Love and Legacy

I’m reposting this poem in honor of Poetry Month

An extremely tall smiling administrator was welcoming the students on a rainy (and snowy) spring morning one week ago. A young man hopped out of a car to hightail it to the front door. His mom was yelling for him to go straight to the nurse. Trying to walk at his pace I asked, “Happy Friday young man! Will you show me how we make an entrance into your awesome school?” He replied, “Hey, you’re that famous author!” GULP! Keep in mind Finley’s head was peeking out of a crossover pet carrier while I was balancing two other bags and a framed poster. Nothing about me oozed famous (or ever does for that matter, lol)! We were “buzzed” in as I heard the smiling tall greeter yell “You’re famous!” Another GULP! Talk about pressure! It was too late to go back to my car. This was my 4th school visit in two weeks. Surely I could do this! Nothing but smiles and courtesy were waiting. Kids and parents were coming and going. Like typical, the secretaries were buzzing around managing the school world. A huge smile, and admittedly some tears, broke out on my face. “Thank you, God,” I whispered.

Just as two weeks prior, and that very Monday, I was greeted by “old” friends and new ones. With care and compassion they asked what I might need before setting up. Within twenty minutes classes would arrive. My heart was full. A calm came over me. Inside that building the clouds had lifted. They filed in class by class with huge smiles. And Finley. Well, she was just darling and they loved her. As I read my book their excitement grew as every page complimented something they were learning in class. You should’ve seen their eyes light up when they saw something they had JUST learned! Of course, the history junkie in me had goosebumps when most of them yelled “Lewis and Clark!” before I could even share about these famous men. In a world of war, disease, extreme inflation, isolation,…where “social” media makes us less social, yet handy using technology as a hate weapon, I soaked in the joy of the innocence.

In that school and gym sat the “whoevers” (as Christine Caine so eloquently shared). “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 Tears flowed today, over 2000 years ago, at a brutal death of man who died for WHOEVER. In a tomb that wasn’t even needed for an entire weekend, he stood up and fulfilled a promise predicted hundreds of years before. He knew it was going to happen. This event doesn’t just shape my thoughts one time a year. It’s in my heart 365 days. In what ways, even IF YOU DON’T believe in a God that would send his ONLY SON to die for us, can we at least continue the hope and promises of a man that knew how to treat others? Not only were little children drawn to him, he walked with the messy, ate with the untouchables, and gave life to the hopeless. What a legacy! How can we best “dress” for Easter? May our traditions and habits represent everything good about a Savior who still lives (or at the LEAST represent the hope and kindness that can be continually carried). Happy Resurrection Day dear family and friends. I love you. And you are loved more than you’ll ever know!

Have faith 💛

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72 thoughts on “Love and Legacy

    1. Thank you, C! I love you too! Have a beautiful Resurrection weekend my friend. All of you! BTW,…I heard you might be in the Branson area (a little bird told me–perhaps I could meet you and Gail for coffee IF you have any girls’ time while you’re here!). 💛❤️💕

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      1. Yes, we’re going to Branson, but I’m arriving with three other people and we’re heading straight to the hotel three hours away. Might be time on the return but we’ll have to play that by ear! If not, we’ll be back for a wedding in May! I’ll have way more time then! I’d love to see you. 💕

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      1. Oh boy 🥲! I was on a reading roll a few mornings very early, too. I’m going there now. WP gremlins get out of the way! 3 times yesterday! I’ve got reading to do! ❤️🐶🤗

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    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed it! More things we share in common! I loved standing around Momma’s piano and singing this hymn with family. I’ll not forget it! Kids definitely say the “darndest” things. I love them 😍. Blessings right back to you and yours. 🤗💛

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    1. Thank you, Mark. “He knows the A to Z in us all…that’s beautiful! I think kids are so cute and how they see the world and all of us is just precious. They’re watching constantly and closely. 👀 blessings to you and yours! ❤️🙏🏻🎶

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    Lovely words from a beautiful woman who knows the price paid by our Savior. Hugs to you and those you love during this most holy time of the year❤️

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  2. How can we dress for Easter? We can be clothed with Christ himself. Nothing else seems to fit well anymore.

