Some Things Just Stick

Some things stick better than others. Words, ideas, plans, goals, intentions, and yes, even gum. After a full morning of communications and a visit from a sweet friend I couldn’t wait to get outside and enjoy the UNSEASONABLY low-humidity-perfect-sun-shiny-day here in rural SW MO. It was time to decompress. Birds were chirping and my groundhog friend, Chuck, had just slipped into his home for a noon nap. I soon realized I needed to buy a birthday card for my oldest grandson. I’m a free bird! The Dollar store is one minute away. Watch me go!

Seeing an old friend added more sunshine!

“Where are your sons now, Karla?”

“What about your sons, Bobby?”

The small talk swiftly became significant when he asked how I was doing. Gulp. “I’m doing fantastic because I’m here, Bobby!”  As I waved goodbye at my car door, I knew I had stepped in it (not the same thing I stepped in a few days ago in my yard 😉). Oh boy. Its pliability is applaudable if you’re a kid yearning to string it out of your mouth about 2 feet. Worse? Low humidity didn’t make the pavement much cooler. Thank goodness I now tote around shop cloths along with all my new “normal” things I pack when I head out into the “real” world (extra food, blood glucose monitor, first aid kit, Holy Water, …you know). What do you do? I choose to laugh. Immediately my mind went to traveling from the elementary school to the H.S. cafeteria-sitting at tables I was sure Mom and Dad used when they attended the same high school-and NEVER touching the UNDERSIDE of the table. Laughing I thought of all the gum rules that have “stuck” with me nearly all my life! As I type my Birks are perched on ice-filled Ziploc bags. My peanut butter is too expensive to waste on soles.

What has really stuck today is simply this: goodness. Sticking to what I know I must do to be my best in this fight for my life is essential. It’s going to put me in some sticky situations. It’s not always easy sticking to plans. Things I sought to solidly adhere to haven’t always stuck like I thought. My flexibility has flourished and I know to place myself on ice to quickly remove that which SHOULDN’T stick.

Within the last hour and ½ of typing this three young men, ages 9-13, stopped by to see if they could help me with yard work and make some money. Hesitantly, I shared a bit of my story and ways that they COULD help me in the future. I gave them a copy of my children’s book. One turned to me while they were leaving, “I’ll pray for you tonight!” They’re excited to return to see Finley and the groundhog, Chuck.

My doorbell rang within 10 minutes of the boys’ exit. Standing at my door were two young men (former students) and neighbors with big smiles. They were holding a card and a copy of my book; the cover was obviously…eaten. The dog loved it! Their Dad wanted to purchase two more books for their aunt. Let’s just say they PAID TOO MUCH for the books. With tears in my eyes, we took a pic and hugged each other. “We’re all praying for you!” Gulp. Tears.

Within 10 minutes of sitting back down to continue this post my neighbor Joe called. “Karla, Ashley, and I are taking the kids on vacation and have TOO MANY eggs. Can I bring them to you?”

“Is this really happening, God? Your stardom is sticking it to me! 🤍 YOU make the plans, I don’t!” (Keep in mind that I had shared with family members how I’m protecting my peace today–I know that peace comes in progressive promotions of praise, too!).

Finley races to the door and Joe is holding a bag filled with organic eggs (one of which was “freshly delivered 20 minutes prior!)! He prayed with me. We laughed about his hilarious animal shirt and bragged about the goodness of God. Even in sticky situations.

What have I learned the most in my near-52-YOUNG-years? If I stick to the stale, I’ll start to stink. BUT if I adhere to the assurance of authenticity and actuality (that there IS GOOD in the world and GOD IS GOOD) I’ll remain GLUED to the glimpse and glare of God’s GLOW.

Maybe today your plans shifted. They didn’t stick. Your car broke down, you lost a loved one, a diagnosis was made, your relationship is rocky, anxiety is assaulting your accountability, your children are ill, life seems too crazy, finances aren’t good, you expected to feel good…and the list goes on.

 I plan to stick around for as long as I can. I’ll stick by you. Let’s stick together.🤍

“When we hear the music around us can’t we all strive to strike a common chord? Because the underlying melody in all of us can be beautiful. Amidst the clanging of communication, the ringing of the rhetoric, the muddling of the meaning, and the music of mockery, may we choose to listen and use our voices for civility. Let’s create a symphony of solidarity.” -K.L. Hale (written on June 3, 2020)

