
For MAK, my teacher. My first RDP Friday.

Feelings blow in the wind. Sometimes they become stagnant with stale air. The humidity tries to suffocate. Tests, diagnosis, and debates. Worries, wins, and losses. What really matters? For the birds don’t care. The flowers still bloom.

Sing it loud!

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

Matthew 6:26

“I have told you these things so that in me you will have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Each step gives me strength. On the trail, I seek like-minded nature-lovers who cling to our Creator’s beauty. I’m plugged into peace for power. Nature’s notifications are dings of bird songs, clacks and cracks of bending limbs, calls from critters, and rustlings of the rustic. It’s a far cry from the cold waiting room and another “test”. It’s an infusion of bone-building boldness. Grandkids giggle, a bluebird sings, music melts the mayhem, and I stand still…and smile. I’ll seek serenity in the simple.

How do YOU find serenity?

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Everyone needs a little Jesus! He’s been given to many people in my 417 land!

Have faith 🤍

©2020-2024 Flannel with Faith. All rights reserved.

81 thoughts on “Serenity

  1. Very well said, Karla. I guess the message here is that we need to go with the flow and not spend our time worrying what might happen in the future. It is all in God’s hands and we must remember that and live our lives! One day at a time.

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    1. Thank you, Dwight. I appreciate you!
      I’m preaching this to myself, too, my friend. In a world made for worry, and in my current health challenges, I’m learning every hour to “let it go”. Sometimes it requires a good release of emotions, get it out, and then…GET OUT and help someone, SEE someone, and just BE. I’ll stay informed, but being infuriated is no way to live. I’ll not let go of common sense in chaos. Worry gets us nowhere and it wastes our energy and precious time! “It’s all in God’s hands and we must remember that and live our lives! One day at a time!” Thank you, Dwight.

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  2. Willie Torres Jr.

    Amen 🙏🤗 Beautiful ❤️

    Thank you for sharing your poem and this Wonderful Post. I can relate to the words, especially the imagery of emotions blowing in the wind and becoming stagnant.
    I appreciate the contrast between our human struggles and the indifference of nature. It’s a powerful reminder of what really matters.

    Your poem is both reflective and moving.

    Thank you for sharing .

    My serenity is in writing. Alone time with God just praying and writing down His Words and Answers and putting them into a story, a testimony, something to express, Hope and show Gods Love.

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    1. Dear Willie, thank you, sweet brother. Your heartfelt words and support are greatly appreciated! “…the contrast between our human struggles and the indifference of nature.” My friend, I’m that weird girl that talks to the trees, squirrels, and critters. “Hey, bluebird singing to me in the backyard. What did you think of the news last night? The weather?” He sings praises back. “Yep, that’s what I thought, too!”

      I’ll always care, Willie. I’ll do my part as a citizen. Yet, my citizenship is heaven means the world to me—it’s not the ways of the world that advances me—I’ll cling to Christ!

      It doesn’t surprise me your serenity is in writing. You’re so gifted! Your words are a gift. I can tell how inspired they flow and that they come from a deep place in your heart and soul.

      Writing is serenity to me (after nature ;-). When I’m not able to be in nature, or to write (I journal daily, too) and read, I start to feel disconnected from my true being. Writing is like breathing. When I began blogging it was refreshing to find like-minded individuals who love to write. It’s such an encouragement!

      I’ll keep encouraging you as you do me. Many blessings to you and yours, my friend. You are loved! 🙏💚

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      1. Willie Torres Jr.

        Thank you Karla so much for your heartfelt message. It warms my heart to know that my words resonate with you and that we share a deep connection through our love for the outdoors and writing.

        Your unique way of conversing with nature—talking to trees, squirrels, and critters—is truly endearing. It reflects a beautiful harmony with the natural world and a genuine care for all living things. Your dedication to being a citizen of Heaven while still doing your part here on earth is inspiring and admirable.

        I deeply appreciate your kind words about my writing. It means a lot to me that you find inspiration in my words. Of course the Glory, Honor and Praise All belongs to God Almighty.

        Writing is indeed a sanctuary for me, much like how being in nature is for you. It’s a way to connect with my true self and to express the thoughts and emotions that come from God and my testimonies.

        Your encouragement means a great deal to me, and I’m grateful to have found such a supportive and kind friend.

        Let’s continue to uplift and inspire each other on this journey.

        God’s Continued Blessings to you, today and Always .

        You Are Loved.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re a thoughtful human, Willie!! It’s my blessing to share—I encourage everyone to visit your place. The images, words—-it’s all powerful and oozing with authenticity. Yes, we will continue to uplift and encourage one another on our journey. Many blessings, always!