    Great post, Karla. It made me smile several times. The idea of the Fin in class with you and the “He is Here” at the end. And wondering if that kid ever made it to the nurse….

    Happy Resurrection Celebration to you, Ma’am.

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    1. Thank you so much! You spot on knew the “dress” for Easter I was writing about. I was hoping the eclectic mix might resonate in many ways with readers. I smiled putting it all together! It’s every angle of goodness (I’m not for sure how your weather is, but we need smiles here over the hail, storms, and continued rain…forecasted throughout next week, too!) We REALLY needed a celebration of salvation, and smiles, to lift spirits! Before leaving the school we took group pics! He couldn’t believe it when I asked him if all went well at the nurse! Lol! By the way, I visited the Golevel 5 site! Love it! John Maxwell was/is a huge influence in my leadership style. I’ve been fortunate to hear him in person. And the top 2 levels of leadership truly babe the difference. And Jesus definitely defined it. Blessings to you and yours this Easter!

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  3. This was such an uplifting post! I love the reception you got at the school – kids when given the opportunity live up to our expectations!! The enormity of Christ dying so that I can have eternal life humbles me… And makes me exceedingly grateful!!! Happy Easter to you and Finley!

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  4. Your poem is playful and yet powerful in its expression. A rare combination in poetry. I love hearing about your travels and adventures. Kids are amazing in every way. I feel special having a friend who is famous. That is, if Finley thinks of me as a friend….LOL! Hope you have a blessed and wonderful Easter weekend! Much love to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your feedback means so much to me, Brad (you are a “famous” poet to me so thank you for your kind words!)! And yes, Finley says thank you and is so happy you’re her friend. Truly, if one wants to be famous tote around a 5 lb 3 legged cute pup and it’s Insta! Ha! You have a blessed Easter weekend too. We lovveee you! 🐶🥰💛✝️

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  5. There is so much to love about this post, Karla. You are famous, the poem is amazing, the school presentations, In The Garden, and most importantly He Is Risen!!

    May you have a blessed Easter, sweet friend ✝️🙏🏻💜

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    1. Aw, Pam,…thank you! It’s a hodgepodge of thoughts and I’m so glad you enjoyed it. Kids are so amazing! And a risen Savior is the best of all! Have a blessed Easter with you and your precious family! ✝️💕🤗🙏🏻

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  6. Jean McDonald

    Dear friend, you’re definitely back in your element! How wonderful & by the way I’m proud to be friends with a famous author! You’ve overcome so much & it’s such a pleasure to see you & Fin on your amazing adventure! How much you’ve accomplished & where you are & the new adventures you’re on is truly inspirational. I know it can’t be easy when your body is saying for you to stop, take a day off let me be! You keep on going asking God for the grace to keep you going. Giving God the glory & credit makes all the difference in what people can & do achieve! You give me hope & inspiration & confirmation for my own journey. Love you my friend💙💖🙂💝🍵☕🙏

    On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 12:45 PM Flannel with Faith wrote:

    > K.L. Hale posted: ” I’m reposting this poem in honor of Poetry Month An > extremely tall smiling administrator was welcoming the students on a rainy > (and snowy) spring morning one week ago. A young man hopped out of a car to > hightail it to the front door. His mom was yell” >

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    1. Vicky, your words touch my heart ❤️ Thank you for saying all of this. I am forever blessed to have such wonderful support. And even more, my faith has just grown because God was with me and guided me~but he still expects the work and efforts to get there! YOU must know that YOU are an inspiration too. Watching you never slowing down and never giving up after all you overcame. I’ll never forget that. I do give God all the glory. Always will. Let’s continue on our journeys with our hope and faith! I love you too and please let me know if you get to this area again soon. 💜✝️❤️🙏🏻🙌🏻🤗💕💛


  7. Amen, Amen, AMEN! THIS!

    Karla, you and Finley are carrying a powerful message into every school you enter. That message – the one that comes through your words and through your spirit – tells kids that they are loved beyond their wildest expectations. They know that anyone who would take the time to come into their school to share their lives is someone who has gone above and beyond. I can’t think of a more important message for kids today to hear.

