What About Bob?

It was around 1995. We had a lot of Bobs in our life. My youngest son, around 3 at the time, and I were at the grocery store. Every man we met, from the cereal isle to the check-out line, received a hearty “Hi Bob!” delivered in the cutest toddler voice. All I could do was giggle and explain that he knew A LOT of Bobs. It made perfect sense to me.

Have you heard of Bob Goff? Bob is the author of Love Does, Everybody, Always, Live in Grace, and Walk in Love. Straight from the book jacket of his latest, Dream Big, “He is the Honorary Consul to the Republic of Uganda, an attorney, and the founder of Love Does (a nonprofit human rights organization in Uganda, India, Nepal, Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo). He’s a lover of balloons, cake pops, and helping people pursue their big dreams.

He’d rather you not call it a self-help book, but a self-discovery. He feels if ambition had two handles it would be love and hope. It’s not about just easy day-dreaming. Bob wants the reader to “become fully awake to yourself and your God-given purposes” (XIII).

Bob didn’t grow up in church…”one thing I’ve found to be true is that people don’t grow where they are merely informed; they grow where they are fully accepted” (45). What are your beliefs? And why? Do you understand them? He encourages us to “stop hiding behind our appearances and titles and successes. Keep this in mind: if you take away whatever your known for, whatever is left is who you are. Let’s be the kind of people who are more interested in who someone is instead of what they do” (Goff 69).

“Make no mistake-it’s easy to confuse a lot of activity with a bunch of progress. Rest is wise; preparation is wisdom. Don’t think that taking care of yourself means you’re slacking” (Goff 56).

Comparison is a punk (chapter 13). “These days it feels like all we see are people who are doing life better than us. You’ll never find your purpose by comparing your life to someone else’s.” (Goff 83).

“If you want a way to jump-start your ideas, do the things that Jesus said really mattered to Him. Start with hungry, move on to thirsty, sick people, strange people,….add widows and orphans if you have the opportunity” (Goff 94). And then add every ambition you can think of-here are a few things on Bob’s list: visit all seven continents, learn to fly, raise a duck, put down cell phone for a month, remove his own tonsils, learn to play the cello, lose twenty-five pounds, and the list goes on (and some quite hilarious).

We can’t fix anything we think is broken if we don’t understand it. What’s holding you hostage? “Many of us are clinging with affection to the very things that are holding us hostage. It could be anything. A routine, a relationship, a job, a deeply held belief caused by a childhood wound” (Goff 132).

“Fear boxes us in and will always try to talk us into settling for lesser things. If we let fear push us around, it won’t be long before we’re all fences and no horses…are you willing to slay the dragon to move toward your ambition? Figure out your fears, kick them in the teeth, and get back to work. You’re not a hostage anymore” (Goff, 136).

Bob talks about the importance of being a quitter of some things (he is) and not overextending yourself. When you clear the path and offload routines that are getting you nowhere, “you will probably sense some unease and unfamiliarity. Don’t back off. It’s a good thing. Lean into it” (Goff, 148).

You’re going to meet some resistance when you make moves: procrastination, lethargy, self-sabotage, and nay-sayers and haters. “Sometimes people get really antsy when they see others hurtling toward their dreams. Parents, friends, coworkers, and even spouses…anyone who feels threatened by your new adventure may do things that feel like they’re shutting you down. That’s not their intent, and they probably don’t even know they’re doing it. They’re processing what they are trying to understand out loud, using your ambition as an inflection point” (Goff, 161-162).

“Do something. Descend the cliff. Paddle through the waves. Don’t sit on the sidelines; get in the game. There’s no way your ambition can take flight without you taking action. Don’t think about the mistakes; think about the beauty you’ll see” (Goff 166).

“Hear me clearly: my worldview is that God orders all our steps, but we have agency over the moves we decide to make too. Sure, I get the concept about open and closed doors. I’m just not sure I accept the premise that God is playing red light, green light with us in every situation…What I’m saying is that it’s easy to conjure up divine intervention for poor performance. Don’t fall for it. Get busy getting better” (Goff, 180-181).

Reading his book made me feel normal for having held lifetime ambitions (and continue to add them!). And even more normal for setbacks. He doesn’t offer a prescription. But offers life experiences and analogies that might help you dream big. Even if you don’t have a list and enjoy right where you are and what you are doing (and wish for nothing more), I’d still recommend this book to best understand the big dreamers around you.

Friends, whether you’re reading or writing, driving, working, or on vacation, I hope you’re safe and sound. If you’re in the sun, soak it up in safety. If you’ve experienced loss, I’m so sorry. If the lack of sun is driving you crazy, I understand. If you don’t have food or shelter call me and I’ll help you find assistance (if you’re near me you can come here). Many of us have been hit with fierce winter storms. This winter storm and life, in general, is throwing some punches. If you need help please reach out. I have a huge favor. If anyone has extra flannel shirts that you might no longer wear, I’ll take them. I live in an area near almost 20% live at the poverty level-donations are appreciated. We’re at 4 degrees today with wind chills in the negative teens. My e-mail is karlaharris70@gmail.com if you are interested (I will provide address). I’m happy to pay the shipping if needed.

With love,

K.L. Hale

Have faith 💚

62 thoughts on “What About Bob?