        Liked by 2 people

      3. Willie Torres Jr.

        Your comment brought tears to my eyes, and I’m not easily teary eyed.
        You have been a Blessing to get to know and talk to. I am truly humbled and honored to Grow in Christ Together with you.

        Thank you for your kindness and I pray that the Lord Continues to Bless you, Always.


  3. Ginger Salvatore

    Karla, you keep seeking serenity in the simple because it’s always right there. All the medical gobbledygook is absolutely necessary, but the serenity you seek is in the simple. A really good cup of tea or delicious slice of pizza. Cuddling with Sweet Miss Finley, cavorting or doing FaceTime with the grands. Communing with nature. Capturing those fabulous photos you shared today.

    Wishing you pain free days ahead, lots of walking trails to explore, and good test results. I want you to knock the socks right off your entire medical team!

    I wish you peace dear friend. Enjoy what little is left of June.

    Love, Ginger 🦋💕

    Sent from my iPad


    Liked by 4 people

    1. Aw, Ginger—I’m smiling so big right now! “Knock the socks off your entire medical team!” I think there might be a few surprised!

      You have such an amazing way with words—it’s your wisdom, too!

      I do want pain free days for me, you, and all of our family and friends. It seems that my suffering has gifted me. It sounds strange. But after so many years of aches, unexplained pains —there were years I thought, “is this a punishment?” I must take it, grin and bear it, shake it off, get over it….the pain became my source of power. Because it put me on my knees and kept (keeps) me surrendering. And to go from anguish to amazement, despair to delight, and tears to laughter, builds my foundation of faith. I’ve felt it all, Ginger, as I know you’ve experienced in your life. It’s a gift to have this perspective. I won’t waste it!

      A good cup of tea, pizza, Finn,….where’s Mark? We can throw in a dark chocolate (which I just bought at the store). Tomorrow will come and be what it is. But for right now, I’m typing you to say thank you and Finn and I love you—and I’m enjoying THIS very moment.

      Much peace, dear friend. Love, Finn and me. 💕🙏🐾

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  4. We are not better than the creatures of the forest, we are less than. Simply because we think we deserve more, that we are better. That arrogance will be our downfall and the forest around us will survive. We need to learn to survive together.

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      1. That’s wonderful, MAK. I’m so happy to hear that. Aww. 🐾❤️

        I met a couple from Iowa today, and two other friends nearby, that workkamped with me at the campground. It was great to meet with likeminded friends and talk about things that I can only talk about here, usually. Lol. I hope you 3 rest up well. Finn is laying down on my legs. She is 7 this weekend (maybe today?—the vet says she was born the end of June)!

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  5. Once again, great thoughts and lessons here, Karla. Thank you. As always, great and creative work.

    How do I seek serenity? I seek Christ. That sounds simplistic and perhaps flippant. It is not. Christ is Life, and He is the life we seek. The source, the highest expression, the sum of life. When we choose to surrender all to abide in Him, we do not simply add Him to our living. His life begins to displace and supplant our own. Our Savior does not intend to grant to us serenity by itself. Or patience. Or love. Or any of the other graces. There is only one grace, the life of Christ in us.

    The life of Christ is the Kingdom of Heaven living within us. That is why we need not look anywhere but to Him within for serenity or any other thing we need. “But seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.”

    You are a seeker, Karla. I know that it is now Christ alone who gives you satisfaction, serenity, hope and joy. Your seeking Him encourages me and many others, I am certain. May the Christ in you grant to you all you need for this day, tomorrow, and forever!

    Tim and the Reverend Dr. Rascal Mutt.

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    1. Tim and Reverend Dr. Rascal Mutt :-), I wish you could hear me say, “Yes, yes” when I read your words! Seek ye first the Kingdom of God—that source is in US if we choose—the Kingdom of Heaven living within us. Tim, I’ve had some challenging soulful experiences.

      I surrender all. In so many ways, I completely give up. It’s the letting go in love that I’ve done before.

      The minute I think I can count on anything other than God, my faith begins to flip and, lo and behold, it’s a 360 and my foundation is even stronger. That’s GOD! And only God.

      I’ll continue to seek, just as you, dear friend and mentor! In that seeking I will divert myself away from any distraction that veers me from freedom in Christ.

      Tim, thank you for diving into the deep ends and encouraging me to stay afloat in faith—and often, dive a bit deeper to find the beauty in the undiscovered depths that I wouldn’t experience if I just kept snorkeling and skimming the surface, dear friend!