    Blessings to you and Finley. May God continue to give you the energy and the passion to pursue this holy mission.

    You ARE a famous author!

    On Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 11:45 AM Flannel with Faith wrote:

    > K.L. Hale posted: ” I’m reposting this poem in honor of Poetry Month An > extremely tall smiling administrator was welcoming the students on a rainy > (and snowy) spring morning one week ago. A young man hopped out of a car to > hightail it to the front door. His mom was yell” >

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    1. Russell, thank you so very much! Your comment jumpstarted my spirit this morning. I was talking to this amazing woman the other day who is a principal nearby. Something she and I share in mindset~whether you know it all or not life is about the heart and love. I remember I could work with ANY teacher who had heart. Our kids, more than anything, need to know how loved they are and if you can teach some things along the way it’s a win-win! If Finley could talk she’d say thank you, too. Gpd bless you for being a role model for us, Russell! And thank you for the prayers!!


  8. Pingback: Love and Legacy – MobsterTiger

  9. Pingback: Love and Legacy – Nelsapy

  10. Karla, you are perfectly clothed in Christ! Although I am not there to see so in person I just know you are knit in His cloth and He is seen perfectly through you. How blessed the children are to have you sit beside them and commune with them for a time. Isn’t it grand that God is using you to be a treasured childhood memory one day of the “famous author” who visited, spent time, laughed with, and loved over them. 💕 Hugs to you for saying YES!

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    1. Dawn, what a beautiful and kind response. With faith, I could step out and share. This “role” is fully God using me. If only I’m a little book. Through an experience of finding myself and knowing, a book or not,…everyone is worthy. These kids deserve a lot of love and the more they can feel as they’re learning is a total win-win! Seriously it is I who am blessed! I love you, Dawn. 💛💕🙏🏻🤗❤️🥰

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      1. That’s sounds like a great plan! Although my little grandchildren live far away for now, I hear their little voices and at least have technology to replay it. Those are the best laughs ever! 🥰

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  11. I was hoping I could find an email address so I could write you privately. I didn’t feel that comments on my blog were the right way to go about it.

    I am so terribly sorry that you are in such pain. My brother passed when he was only 60 to pancreatic cancer. My mother and both her parents passed from cancer too and I’ve had it twice, though managed to get through it more or less (somewhat less, but with the important parts intact) in original shape.

    There’s nothing I can say that you haven’t heard or thought or believed. At stage 4, there are rarely any miracles and my heart breaks for you. These past few years have been awful years. I haven’t lost anyone to COVID, but Garry and I have lost at least a dozen friends, mostly to cancer, but two to sudden strokes with no warning — just gone. Our generation is passing I guess and for all of us there will be a time.

    I was reading a book the other day — one of Terry Pratchett’s books that are alternately funny and honest where a very old woman is talking about living her long life. She said: “Living long ain’t always a great thing. We all get the same amount of youth, but when you live a long time, you get a great big extra dollop of old.” I’ve gone through a lot of illness and for reasons I don’t at all understand, I’m still here. I can’t figure why I’m still here when so many really wonderful people have passed. Maybe their passing was a reward and I’m just here for that extra dollop of “old.” I don’t suppose we’ll ever figure it out.

    I hope the chemo is not too brutal. I know it isn’t as bad as it used to be, or so I’ve been told. I do know that you are such a pleasure to share with and so much fun to talk to.

    My real email is if you would like to be really in touch and you are welcome to a phone number too, though I’d rather pass that too you on a less public venue than WordPress. Please be in touch. I’m so sad for you. We all know this day will come, but yours seems to have popped in more or less out of the blue. I had no idea you weren’t well. Did you know? Did you suspect?

    I am here. Pretty much all the time these days.

    I’m going to copy and post this on my blog too because this isn’t a recent post and I don’t know when you’ll actually see this

    Hugs and much love,


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