“Have You Heard of NETs Yet?”-my journey update 🤍

There are challenges and I’m meeting them head-on. Where would I be with faith, family, friends, and Finley? THANK YOU! For the most part I’m adjusting well. Life is so different. Round 2 of chemo begins this Friday after blood labs and an oncologist visit. In the upcoming 14 days of chemo I have NO CHOICE but to adhere to the alarms beeping reminding me when to eat, drink more water, eat a snack, take the pills, etc.…It’s complicated. Minimal distractions are necessary. I hope words don’t leave me, but if they do, I know they’ll return. My eyes are blurrier than normal and too much technology makes it worse. My spiritual and mental self are strong. Physically I’ve lost muscle mass I used to have (it doesn’t take long to lose it!) and fatigue can hit fast. I’m diabetic and my glucose readings are wonky to say the least! This cancer is rare (like a zebra). There’s been misinformation. I’d like to say I have the “good” cancer; however, this didn’t get caught before it metastasized. I can’t blame the doctors for the diagnosis. An earlier C.T. screening probably would’ve detected this. Specifically, if you have I.B.S. or bladder/bowel issues, signs of diverticulitis, colitis, or other GI issues, women: if they mistake it for menopause or digestive issues, …if you know IN YOUR GUT something isn’t right, please insist on screening. There’s a back story to my back story of how my health challenges in the past all make more sense now. Perhaps I’ve had these several years? We don’t know, but I can reflect on major changes in my health. And why beginning this blog and protecting my peace became essential for me to have a healthy life. I smile staring at the pictures scrolling on the Aura frame my sons and families bought me. A former administrator once asked me what made me so positive. “If a doctor told me I had 9 months to live, what would I TRULY have to worry about?” Many of the teachers that follow me would know this as my death-bed test. It’s not sad. It’s the truth. The good emotions (memories, laughter, and yes, tears at times) are wonderful. BUT I have to live by truth-not tragedy. God has a plan for each of us. NONE of us are guaranteed another day. In one of my favorite mini-series of all time, Lonesome Dove, Augustus (Gus) said, “I doubt it don’t matter where you die, but it matters where you live.” And, “Yesterday’s gone, we can’t get it back!” How about, “It’s not dyin’ I’m talkin’ about, it’s livin’!” And the best truth of all? “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” –John 3:16. 🤍

You’re loved. I’m loved. Can you find the faith? 💚

P.S. If you step in gum will this story stick to you? 🤗

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77 thoughts on “Some Things Just Stick

  1. “I plan to stick around for as long as I can. I’ll stick by you. Let’s stick together.🤍” I’m with you Karla! Love you my brave and courageous friend, stay, breath, stick together with it! Oh my, how dearly you are loved by all. 💕C

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  2. A wonderful positive post, Karla! You do have wonderful caring and compassionate neighbors! It is wonderful to know others care and support you through your difficult times. Keep the faith and enjoy those good organic eggs!

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  3. Ginger Salvatore

    Hi! Karla. You are definitely sounding so positive and I understand how difficult that is under the circumstances. You come across as a strong woman with a stronger faith. Kudos to you!

    Yes, some things just stick…except money in our pocket! And cancer is certainly a sticky wicket, isn’t it? I’m sorry you are having to follow such a tough regime, but the goal is to beat cancer period. And beat it you will because you have sticktoittiveness in spades!

    You have a strong support system and that is priceless. Glad you are getting out and about between chemo rounds.

    I’m so happy you choose to laugh. My dad used to say that there are two ways to handle any crisis. You can cry and moan and feel sorry for yourself. People will rally around you to help, but they will soon fade away. No one wants to be with a person who is always pessimistic.

    On the other hand, you can find humor in whatever you’re going through. Those same people will rally around you and stick with you because you’re strong and fun to be with.

    So you hang on. Bite the bullet. Tough it out. But don’t forget to let loose when you need to and let the tears come. It makes the laughter all the more powerful.

    Sending prayers and good wishes to accompany you during the upcoming chemo session. One day at a time Karla. You got this.

    Ginger 💕

    Sent from my iPad


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    1. Ginger,…just wow. I will hang on and remember these words. I believe the tears DO make the laughter more powerful. I’ve never thought of it that way. My family does find ways to include humor. We just have to. Bite the bullet~I said that the first night of chemo! Life is a funny thing, Ginger. Many people will never know how others truly felt about them until they’re gone. Some would never understand this~ but I’ve seen miracles already through this tiny journey. I have a long way to go, God-willing, and a lot of memories still to make. One day at a time indeed. Thank you again so very much for the wise words and encouragement! 💕💪🏻🤗💛


  4. Karla I’m stuck on you and I’ll stick with you! The song that came to mind as I was reading this was . There is research that points to one factor for beating cancer that has nothing to do with medicines or doctor’s skills – it is a positive attitude. I think you’ve got one and I hope between prayer, faith and that positivity you can continue to sing your song for a very long time!! Hugs!!