  1. Vicki

    As always food for thought! As I’ve matured or aged I’ve found that God gets blamed a lot for our own indecisions or really being afraid to take that step into the unknown. I don’t believe in bucket lists to finite but i have a list well actually a journal of things that make me smile or giggle (yes at 67 i giggle!) Will be getting those books! Thanks dear friend for being Karla! 💝☺😊💓💕💖💞💗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my friend for your thoughtful response and kind words, always! I appreciate your words of wisdom. And never stop giggling (no matter the age)! Thank you for being you, Vicki. 🧡💙💛💜♥️


      1. Vicki

        Thanks for putting Mark’s site in your reply. Just read it and am adding it to my must read! Thought provoking like yours as well as uplifting! God touches all of us through the both of you! 💝💖🌈

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You’re welcome, Vicki! Thank you for checking out his site. I have found the most amazing community on WP~your kind of people 😘🧡 thank you for your sweet comments. He does the same through you too my friend. 💚❤️💜🧡 you’re an overcomer and testimony itself


  2. It is an amazing thing when we finally see ourselves…trying a new path, stepping beyond a perceived boundary…and most of all, finally loving ourselves beyond those fears that always haunt us. Yes, they too have purpose…so we will in fact gain the courage to find that love we always look for, finally understanding it isn’t ‘out there’ but waiting gently inside for us to dare to look. Great post Karla 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Mark. I appreciate your words of wisdom. Your site, Healing your Heart From Within, can be a springboard to Bob’s book where you put what you’ve learned about yourself into action. It’s in us. And some allow fear to hold them back. But we no longer have to have the echoes of the past determine the steps. Thank you for your words and support. 🙏🏻❣️

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Bob is a very wise man. I really enjoyed this article as it contained so much wisdom.
    I pray for your safety and that of the people in your area. I wish I could help you with shirts but living in South Florida there isn’t much need for flannel or jackets. Stay safe. Scott

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Scott, thank you so much for your support and thoughts. I’m glad I could communicate his vision of this book~it’s so full of wisdom. Like you, Chief! Maybe you should start a trend of flannel shorts in South Florida? 🙃 thank you for the prayers for safety. And blessings to you and yours.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Beautiful words K. Stay warm. Praying for this snow storm to pass by you safely. Right now we are 3 inches and we still have heat. Many around us do not. Keeping tabs on all of my children. Talk to you soon. Lisa

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your kind words and support my friend! You stay warm! It should reach about 7 degrees here with the possibility of 4-5 more inches tonight. BUT on a positive note we could see 50 degrees by next Monday! I have a frozen pipe in kitchen and a frozen tub drain. That’s the focus of trying to resolve this morning when J arrives. But I count my blessings to have some heat and shelter! Talk to you soon. ❤️💛💚

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll be thinking and praying warm thoughts. Yes, here in SW MO we are on week 2 of ice and snow. I lost heat a couple of days and still have two frozen pipes. BUT the sun is shining today! We’re supposed to get 5 more inches tonight. Out like a lion indeed! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely post. ❤

    I have a cousin named Linda. Soon after she moved into her town in Oregon, she met her neighbors, Lind and Bob. Then she met other neighbors who were also Linda and Bob. So, when she got her dog she named him…


    Liked by 1 person

      1. I have been ill and back in PT so I had to slow down blogging for a while. The last post I believe was two weeks ago but plan to write a new by the weekend and get back to my weekly schedule.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Mark, that’s such a kind thing to say. There’s so much that we can worry about. I’m so over worry. Its such a waste. I appreciate your support. Stay safe and warm in your neck of the woods.


  6. thesojourningwolf

    “Hear me clearly: my worldview is that God orders all our steps, but we have agency over the moves we decide to make too.”

    We seem to live in 2 worlds. One side believes that God handles everything (Grace)
    And the other we handle everything ourselves.

    Reminds me Romans 6:16. We have the word of God. It’s totally up to us what we do with it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for reading and your thoughtful comments. Very interesting. I’m so thankful for God’s grace when I fail him. And so thankful for the ability to take action knowing he’s there with me. I love the verse you mentioned. I understand what you mean!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Ha! Love your story about your son calling every man “Bob”! So cute! I believe I need to read some Bob Goff books. I am adding Everybody, Always to my TBR list. Thank you for the suggestion. I have been thinking a lot about acceptance lately.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Laurie! Yes, you’d enjoy Bob’s books very much. Acceptance is a wonderful thing (and acceptance does not always equal agreement. It’s just accepting and it it allows all ego to disappear). Stay safe and keep on being my running inspiration!


  8. This book sounds very much like what God’s been telling me recently. There will be obstacles between us and the achievement of any dream we have. We have to *choose* the path. God will provide what we need but WE must work hard to get there. He has given us gifts and it is up to us to use them.

    Thank you for sharing this. ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hamish, I thought it to be a book you’d appreciate at this juncture in your life. You understand why we should use our gifts we have. Some choose to not use their gifts~maybe due to shame, embarrassment, lack of support, and so many other reasons-sometimes we have to stand alone to stand apart in what’s meant for us. ❤️ thank you for your support. Keep going my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Nice review K.L.! Bob Goff is an interesting author. Your have many heartfelt insights but I feel that God Is in charge, and his charge, charges us by our individual and collected faithful trust. Happy Saturday!🍮🍂🍮🍮🍂🎼🔔🎶🕊💓

    Liked by 1 person

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