A Night to Shine, Part 1

It’s Thursday, my favorite day! IT’S MY PLEASURE to spend time with such giving and loving people. So many lives are impacted by the love and care of just a few. These young adults with developmental and physical disabilities will come through the door expecting to FEEL love and care. They’ll get every bit of it and more. Today the excitement will be felt. In about 36 hours they’re going to have a “Night to Shine!”

The red carpet will be rolled out. Lanterns and lights will decorate a dance area. Crowns and tiaras will be worn. Delicious food will be served. Camera lights will flash. And the smiles will light up the room even more. This is their night to shine!

Friends, I’m not sure if you’ve heard of “Night to Shine”, but I personally want to thank CHANCES of Stone County and the Stone County Disability Board for their offerings in our area. Thank you to the Tim Tebow Foundation for making a difference in SO MANY LIVES. Thank you Tim Tebow for being such a role model for us all! Part 2 will come this weekend–excitedly, I will post pics and reactions to this wonderful occasion. https://www.timtebowfoundation.org/?gclid=Cj0KCQiAjJOQBhCkARIsAEKMtO1NQTLo6ASCidl7U8BSDlg-H_ItppOcQ_aasgBdtoBJG9EhuwhD4jQaAqdtEALw_wcB

Thankful Thursday–my journal notes, 2/10/22

No matter what, I’m thankful. There’s an expression we all hear, “Someone has it worse than you.” We might all agree that it’s best to not SAY this to someone while he or she is struggling with each step-each person has their own pain threshold. While it’s good to be an ear, to be a comfort, to be understanding…to just LISTEN, I do tell myself how fortunate I am. We all have pain. We all have suffering. Recently a friend shared that her two youngest children have a LIFE-LIMITING disease. For the next 5-10 years they will progressively lose neurological and muscular functioning; dementia by possibly teens and early 20’s. THIS IS A RARE disease. Her teenage daughter will witness the decline. BUT FOR GOD! Selfishly, I want to break boundaries with my own family by desperately reaching out to the young ones in my family. Stop, Karla. Don’t live in fear. Where’s your faith? So I sit. I pray. And yes, I do tell myself, “everyone is battling something.” While some are setting up tripods to create a reel, some are sitting in their wheelchairs. While some are shopping for the latest trend, others are praying for food on their table. While some are protecting their boundaries, others are wishing someone would call just to say, “I love you.” I wish we could put down our cell phones and knock on a neighbor’s door. I wish we could quit living in fear and start living. I wish we would stop judging. Some may laugh that I watch “The Walton’s” or “Little House on the Prairie” and dream of the days where folks depended on one another. Yes, times were hard. Yes, they suffered. But for certainty, they didn’t walk around with their noses buried in small devices. My life is a balancing act. I’ve been accused of being a “fixer” and at times, admittedly, I’ve called myself that. I’m not that. And no longer will I even say that. I don’t want to “fix” people. I want to love people–WHERE THEY ARE. Because of the love that God has for me, I show that to others. I’m thankful I don’t live just at the summit. I’m thankful I don’t have to live only in the valleys. AND TODAY, I’m thankful for every little thing I have and what I’m about to witness!

Have faith…you are loved. 🤍 if you need prayer, a friend, a laugh, or just to talk, you can reach me @finleyriverpublishing@gmail.com

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30 thoughts on “A Night to Shine, Part 1

  1. atimetoshare.me

    You indeed are a fixer. You’re mending hearts as well as souls. You are one of those good and faithful servants who puts others before herself. Thank you for all you do for those in your care. You are indeed an inspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Fear may always be a part of our lives but we can use it to our advantage. It will only control us if we allow it. It may be easy to say and difficult to do but use your fear to do the right thing. You know what’s out there, find a way to protect yourself against it, to protect others. Words are easy, actions are difficult. But we are a tough folk and we can get it done.