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    1. This made me weep with joy. Val, how can I keep from singing? 🎶 there is NOTHING like the power of voices blending together in perfect harmony to uplift and encourage. Oh, how I miss a choir. You are exactly right, Val. Statistically I would have about 2-4 years with all my metastasis and inoperable conditions. Statistics? Well, they do not take what you said in account~but do mention this “varies” by each individual based on “many” factors. Faith and a positive attitude have kept me alive until now anyway ~well, God’s power working through me to produce those things! I win no matter what. And I have a lot of fighting faith in me. I’ll keep going back to this video and I can’t thank you enough for sharing it (and your support, too)! I remember during Covid how I started following these choirs and other singers that just mesmerized me! Hugs to you and prayers for you and Sparky. 🙏🏻🥰🤗

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  5. Wow! What an amazing convergence of compassion! You are surrounded by some amazing angels there, aren’t you? I continue to pray that God keeps finding new ways to remind you of his continuing love and care.


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    1. Russell, “convergence of compassion “,…I love that! And wouldn’t you know he’d send the young people as angels? My heart just melted! Your prayer is wonderful. God reminds me every day in every way. Blessings and prayers to you and Joan!


  6. Tough read, I can relate a bit. I am so sorry you have to deal with so much. I can’t offer prayers, but I will be thinking of you. I am taking a low dose chemo drug right now once a week. Covid has thrown my health up in the air and it landed all over the place. I have two autoimmune disorders, they were in remission before the virus got me -twice. Blurry vision, fatigue I could get a patent for, but not nauseated -but hungry (go figure). Let’s stick to it, to get better. Let’s both fight for our health. Thinking of you.

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    1. Thank you so much for your support. I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. I had Covid a couple of months ago and that’s what brought my cancer diagnosis. Dealing with autoimmune is SO hard. My heart understands for you friend. I’m thinking of you and sending prayers and hugs. Yes, I’ll fight along beside you! 💛

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  7. Hello friend, thinking of you and praying for you. I have always told others to be their own health care advocate. I know you are thankful to God for faith, family, friends, and Finley. Take care, Karla.

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    1. Thank you, Tangie. Wise words on advocacy indeed. You’ve been there. You are there! I know your battles and you have been an inspiration to me. Your faith encourages me! Please take care and thank you for sticking it out with me.💛

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  8. “None of us are guaranteed another day.”

    That has been my mantra over the past 20 years where my health kept getting worse and worse — yet somehow I lived. I’ve been almost dead at least 4 times, three in a single 10-year span. And I’m still here, against all odds. I think I was told to live once (like it or not) and given a choice once. The final time, somehow, I simply continued. Not like I was before. Pieces of us get lost in the messiness of survival. We lose strength, agility, some mental acuity. You quit doing things because you can’t do them, but with luck find new things.

    None of us are guaranteed another hour, much less a day or a year. I’m glad you are finding things to be glad about. I really don’t know why I’m still here because so many people who passed seemed more worthy than me, but I didn’t have a choice and I have to assume neither did they. I’m here because I’m here. I’m glad YOU are here. I wish I could do more for you than just chatter.

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    1. Thank you, Marilyn. Life is an adventure and miracle, to say the least. I’ve experienced what could’ve been death’s door. And I’ve experienced the thrill of mountain peaks. I’ve heard others question why they’re here or still here. YOU ARE worthy and a piece of the nonmessiness of life, where people like me, find you through the good advancements of life, and learn nuggets of wisdom. It opens my mind and teaches me that we’re all on this journey together. You and Garry, your backgrounds, your current landscapes, and the determination to learn new things, like painting! It gives little ol’ me encouragement. I thank you for that. 💛


  9. Karla, you are amazing! I am sticking with you dear friend. You are always in my heart and prayers. I am so thankful that you have a great support group and tons of people that love and encourage you. You are a blessing, dear one. Love you 🙏🏻🥰🙌🏻♥️🤗

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    1. That’s so kind to say, Pam. I know that you are both praying and supporting me. I pray that I’m able to return all these blessings to others. You’re one of my encouragements so I thank you, too. I love you! 💛💪🏻🙏🏻🤗


  10. Beautifully said Karla. This world, Gods world, gives us so many things that it can be a confusing journey. But the one thing that it does give us is this…true love is unconditional, the other variety is us learning and understanding it. Hence our little journey down here. He gives us so much understanding in going through so much, even some very hard bits…but it is those that will give us so much more appreciation in what we have been shown. Keep sharing what you have found my friend, I can feel the love from here 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽

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    1. Mark, thank you. “Unconditional true love…learning and understand it.” Beautiful. I feel so many really don’t know how much they’re loved. Understanding truly comes through the hard times. I always appreciate your words of wisdom and love. 💛🤗🙏🏻

