbly existing with little or no regard to anyone or anything around them? They’ll join in a round just because the lead singer is the loudest.

Do you hear it? Can you hear the voices? Are we on pitch? I’m riddled with guilt when I become tone-deaf (posting or saying something insensitive that is in direct contrast to the current topic or situation). It isn’t about ignorance. Are we truly aware? Are we paying attention? Don’t we all sing at times (and loudly might I add) and immediately declare, “I just put my foot in my mouth WHILE singing off-key?”

Witnessing the hate and deliberate tone-deaf messages are distressing. To appreciate our similarities and respect our differences has been echoed. It sounds repetitive; much easier to speak than do. Can we call a truce? Can we declare a ceasefire?

It’s ok if you’re a little off-key, we all are. There’s hope because we can train our voices. For some the music is deafening; others have turned a deaf ear. Despite tone-deaf sounds, I choose to hear the good.

When we hear the music around us can’t we all strike its chord? Because the underlying melody in all of us is beautiful. Amidst the clanging of communication, the ringing of the rhetoric, the muddling of the meaning, and the music of mockery, may those of us who choose to hear and use our voices for civil create a symphony of solidarity.

K.L. Hale
Have faith 💚

32 thoughts on “Tone-Deaf?

  1. I’ve been tone deaf often, and as for singing? I really can’t carry a tune in a bucket.

    I love the Mother Teresa quote; it’s true. The world is improved through small actions of dedicated people doing their jobs without losing their ideals, continually hoping for the Good. Very lovely post. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I come from a family of individuals who are . . . Musically challenged. We still love to sing, we just know better than to do it out loud. The world is singing a different tune these days and not everybody seems to be able to hear it. But as long as we are singing together, it is beautiful.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I love all the quotes here. May we indeed use our voices for unity and for the betterment of anything that is not right in Gods eyes. I pray that we do not choose to be tone deaf to the chorus of change being called for but also do so with love and respect.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Pingback: Tone-Deaf? Acceptance of others- reblog – Journey to life

  5. I was raised around music and always sang or played an instrument – my husband is tone deaf – I love when he sings because he is happy but down my back is this uneasy feeling because his voice is off key. Seriously. There are so many other great ideas in this post though. As usual so very thoughtful and heartfelt.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. I cannot sing to save my life. As for the world, it is nice to see that more people are listening, that even in this time of coronavirus many are calling for justice. The question is whether or not the people in power are tone-deaf or not.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. When my children were young, we used to go to the Saturday night service at our church, which was lightly attended. Mostly elderly parishioners attended that service. When we sang hymns, every individual voice could be heard and my kids sang LOUD! And off-key. Many times, someone would turn around to see who was making that awful racket. When they saw it was my kids, they would usually smile. They knew. My boys were all tone deaf.

    I know that wasn’t the main point of your post. It just reminded me of that story! Thanks for the wonderful reminder about tone-deafness in our society. I have been guilty at times too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Laurie! You made me giggle thinking of your boys. I totally get it. My family and I can share similar stories like yours 😂 thank you for your feedback.


  8. Wonderfully written! Your transition from music to our ability to hear and appreciate others makes for an effective discussion. Collectively, too many people have become tone-deaf to the world around us. I will admit it, but I can still improve my ear to listen more closely.

    Liked by 2 people

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