      Little Faithful Finn gives a high-five paw to Reverend Dr. Rascal Mutt. Please, if you two ever get this way, stop by and we will make you coffee! I’d love to head your direction and see the beauty around you two (but I know that one day, we will all be able to hike in heaven together!)! Stay safe and know I pray for you as you go about your work and mission!

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    And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

    The only thing that really matters when it comes right down to it. Hope you have a great 4th of July 🇺🇸

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  7. This is what I so love doing: Seeking serenity in the simple! This is where we can draw the most energy from. And I agree… the birds don’t care and the flowers still bloom. Let’s dive more into this world where the only thing that matters is BEING.

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    1. Hello sweet Erika, it’s so good to read your thoughts. This does not surprise me at all about you! You ooze of serenity and simple—the love pours out of you, too. BEING. In this world, very few want to take time to just be. And for me, it needs to accompany the quiet. It’s easy to have distractions of music, TV, entertainment. It’s pretty scary to sit with your own thoughts if you don’t know how to reframe or get out of your head. There was a time I struggled with that—it took years of mindful practice and I don’t want the hard work to not pay off when it counts the most. My life depends on it! I love you, sweet sister.

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      1. I still have to practice this serenity as a natural reflex but I am definitely more serene than I used to. Like you, I learned that only in serenity we reach our inner power and peace. I love it when I can just let things be, watch everything from a distance and feel whole within and aligned. Nothing can top this since it is the ultimate contentment. I wish you lots of such serene moments and times to regain power where you need it most, my dear sister 💖

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    1. Pete, how wonderful! Your response warms my heart and makes my soul smile! “…works wonders in me that only God understands.” Wow. I can use that thought for all the things that I love about God’s creation! I appreciate you so much!


    1. Thank you, Mason! It’s so wonderful to meet you. I appreciate your kind words of support! I’m so happy you FELT the happiness. If I’m not able to “get out” in nature I struggle. I’m definitely not a city girl so I can’t imagine living in a large city!

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      1. Nice to ,wet you too, K.L
        I used to live in the city and always felt strangled until I moved to the village I’m in now. I go to the woods and wild fields most days now, it’s so wonderful here.

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      2. Whoops! Sorry for the spelling mistake in my last comment.
        There is a footpath here that goes right through a thicket of hawthorn, ivy and blackberry cane. with trees over the top. It’s literally a green tunnel this time of year, that really does feel like walking into Narnia.

        Thanks for subscribing to my site, too.

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      3. Your site is amazing, Mason! I was completely enchanted! I wanted to “WALK” through it—yes, just like Narnia! You’re so gifted! Never worry about errors—they’re intentional, remember? Happy day to you!

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      4. Aww, thank you so much for saying that. My site has been my saviour. Trying to publish my books destroyed my confidence in writing. In 2022 I took the decision to inter them on a memory stick forever. It was the only way to banish the demons they caused.

        Eventually that allowed me to write again and fill my little menagerie with hundreds of stories and poems. I’m glad you enjoyed having a look and yes many of my mistakes are intentional because I can’t find them, haha.


  8. Karla with God’s help you are seeking serenity in the simple. I am doing my best to do the same. There are so many simple pleasures that produce that serenity you have written about. The photos are fabulous and I love an image or painting of a pathways. Thank you my dear friend for always sharing your heart! Love and prayers ❤️🙏🏻

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    1. Thank you, Pam. You’re so precious. I know you seek the same. Today I met with my dear friends and former work kamping friends. It’s easy to get caught up in the world —and it seems what I long for the most is simplicity. Less “stuff” and more “real”. I will always long for the wooded paths, trails, places of solitude and nature to find serenity. These photos were taken with my phone, thank you so much! It was my first time participating in a prompt and I’m so glad I did it. I love you, Pam. I’ve been praying for all of you as you do for me. 💚🙏

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  9. Karla! I found my way back to your words here. I just love this:

    “On the trail, I seek like-minded nature-lovers who cling to our Creator’s beauty.”

    And I do believe that’s how we met! 🙂

    Your words and thoughts and creative expression are as beautiful as ever. Sending a big hug and prayers.



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    1. Deb, it’s so wonderful to see you! I’m so happy we met on this trail together. I feel the hug and prayers—I hope you feel mine! Thank you for reading and sharing such a beautiful heartfelt response!
      I pray you and yours are well. Love, Karla and Finn 💚

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  10. You taking Jesus for a walk in your serenity Karla? 🤗🤣 I was shown and touched His unconditional love, His serenity, one day and it was the most incredible, beautifully profound moment in my life. It touches every part of you in heart and mind…and releases anything of this world so that you are just ‘perfect’ and become something that we barely touch down here.