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  11. Crying over this post, so beautifully, vulnerably, truthfully Truth, written. I am praying the “No, God!” prayer over you today. I am praying the “help, help,help” prayer over you today. I am praying the “Oh, please God” prayer over you today. “For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” (Romans 8:26) You have long felt like a friend, even though we have never met. I can tell that is your gift to so many. May The Lord, the Great Friend, be your companion today, through it all. Shalom, Jane

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    1. Jane, your tears make me tear. And your prayers are heard, I know and believe it. I feel the same way about you. The connections between the heart, mine, and spirit are strong. It’s what the Lord wants in his people~to care and show compassion. I thank you so very much for doing that. Peace and wonderful blessings to you dear Jane. 💛


  12. Long backstory…but a man I knew and loved, the father of a dear friend, found out he had lymphoma. He was given 3 years. He suddenly (really) changed his life. Started working in his store part time. Came to visit his son and me in America. Met my golden retriever. Went to Disneyland with us and didn’t ride anything. He just wanted to see it. We went to Tombstone — which he loved from movies (he was Italian and lived in Zurich). Went back to Zurich and got a golden retriever puppy. Spent hours walking in his local forest with his dog every day, met friends, went to the local hotel for champagne and conversation, quit being impatient and ambitious — “You didn’t know him before!” says my friend all the time, “he was a real asshole!” I believe that but the man I knew was definitely NOT.

    “I didn’t know how to live before this,” he told me. He lived longer than 3 years. The second time I got that lesson. The first was from my own dad. It certainly led me here instead of somewhere else. Every single moment fully lived is eternal. Much much love to you and Finn from me, Bear and Teddy 🐾 🐾 ❤️

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    1. Martha, do you know how much I really love your stories? Truly, you have to know!! It’s incredible how much life can shift when you’re “forced” to view it from an entirely different angle. I liken it to when Jesus simply told his disciples to cast on the right side of the boat to catch the fish (I’ve had some “duh” moments in my “fishing”). This is not quite the same correlation, but we can really miss opportunities if we don’t make small shifts (the other side) or jump into a whole new boat and love and live differently! And sadly, it takes these kinds of life moments to completely change the way we live life. I’m so happy he had such joyous years at the end! Finn and I love you, Bear, and Teddy so very very much. 💛❤️ 🐕 🐕 🐶

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  13. I’ll try to remember this story next time I step in gum, which I seem to do quite often and which is one of my biggest pet peeves! 🙂 Praying for you, thinking of you, sending you hugs from far off.

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  14. Karla, so many people are sticking with you. Your faithfulness and character continue to lead the way for others to follow. Just like the ancient gum stuck to the underside of the cafeteria tables, God will always stick with us. He is sticking close to you, and others are taking notice, too. God’s peace filled with prayers!

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  15. I love the positivity in this; it actually works; if things derail, you get back on track; there is so much to be grateful for; giving is receiving; and look, the glorious sun is shining after two grim days; gotta get out there; have a happy day, Karla 🙂

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    1. John, thank you for your wisdom and encouragement. I believe in the positivity as you do. I wake up each morning filled with gratitude. It’s going to near 100 and actually a forecast of exactly 100 (first time since 2014) so I’ll keep enjoying the sun very early (I’m usually up before it is anyway 😉). Take care, John. Thank you for sticking with me!

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  16. “If I stick to the stale, I’ll start to stink.” Don’t I know? Clearly you’ve been sticking to extra inspiration and faith in a good and generous God because look at how many people are stuck here praying for, inspired by, and believing with you! The best kind of stickiness. Sending big hugs and love!


  17. Americaoncoffee

    You’ve got the perfect heart for love to fall into. I love your magnetism! Your Hospitality story closely relates to the movie “it’s A Wonderful Life”. You are in our prayers. I can tell you so many wonderful healing and divine interventions in my life. All I can say is that God thru Christ is Love, Merciful and with him are many more wonders… just keep your heart open with that loving attitude!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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    1. Wow. Thank you for these amazingly kind words. I love hearing about the divine interventions and healing in others. Your breakthroughs give me hope! God is love and I will keep the fight of faith! I’m so glad you’re still here! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤗🤗💕

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  18. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to comment on your posts recently, but I was having some blogging glitches. Please know that you have been in my prayers since I read about your diagnosis, and that I am in awe of your faith and your attitude. It is amazing what a difference it makes to know that God is by your side, through all the trials and tribulations of life!

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    1. Ann, thank you so much and I understand. I’ve dealt with glitches, too. I do feel the prayers and support. I don’t know where I’d be without faith! God is good~even when things seem “bad”. Take care, Ann! 💛

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