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    1. Thank you, Scott. Your words are so very very kind. If anything, I’ve learned to set my own bar high~way more with my heart. We’re all just human~I’m not a good example in everything, but am happy to know that my faith is the most uplifting! I so appreciate your kindness and support. It’s humbling. Keep up the inspiring work yourself! 🙏🏻❤️🤗

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh this was a good one — hits me where I live. How hard it is for me to understand the difference in myself of trying to “fix” versus trying to “just” love. I have been on a strange little study journey comparing some of the teaching of the Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh with the teachings of Jesus — which Hanh actually does himself. It has helped me shed so much new light on the Truth of The Way and get under my preconceived notions about what Christ taught and lived based on centuries of my religion of choice fitting the “motive” to meet the “crime” –hahaha — ah, anyway, your words are more “fuel to my fire” I hope — to be unattached to what I think someone needs or should do and to love freely and joyfully — especially with those closest to me like my adulting kids — what a journey. Keep the faith and keep all the joy in your journey that I always feel for you — and when it gets hard or you get down, rest in the Spirit who “lives and moves and has our being” even when we can’t hold it together right then. Love you — Jane

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    1. Jane, it’s always good to “see” you and read your thoughts. Thank you so much. ❤️I understand your journey. 💕I love your statement, “to be unattached to…
      I’ve had some enlightening thoughts,instead of me feeling over the years as if I wanted to “change” someone or a situation, it was me fighting not to change myself. Because of self-esteem issues (past stuff) I’d struggle with this thought, “I need to be more like them, …the whole time knowing that deep inside me, I wasn’t. And sometimes it excavated places deep inside me that I know are, and we’re, morally unaligned with my beliefs. Bottom line, I’ll love everyone~it’s not the easiest. Just as I’m not the easiest to love. But I’d rather STAY aligned to Christ and keep my arms wide open than to cross my arms, join the majority, and morph into something I’m not. Just as I don’t want to change somebody or a situation, I need to stay unchanged in my faith. Very few know our journey. They think they know based on a perception of where that person was at a particular juncture. That perception remains in human eyes. Your journey….is seen through a heavenly lens that will see you where you are today~and love you where you are today, where you were yesterday, and where you’ll be tomorrow ~it’s an unchanging love. I just long to be helpful. What’s amazing is when you just love, there’s a freedom appearing that you never knew existed. And when you forgive, you’re completely free. That’s when there’s complete rest in the Spirit. Let’s keep the faith together on this seeking journey! It may not be easy, but I have complete faith it’s worth it. I love you too, Jane! ❣️🙏🏻


  4. Karla; What a fantastic ministry and outreach! I love hearing about programs where people like you go to great lengths to make people feel special who may not EVER have felt that way. God bless you and God bless Tim Tebow for the roles you are each playing in this outreach. Is it a nationwide program, or is this a totally local thing?

    I can totally relate to your “fixing” instincts, too. Fixing is the first thing I want to do when I run into someone struggling. I have learned that this is not always an instinct I should follow. Jesus seemed to keep a great balance between fixing people and empowering them to do the fixing themselves. Not a bad model to aspire to, I’d say!

    Keep the faith (and the flannel) and keep serving God’s people!

    ‘- Russell

    On Thu, Feb 10, 2022 at 9:01 AM Flannel with Faith wrote:

    > K.L. Hale posted: ” It’s Thursday, my favorite day! IT’S MY PLEASURE to > spend time with such giving and loving people. So many lives are impacted > by the love and care of just a few. These young adults with developmental > and physical disabilities will come through the door e” >

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Russell. It’s such a pleasure to be a part of such a program. Those that run the program are full of heart and energy. They inspire me and welcomed me to join in such a beautiful ministry. This is a national event sponsored by Tim’s foundation! If you have time, you should Google College of the Ozark’s. There really isn’t a college like it anywhere in the U.S….they sent college students to help be buddies. Students work on campus for their tuition (my oldest son attended there a few years) and I loved watching them with their buddies at the event. It was so much fun and filled with joy! I can’t wait to share part 2. Thank you for sharing about the balance Jesus had~I think “empower” is exactly the word and aspirational trait I admire the most (thank you, Jesus). Stay blessed and safe ~and to Joan too! I’ll keep the faith and flannel for sure!


  5. This is always my goal in my relationships with others because I love how God does this with me, meets me where I am, loving me not matter what during this long and sometimes treacherous journey. Such wise counsel here Karla, this is an area that needs repeated reminders! Thank you my friend, love to you, C

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