    Don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt that cross that day on your walk must have come close, to ‘meet’ something so incredible like that. You meet something you ‘know’ is for you leaving you in goosebumps. A meeting of hearts.

    Thank you for sharing both your walk Karla, I hope His and your love met and shared such loveliness in those moment. I hope it felt healing as only His love can kind lady. Did He have any chocolate with Him? 🤣❤️🙏

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    1. Mark, HE is always with me, right? 🙂 And I love giving him to others! Tee hee—in various forms!
      It’s so profound. The most real thing ever to experience! “I hope His and your love met and such loveliness in those moments.” That’s it, Mark. The mutual love and adoration creates a cosmic connection!

      On the chocolate note—coincidentally, I bought dark chocolate. It’s too hot to give out (unless I hand it out instantly!). But I do savor a piece for me daily!
      God bless you, dear friend! Thank you for always being here and supporting Ms. Finn and me! We send our love and blessings (and chocolate!) to YOU! 💕🙏

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      1. Thank you Karla and Finn, chocolate always appreciated even if melting a little in your heat. Savor a piece or two for me 🤗

        And yes, always there kind lady, a gift in so many ways. I always remember a picture of the sand on the beach…two sets of footsteps walking away into the distance and occasionally there is only one set. A man with Jesus says, those steps are my life on this earth, but when there is only one set of footprints why did you leave me when things were at their hardest…and Jesus replied…my son, those were the times that I carried you.

        He is ever with you kind lady, along with His ever unconditional love. Big hugs my friend, there will always be footprints along side you.

        Much love to you and Finn, I wander the beach with friends too tomorrow. Friends wishing me celebrations for my 45th…55th…oh, just one of those birthday things 🤣. As I can’t drink I shall have to have a nice mango, banana smoothie instead. Take care, have a great chocolate day, and hold the fort for me 🤗🥰🤣❤️🙏


    1. It’s my blessing, my friend! I’m so happy you and Karen enjoyed such a wonderful day together! I hope the amazing Bialczak’s have a wonderful weekend, too (I’m thinking of everything coming up roses at your place!).


  11. Serenity in the simple: a little Jesus and a little Finley, a little John and Matthew, sunlit trails and singing robins and brown-eyed Susans. I feel serene for having visited. Love you, Sister!


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    1. Happy Monday, sister C! Thank you for visiting. I knew you’d love this–you find the serene in the same, soul sister. I love you! I appreciate your love and support. 💕❣️🙏🤍🐾⛰️🤗


    1. Gary, your family is always with me on these walks. It’s my special time to pray and you, Tania, and Cheryl are part of it. It’s very difficult for me to “leave” nature and go inside. God bless you all. Thinking of you all heavily today!

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  12. Your words are respite to the soul n a crazy mixed up world of trals and tribulations, scans and yucky medicine. Just ask Duke but he s getting hs mojo on and hope you will be too. Do you know how hard t s to comment when the key won’t work and can only ht the misspelled word to try to pull t up. Add comments to this lst… apple care here come yes that would have been eye spelled the other way.. 😂💓 LOVE YOU, Karla!!!! 💗💓

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    1. Oh, C,…I needed these giggles….between keys, and LIFE’s other annoying circumstances, it sure “sharpens my skills” (or dulls me, lol). Duke, you cutey pie!!! I love you, C. And Duke and the whole family! Or I could say “eye love you” and it still sounds the same and I see you too! 🤍💙😊💕💜😂❣️


  13. Hi Karla, I’ve been enjoying your presence and words for a few days now, scrolling through. Thank you. Wishing you a pleasant week and Independence Day celebration. Hugs sweet friends. 💕🎆🌺

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  14. Yes, yes–more attention on the peaceful beauty of God’s creation, less on the irritating ugliness of “Tonight’s News.” Thank you, Karla, for your effective poem and the reminder to take our cue from the birds and flowers, just as Jesus told us.

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    1. Thank you, dear friend. Prayer. That’s perfect, Mitch. Yes, prayer and meditation is how I begin my day. I’ve downloaded a Pause app (John Eldridge tool) and I’m surprised that I need this “tool” to help me to remember to pause. Being in nature is my ultimate pause. read thoughts of those who seek it just like you, too! You’re such a wonderful support.


  15. Susan Gillen

    Karla, Yet Again, I Love your photos & message! So true, true, true! Praise Jesus in the little things….and 99% of things are little things. (especially when we think of God’s awesome, omnipotent, BIGNESS! I love You & Thank You for sharing, Karla Hale! Hugs to you, Sue


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